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JJP3 The Future of Pinball

They could have just called it quantum city, dropped the whole phone functionality and marketed it as a Fallout type theme. People would have loved it
He must have really, REALLY wanted to make the theme if he hasn't dropped the idea after like a decade.

I suppose it's nice that it's been updated for the smartphone generation (I think if it had actual dialable phones with keys like the original concept it would have been lost on everyone) but wasn't the original thing behind this game when he wanted to do it all those years ago "The theme is rubbish but it incorporates some super cool ideas."

Absolute snore fest for me in terms of a theme but will reserve final judgement until played.
Reading the opinions of people who played it, they like it. Apparently the whole phone thing is a bit of a red herring and it plays more like a 'Sim City' theme which just happens to have a phone as one of the toys in the game
I'll reserve judgement until i play it, or at least see some better and more advanced code gameplay videos - the latter assumes no one buys it and they're hard to find :)

The Walking Dead has taught me not to judge a crap book by it's rubbish cover until you've read all the lovely pages inside.

I'd buy this theme over WOZ or Hobbit, and i've played both.

I'm betting some people thought that Addams Family was a strange theme to put into a Pinball machine, but lo and behold, ****-a-duck, it only bloody well works... Pat has made fun games. It's a shame he looks about 85 in those photos though
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Erm, just checking pinside this morning, (too old and grumpy to bother staying up all night!) and i was expecting

'deep sea adventure with robot attack' or something cool

and we've got

bob the builder???

What the **** is going on?
I guess we need to play it as players are loving it. Should be named Quantum City as many have said. See below for player's review.

Great example of the Pinside echo chamber is on display tonight, so I thought I'd chime in as someone who actually played the game.

I had not been reading any threads leading up to the JJP announcement, but as an operator, I was skeptical of a non-licensed theme. So I went into this with no expectations. I was there in person for the expo reveal tonight.

I think the name, and the theme, sound dumb if you're not standing right at the machine. The execution is awesome. It's basically a Sim City Disaster theme...being broadcast by an action news channel. To observers, the backbox is like watching someone play a video game.

It's a standard width body cabinet. It's fast. Really fast. One of the quickest, least stop & go, titles by Lawlor. Much faster than WOZ or TH. When you watch someone play this game, you want to play it. There were crowds huddling around the games for hours afterwards.

People LOVED the selfie feature. A camera takes pictures of you during certain modes...one of them is a frenzy mode where it takes a picture with every switch hit (and displays them in piles on the LCD screen). I saw people taking pictures of the game taking pictures of the player. People were loving it.

Other tidbits:

In multiball, people are shooting lasers at you (indicated by inserts on the playfield). If one hits your flipper, it shudders a bit and you can't flip for a second or two, and then it comes back. You can prevent this by shooting a ball up at the laser to disable it (and get the super jackpot).

At some points, you are awarded tickets. You earn the reward by literally raising your hand in front of your face and miming that you are scratching the ticket.

This game is not about a phone. It's a sim city destruction theme. The people who watched live gameplay, and played themselves all came away excited about it. I hadn't heard a bad word.

Trust me, it's going to be a big hit.
Some credit should be given to this being an original theme, unlike many others. Watching the video, it seems a fun fast game. Pricing now on new games is now for me a big issue as it prices out many people. Great to see so many new games and the pinball is well on the up
Reading the opinions of people who played it, they like it. Apparently the whole phone thing is a bit of a red herring and it plays more like a 'Sim City' theme which just happens to have a phone as one of the toys in the game
It can play like Addams Family schmoozing Medieval Madness but at that price it can go suck an egg !
I watched the reveal live. Yes, I stayed up till 2.30am :rolleyes: I've never heard either Jack or Pat talk before and I didn't find either of them particularly inspiring to listen to. It was interesting to listen to Pat explain about some of the cabinet innovation before the reveal, but the actual reveal itself fell a little flat.


After reading comments from those who played it (like @Replay above) and watch some good quality close-up HD vids like the one @kevlar posted above I have to say this looks like it's a whole lot of fun to play. As everyone knows I'm a classics man so my knowledge and experience with modern games is limited but this looks and sounds like a mash-up between THEATRE OF MAGIC, CIRQUS VOLTAIRE and MEDIEVAL MADNESS. If all the goodness from those 3 machines could be combined into one game then it could be great!

I respect JJP for having the balls to do an unlicensed original theme game. If this works and sells well we could see a return to the heyday of pinball where great games are created based on their own merit and not because they're riding on the coattails of another US TV show. There was a little taster of this with WHOA! NELLIE although the EM-style gameplay probably has limited appeal. I love the Dirty Donny PABST CAN CRUSHER re-theme though. That looks super old-school and ultra-modern all in one go!

Based on what I've seen so far if I had £10k I'd be really split between DIALED IN and ALIEN...
Have you heard the ****ing phone ringing while he is playing ??

I can't wait to punch it in the cock.

But you're assuming they're spam messages. It could be the king of Nigeria to discuss those investments you made, or Julian Clary finally returning your many missed calls, etc.

Just turn your phone off and enjoy the game, or at least put it on silent.

Also, I got 240m on TWD yesterday, you'd be proud.
at 10 grand minimum I think it'll be quite a rare sight this side of the pond. Looks like I'm done buying pins new.
You would also have to say it would be hard for operators to justify the cost. How would they ever get their money back ?

These new prices are preposterous. You have to feel sorry for the likes of Phil Palmer as NIB sales are going to be down I should imagine.

How many of these ridiculously expensive games are ever going to be affordable even when second hand ? I really hope a wild card manufacturer can burst the bubble and put these greedy pigs to the sword.
But you're assuming they're spam messages. It could be the king of Nigeria to discuss those investments you made, or Julian Clary finally returning your many missed calls, etc.

Just turn your phone off and enjoy the game, or at least put it on silent.
I think that's the game making the ringing sound.

And I have always given Julian Clary a warm hand on his entrance. :rolleyes:
You would also have to say it would be hard for operators to justify the cost. How would they ever get their money back ?

These new prices are preposterous. You have to feel sorry for the likes of Phil Palmer as NIB sales are going to be down I should imagine.

How many of these ridiculously expensive games are ever going to be affordable even when second hand ? I really hope a wild card manufacturer can burst the bubble and put these greedy pigs to the sword.

we've gone from Pro/Premium/LE to Le/SLE and now LE/CE. the B.S. train keeps rolling and it's going to kill pinball unless Heighway or Dutch fill that gap. Got to be great news for Andy's crew, I can see a gap in the market if a machine can be produced and sold for 4.5 - 5.5K.
That video looks ****ing ace tbf :thumbs:

JJP scored a bit of an own goal with the name/phone toy, leading everyone to believe it was a game purely about a mobile phone.

Earthshaker/Sim City mashup appears to be the actual theme and it looks like a faster version of TZ/TAF. Probably the first time he's had free reign on a pin since the early 90s too
we've gone from Pro/Premium/LE to Le/SLE and now LE/CE. the B.S. train keeps rolling and it's going to kill pinball unless Heighway or Dutch fill that gap. Got to be great news for Andy's crew, I can see a gap in the market if a machine can be produced and sold for 4.5 - 5.5K.
Completely agree, normally more competition drives prices down but this ever upwards move is not good for pinball. Manufacturers need to get more machines in people's hands if pinball is to continue growing, not price most people out of ownership.
I was totally underwhelmed when I woke up this morning and found out that the Dialed In / mobile phone theme rumour was actually true, but after seeing the videos I have to admit that it looks great. I honestly don't understand why JJP have focused in on the phone aspect rather than the general disaster theme, it's a crazy decision.

I'd be pretty tempted by one if they were in the Stern Premium price range, but at £9.5k and £13k it's almost impossible to justify. Real shame because a modern take on an original theme is something I've wanted for ages.
The door is ajar.....who wil step through ?
Heighway, American Pinball or Homepin ?
Out of the big three reveals this one has it for me , looks like loads of fun :)
Again as many have said it's all irrelevant as in true apprentice style " OUT " of the NIB game the prices are now uninteresting to me.
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