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EBay auctions 2016

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He didn't pay the new price, he paid the price everyone paid when it was a pre order plus dollar wars 1.6$/£1 not 1.4$/£1

So he's making the profit that banks normally make from us all. No crime!
if some movement on the 7.5k and someone wants an MMR this could be a win win all around
Wonder what the back story is on this one. Someone who bought and then can no longer afford to keep it or someone who bought to flip it?
Don't know but what I ****e be dropping £7500 on a MM whose boards might blow up in 5 years when I could have an original for much less
Wonder what the back story is on this one. Someone who bought and then can no longer afford to keep it or someone who bought to flip it?
i bought it to sell gambling on the exchange rate the funny thing will be if the dollar keeps dropping it will be going back to the usa but I'm kinda hopeing it gos to holland or germany
I wish i had 7.5k to gamble on the movement of currency. Different league.

sorry but how is this music memorabilia? eltons Captain fantastic , daltreys wizard , brian mays flash Gordon maybe but the Ox's tatty asteroids ? NO . it has some value as a classic US tabletop but the nature of its previous owner surely adds little value.

I can't imagine anyone is dumb enough to overpay by £2500 just because someone famous owned an average condition Asteroids table. And instead of certified providence, you get a photo of the auction catalogue that it was sold in. Unless the serial number was verified, it's meaningless and could be any tabletop
ten stars owner will take £275. must be cheapest working game in a long time and being a zac will be cosmetically nice
I am probably going to regret this as someone will probably snipe it from me but what on earth did it used to be. The playfield layout doesn't seem to match anything Bally did between 1976 band 1983. He cant open the back box so can't tell me if there are any actual boards in it or not. I am quite surprised how good it is. I do know it was done in 1999/2000 due to the presentation plate on the lock down bar and I know it was done for the Scottish National Trust. Was it done just for a display piece? Was it playable? Does anyone know anything about it?

I have already come to a deal with the seller assuming there are actually PCB's in the backbox...

No idea Courtney. Rest assured now you've posted here, nobody will snipe it. We're nice like that :thumbs:

Anyway I'm off to snag that Unknown re themed pin on eBay. What was your max bid ;)
I have no idea, but I think it looks great good on ya, I'd ave had a punt on that, it looks great!
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