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The "Today I received" Thread

Mines a Yankee blue then with the rare working nell log. Is there anything to do to bullet proof this mech?
Mines a Yankee blue then with the rare working nell log. Is there anything to do to bullet proof this mech?
i wondered about that too. wiredworm has my old one but i did a load of Nell research before i sold it on - if i had a working mech, i would replace the fanbelt, as it were, to ensure minimal gear slippage. it's the gears that are unobtanium, as the belt and motor are both available.
I don't think the material 3D printers use would be hard enough to make gears, they'd break in no time if they worked at all.
This should keep me going for a while! I ordered a big 750g bar of white polishing compound from www.metalpolishingsupplies.co.uk as I'd finally finished the 100g bar that came with my original steel polishing kit. When I unwrapped it I thought it seemed pretty heavy so popped it on the digital scales out of curiosity. It weighs 920g!

So, hats off to Metal Polishing Supplies UK and thanks for 10% discount code too: LOYALTY10.

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Depends on the printing material.

You can get 3d prints that are as good or better strength than the original gear
Agreed. I was doing a little research on this. It's going to depend on the make/model of printer but commercial 3D printing is now at the stage where usable items can be created for testing. The general feeling though seemed to be that CNC from solid materials was still the way to go for creating one-off or low-volume production-ready components. Some companies even specialise in creating "soft" moulds in plastic, i.e., not metal, that can be used to create low-volume moulded parts, e.g., one or two hundred. If you need more in the future they just re-cut the moulds. This is much cheaper than creating long-lasting metal moulds for high-volume manufacture.
i wondered about that too. wiredworm has my old one but i did a load of Nell research before i sold it on - if i had a working mech, i would replace the fanbelt, as it were, to ensure minimal gear slippage. it's the gears that are unobtanium, as the belt and motor are both available.
When I got Dans R&B it came with a few new bits including a replacement Nell Log Motor and belt. At the moment the only part i'm missing is the spring which I can get made for around £50 for 2.

But - i've not gone ahead and done it yet because i've rigged up the motor temporarily without the spring and i've noticed that the behaviour of the motor isn't what I expected. It now appears that each time the motor is powered the direction of travel is reversed, which in many respects removes the need for the spring entirely. I've not got a conclusive answer as yet but i've been led to believe by some of the folks on Pinside that the replacement motors are designed to work this way and it prevents the issue where the torque of the spring will consistently strip the gear or knacker the motor. Or so i'm led to believe.

It does mean the behaviour is a little different to what the table might have originally exhibited, but to be honest i've not worried about it so much as i've got a shedload of other stuff to do before I start to worry about fine details like a toy which sits above the playfield and doesn't impact on the game. ;-)
Well yesterday but tried today.

a borrowed Power Drift boardset!!!

Not quite as cool as mine being in there working,but at least i get to play the fooking thing!!!
Alss good,well apart from the monitor,but at least now fully playable with sound and speech all good:)
Well chuffed:clap::clap::clap:
Well yesterday but tried today.

a borrowed Power Drift boardset!!!

Not quite as cool as mine being in there working,but at least i get to play the fooking thing!!!
Alss good,well apart from the monitor,but at least now fully playable with sound and speech all good:)
Well chuffed:clap::clap::clap:
So what's the plan? Are you going to swap your ROMs into the good boards one by one to see if you can identify if any of them are fooked?
How much you pay, there was supposed to be a bulk buy but I guess lack of interest?
Spread the moose love. Now is the black the rare one or the blue cab

Black were made for a French distributor, so theoretically, Blue should be the norm.

However, I have noticed (from people I know that own the game) and also tracking the ones that have sold on ebay, that black appears to be far more common in the UK, so I assume that alot of the French ones ended up being imported here
very nice Gaz, very nice.

apparently the trick to learn with JM is to be able to space your eyes out like marty feldman so you can simultaneously watch the DMD and the glove/grid area, and work out where the extra ball is hiding. that, and apparently the spinner is worth too many points once you get it racked up enough

gif marty feldman.gif
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