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Expired Romans/PDI Glass (Standard, Wide Body & Safecracker Sizes)

Expired Due to no activity
Hi all any Chance I could be put down for 3 standard standard sheets
My Tron and family guy would Benefit this I think

No problem I've added 3 standards on for you.

I did try to get an order over to Roman last week but he's been pretty slow replying recently. I think he must be really busy with work atm and I have too so haven't been casing him. With this in mind if anybody else is interested in glass then let me know and I'll add it on to the list. I know of at least 2 machines that will be at the NLP this weekend that will have it fitted, my MM and @RGV 's TOM so a great opportunity to see it in person if you haven't already.

I'll look to chase Roman up on the final order the beginning of next week so let me know if you want some, the ordering window won't be open forever! All being well it should land in the UK mid November.
No problem I've added 3 standards on for you.

I did try to get an order over to Roman last week but he's been pretty slow replying recently. I think he must be really busy with work atm and I have too so haven't been casing him. With this in mind if anybody else is interested in glass then let me know and I'll add it on to the list. I know of at least 2 machines that will be at the NLP this weekend that will have it fitted, my MM and @RGV 's TOM so a great opportunity to see it in person if you haven't already.

I'll look to chase Roman up on the final order the beginning of next week so let me know if you want some, the ordering window won't be open forever! All being well it should land in
No problem I've added 3 standards on for you.

I did try to get an order over to Roman last week but he's been pretty slow replying recently. I think he must be really busy with work atm and I have too so haven't been casing him. With this in mind if anybody else is interested in glass then let me know and I'll add it on to the list. I know of at least 2 machines that will be at the NLP this weekend that will have it fitted, my MM and @RGV 's TOM so a great opportunity to see it in person if you haven't already.

I'll look to chase Roman up on the final order the beginning of next week so let me know if you want some, the ordering window won't be open forever! All being well it should land in the UK mid November.

the UK mid November.
Please can you put me down for 2 standard sheets
Hi Aaron

Any news on the order?
Roman has an order in with the manufacturer right now. We're expecting it to be ready early December. I'll update the thread when I know more.

If anyone else wants any then let me know as there should be extra available. Would make a lovely Xmas present. ;)
I'd like two standard sheets if you are still taking orders.
I'm in the north so would need to collect at a show or meet but no rush.

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Hi Aaron,
After getting one off you last time and putting it in Met, I now can't live without another to go in WPT.
Can you put me down for 1 please.
I'd like two standard sheets if you are still taking orders.
I'm in the north so would need to collect at a show or meet but no rush.

Sent from my Hudl 2 using Tapatalk

Hi Aaron,
After getting one off you last time and putting it in Met, I now can't live without another to go in WPT.
Can you put me down for 1 please.
I've added the sheets you'd both like on to the list. I'm waiting to hear back from Roman and hoping to be able to update more soon.
I have so far resisted the PDI glass, having a fair size collection I knew if I had one sheet I would want it on all of them. Plus from comparison photos I've see I've never been blown away. Well yesterday a loaner TZ arrived with it on. The machine is in my conservatory and by the time I set it up it was dark. I thought it looked ok, slightly less DMD reflection than my JM alongside it. Well today in daylight I can't believe the difference, the reflection of the roof blinds is clearly visible on my JM glass, the TZ shows no reflection at all. Now I know I'm preaching to the choir as most people in this thread already have some but I've never seen in photos quite the difference I've managed to capture in my shots. I still don't think its always needed, depends where your machines are but in a conservatory it makes a massive difference if playing in daylight. Is it too late to add to the order Aaron?

As you say, if playing in the dark it just looks like really, really, REALLY clean glass, but with some ambient lighting or even in a bright room like a conservatory; there's simply no comparison. Occasionally i have to put a greasy fingerprint on the glass above the shooter lane to remind myself there's some glass fitted! And you really notice the dust, because it looks like it's floating, so i now use cheap fleecy sheets to cover them up and stop the dust - so when you take it off it reveals the perfectly clear playfield.
Sorry all for my delayed response, I've had a busy couple of days.

Thanks for posting your comparison pics @kevlar, they capture what this glass is about really well. As both you and @Monkeyboypaul have said the perceivable difference with normal glass depends on ambient lighting conditions etc. It makes quite a big difference for me even when playing in a dark room as standard glass reflects a lot more light from the translite as well as the DMD. I do have fairly bright LEDs fitted in all my games though! :D

In terms of ordering glass its not too late yet, although it should be as I was hoping to have this all wrapped up by now! @kevlar and @robdown I've added the sheets you're after on to my list.

To keep everybody in the loop with where this is up to, I last spoke with Roman a few weeks ago. At the time he was pretty busy work wise but had an order in with the manufacturer expected to be ready early December to be able to fulfil what we were after at the time. These numbers haven't changed must since and most importantly the number of Safe Cracker sheets has remained the same as these are only manufactured on request. I sent another email early last week to find out how its coming on but haven't had a response yet so suspect he is still really busy. I'm going to call him on Monday to chase this up as I really want to get this stuff here before Christmas if possible!

Fingers crossed on hes just been really busy but the glass is ready to go, just pay for a final number and wait for the lorry to turn up! Everything pinball related always seems long winded though so I don't want to get my hopes up too high! :rolleyes:
Aaron thanks again for sorting all of this out.:clap: The wait isn't a problem. You are taking all the risk and all the hassle, which I'm sure we all appreciate. The glass will turn up when it turns up. It's lovely stuff just wish I could have it on all my machines.
I didn't get a chance to speak with Roman yesterday due to being run off my feet with work so called him this morning instead. Latest update is that he received the glass from the manufacturer yesterday but needs to go through it all and audit the quality before shipping it out. Similar to myself Roman is also very busy with work atm so unfortunately it isn't going to arrive here this side of Christmas. All being well it should be available in early January though.

I'm really sorry to everybody who was hoping to have their glass in time for Christmas but hope you understand the delay is due to circumstances beyond my control. I'm going to order a few extra sheets of standard and widebody if they are available as demand seems steady and the lead time long. I'm not going to go too overboard though as the cost adds up quickly and I'm also not sure how many extra sheets Roman will have available in this batch.

The door is still open if anybody wants more though so let me know and I'll get you on the list. This also includes SafeCracker size as Roman has had 5 sheets manufactured and currently our order is only for 2. I have a feeling that like the last run standard size will run out first.
Is it wrong that part of me is hoping my muddy footed (feeted?) cats might meet a bad end soon so I can install this glass in my inside games? All my decent games are inside in the room with the cat flap so the little ****ers run all over them.
Could you stick me down for 2 standard + 1 wide body standard sheets if possible please?

I really should've joined the forum ages ago....
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Could you stick me down for 2 standard + 1 wide body standard sheets if possible please?

I really should've joined the forum ages ago....

Welcome to the forum @Diw, I've added 2 standard and 1 wide body sheet to the list.

Not sure if there will be sufficient glass to fulfil this in January as Roman received 30% less glass than he ordered. I don't know how much he ordered in total though and whether it will have and effect on how much I can get on this pallet. I'm in active discussion with him as we speak though and should have a definite answer within the next couple of days.
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