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Complete Flash Gordon Shop Log

That looks pretty damn fine to me too.

Just to make you aware - that backbox surround, which has been repainted black at some point, was originally red too.
that backbox surround, which has been repainted black at some point, was originally red too.

Hmmmm interesting, what to do. I quite like the look of the black and red as it matches the cab. I'll have a think about that while I paint all the little black and gold bits :)
Great job there Chris.
I think a black suround will suit better. Put your own mark on it, be different.
Cheers all :) I started hand painting in the black this evening....it's going to take f*cking ages based on the little bit I did tonight but should look cool when done. I'm using normal acrylic paints so when I make a mistake (which I do quite regularly) it's easy to wipe off and fix. In the meantime, I got a delivery today which was quite exciting...my FG was completely missing the flash strobe pcb but I got lucky and managed to pick one up from PinballCentre.eu. Here it is in all it's glory (managed to pick up some new flipper buttons from them as well).....

I've finally finished painting the backbox :D All of the black and gold bits in the Ming and Flash design have been painted by hand with Acrylic paints while the main red and the black surround have been done with rattle cans. The only thing left to do is spray the entire thing with a clear car lacquer and it's ready to be put back together. Some pics...




I've also started work on the main cab body, just at the masking up stage with this though....

Wow. Amazing work. And I think you were right to go black on that surround. Looks fantastic
Not posted much on this recently but I have been working away on it. I'm currently going through the laborious process of sanding the clearcoat out of the star rollovers on the new pf as well as progressing the painting of the main cab. Here's a few pics of the cab.....I've painted all of the red and done the black and gold on the front to get an idea of how it will look, the gold looks more yellow in the pics than in real life.



Great thread - looks really fantastic. I played Flash Gordon in France on holiday when I was about 12 or 13, it was in a shack at the side of the beach. First game I'd played with a split level playing field - I seem to remember that getting it up one of the ramps was success enough for me, as it was a really hard game!

It broke down while we were there and watched the guy trying to fix it - me and my brother both watched in awe as the playfield was lifted up. We pulled the same face you see at shows when people see the underside for the first time :)
Sit rep on the FG seeing as we're only 2 weeks away from the Slam :)
  • Backbox is done
  • Cab is painted and just needs spraying with clear this weekend
  • All parts tumbled or purchased and ready to go back on
  • Legs to be painted this weekend. I'm going black legs with gold bolts to match the bottom half of the cab paint :D
  • All under pf mechs rebuilt and ready to go back on - new set of drop targets installed.
  • Only just started the pf swap - rollover inserts sanded out, pf t-nutted and just started removing loom, lights and switches from the old one
Plan is to have the cab cleared and back together by the end of this weekend and pf swap progressed a bit more. That basically leaves me with completing the pf swap, putting all the mechs back on, then re-populating the top side. After that they'll be loads of little things to fix and adjust. The two main things I can think of are a couple of connectors needed re-doing in the backbox and I still need to investigate why some of the lights weren't working before....possibly some board work needed on the lamp driver board.

I'll take some new pics tomorrow to show where I get too (Midlands league meet on Sunday so there won't be any progress then) and also try and get a new video put together. How easy the pf swap goes is going to make or break whether its coming to the Slam but I get the feeling I'll need to book a day or two off work in the next couple of weeks (High Speed is on standby if Flash doesn't make it).
And the cab is done :D As well as the paint job it's had repainted legs, Stern metal leg protectors, black plastic leg protectors, gold leg bolts, new feet, new flipper buttons and a new coin door sticker. Here's a few pics and I'm hopefully going to have a new video later as well.



Cracking job there Chris. That cab it way better than new.
Are we still in target for a Slam appearance ?
Are we still in target for a Slam appearance ?

Thanks mate, I hope so. It's going to come down to how long it takes me to swap the bottom of the playfield over but if I can break the back of that early next week then we should be looking good :)
Just a few random pics from the last couple of days. The switch and lamp loom has been transferred to the new playfield which is a major breakthrough. I'll be starting to repopulate with the drop target mechs, pop bumpers etc tomorrow. I've also triple thicked the backglass and done a few other small painting jobs....




That is such a seriously sweet backglass! ABSOLUTE CLASSIC! One of my favourite sci-fi films, happy childhood days :)

I don't suppose this game plays any of the music by Queen? That would be very cool. I can hear it now... DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA FLASH! AHHHH!!!

Looking at the IPDB for FG it has so many similarities to my recently acquired Vector, being just a year older. Interesting!

Great work, would love to get my grubby little mitts on this for a few games ;)
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