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Stern Avengers 2020

Its funny as f@ck people moaning about too many new pinballs 😂

Jog on back to the dark ages!

Head over to pinside for a laugh and a head scratcher! TMNT too shallow not enough depth or breadth to the code, too linear!

AIQ too deep, too complex to understand too many ways too play it not linear or simple enough!

and some folks still thinking that Avengers was TMNT and vice versa. These are the same cooks that believe the earth is flat.
For those who have ordered or planning to, which model are you going for - Pro , Prem or LE?
To my untrained eye and bearing in mind I've played neither, Avengers looks a far better/more interesting option than Turtles. Pains me slightly as Turtles definitely has the theme going in its favour for my personal taste. As for the gaudy, over the top ridiculous looking yellow LE. I love it!
I’d def take an Avengers over Turtles but would def take GnR over both sight unseen😃
Have been putting the feelers out and the Mrs is giving me daggers....
To my untrained eye and bearing in mind I've played neither, Avengers looks a far better/more interesting option than Turtles. Pains me slightly as Turtles definitely has the theme going in its favour for my personal taste. As for the gaudy, over the top ridiculous looking yellow LE. I love it!

No disrespect as I love me some Borg but TMNT is a best of Borg, great game but he’s done it all before and how many times can you put a spinning disc in a game!?

Keith’s games are totally new and fresh and Avengers crazy ramps look a tonne of fun!
No disrespect as I love me some Borg but TMNT is a best of Borg, great game but he’s done it all before and how many times can you put a spinning disc in a game!?

Keith’s games are totally new and fresh and Avengers crazy ramps look a tonne of fun!

Yeah the second I took a decent look at Turtles it reminded me of Tron. Not a bad thing per se but not original looking layout wise. And man, the double left inlane thing needs to go.

And totally agreed about Elwin, the guy has raised the bar. Ritchie, Gomez, Borg etc all got their work cut out.
When you watch the whole stream, the rules actually look pretty straight forward to grasp, but the mastery at work is the nuance and depth to those rules (if you can be bothered), that in the home environment will be an absolute joy to get into.

Very cool, very different design. When Raymond was describing everything that was going on, I understand that it could have come across a bit overwhelming, but actually I think after 15-20 games on it, the strategy would feel pretty straightforward.

The one thing i feel like I can just never get a grasp on through a stream is a sense of atmosphere with a game. You know that blood rush feeling when your playing BK2K, because of the sound and call outs and overall feel. Certainly not a complaint, just makes me want to play it even more.

I feel like we are most definitely experiencing something special in pinball at the moment with the frequency and quality of games being produced. I remember when the new games coming out were Sriker Extreme, Monopoly, High Roller Casino etc, dark days. Enjoy it folks
You could argue it the other way with Borg. He's had 50 odd attempts at designing something as slick as Maiden and has failed.

As for Pinside Marv, think pretty much everything on there is best disregarded!
Head over to pinside for a laugh and a head scratcher! TMNT too shallow not enough depth or breadth to the code, too linear!

AIQ too deep, too complex to understand too many ways too play it not linear or simple enough!

You could argue it the other way with Borg. He's had 50 odd attempts at designing something as slick as Maiden and has failed.

As for Pinside Marv, think pretty much everything on there is best disregarded!

Agreed... Elwin three games three wins...
You could argue it the other way with Borg. He's had 50 odd attempts at designing something as slick as Maiden and has failed.

As for Pinside Marv, think pretty much everything on there is best disregarded!

The Walking Dead
Jack streamed the pro on the marvel twitch channel - I thought the run through of the rules was a bit clearer and could hear the music better. Personally found the music pretty cool - quite intense and cinematic. Will need to play in person and see what alternatives people create down the line, but I love how this looks to play. Can’t wait! So excited to be in on one!
few pro's shipped, few folks saying the game feels empty playfield wise...
It's that missing vert ramp. Big omission

Yeah, it does look empty, like that Star Wars home pin thingy. If you were in the market for a new Stern Pro then Avengers would be behind quite a few I think . . . .Premium and it's front of the queue.
That fat ramp is a bit of a joke.
Wine bottle.
Entrance holes still the same size.
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