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The Pinball Chinwag Podcast UK

It's a fix... A Coverup i tell ya. I strongly believe that the guilty party should step forward and own up now... Before this gets out of hand... ;)
Agreed it should be dealt with before anyone else gets wind of it :thumbs:
Great investigation video - loved it!

While we're talking about dishing the dirt on the podcast, and it falling below the usual high standards, quick note to @Gonzo - on the podcast 37, and the subsequent investigation video, there's also evidence of dirt on your lens - a spot just right of centre, about 1/4 of the way up from the "bottom". Maybe need to clean up the lens, as well as the content! :oops:
Great investigation video - loved it!

While we're talking about dishing the dirt on the podcast, and it falling below the usual high standards, quick note to @Gonzo - on the podcast 37, and the subsequent investigation video, there's also evidence of dirt on your lens - a spot just right of centre, about 1/4 of the way up from the "bottom". Maybe need to clean up the lens, as well as the content! :oops:

Once again I can only apologise. This clearly occurred when Spencer was operating the camera.
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Hey perfect m8. just ordered a new tap and a monoblock tap spanner set. If I have trouble fixing it can you pop up to Leeds please?

I would mate but that's at least a grand in fuel these days
Yet another excellent Pinball Chinwag.

As a newbie I am really.. looking forward to visiting Pinfest this year. Actually I think I am looking forward to it more than our family holiday to Spain in a couple of months 😃
What a surprise to see my daughter appear -albeit very briefly- on the podcast! 😁
I spotted @David_Vi as well!

Great podcast as always. Fascinating to hear more about Pinfest and how it started. I'm super excited for this year! Last year was my first pinball event and it was such fun. Things have definitely escalated since then... Hoping to bring a couple of my own pins along!
Great chinwag as usual @Gonzo and @Big Phil . So looking forward to it again this year, it's an awesome event. Gonna get stuck into all the comps again for a bit of a laugh.
Really hope Phil manages to organise a talk. The ones with the Dutch pinball guys few years ago was ace.
Even saw myself in my ridiculous colourful shirt 🤣

Gonna make sure I get to NERG again this year too, loved it when I went a couple of years ago 👍
So this 'retheme' video series ... Is it really going to be a retheme, or is it probably better named a refurb series?

I think people generally use 'retheme' if it's going to be rethemed from a Dracula into .. Goonies or some other theme, which probably involves new art, code, sound etc.

If it's genuinely a retheme then that's great of course :) I'm sure it will be very interesting either way
So this 'retheme' video series ... Is it really going to be a retheme, or is it probably better named a refurb series?

I think people generally use 'retheme' if it's going to be rethemed from a Dracula into .. Goonies or some other theme, which probably involves new art, code, sound etc.

If it's genuinely a retheme then that's great of course :) I'm sure it will be very interesting either way

Put it this way, I have new custom plastics, decals and a custom playfield. It's still a BSD, but definitely not just a refurb. 😉 It damn hard not to just show it all.

Hopefully people like the end result.
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