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The Hobbit

Would have thought Mirkwood/Spiders were more of a playfield feature. Liking the Arkenstone between the flippers
Based on that pic, I'm not a fan. Sure it will look better in the finished game though.
Looks lovely , looks a bit open but artwork I personally think looks great.
Nicked from pinside...... The artwork and layout superimposed. The spiral ramp has gone from Samug which is a bit of a concern. Top LHS flipper also now gone.

Nicked from pinside...... The artwork and layout superimposed. The spiral ramp has gone from Samug which is a bit of a concern. Top LHS flipper also now gone.


I guess they realised that having 2 upper flippers that appear to have no flipper specific shots was a bit pointless. There still doesn't look to be any upper flipper shot that couldn't be made from a lower flipper :hmm:
Who's in on the preorder?

I am and don't really want to see the updates, but I can't help myself.

Can't imagine we're going to get it until well into 2015.
I'm in but might drop out. Really not impressed with all the changes. The only consistant thing is the demand for more money:(

The missing spiral round Smaug might be the last straw for me as it was alledged to be a major feature. This coupled with the changes to the cab art, the designer leaving and JJPs inability to actually ship all the WOZ pre-orders really doesn't leave me feeling good.

I'll probably stay in until Dec but if they miss the new shipping deadline then I think it's time to get my cash back and spend it on something else.

Still hoping it will be a killer machine but a year on and a new designer rings alarm bells.

(Think I might be in a bit of a bad mood:mad:)
Just seen these


err. I though the barrels etc were great but these remind me of the piped icing that go on fairy cakes. Simply don't seem to be in the same league as the earlier reveals. Hope they look better in place on the machine
Just seen these


err. I though the barrels etc were great but these remind me of the piped icing that go on fairy cakes. Simply don't seem to be in the same league as the earlier reveals. Hope they look better in place on the machine

Maybe they're having a bake sale to raise funds to make it :p
Always the gamble on a Pre-order, fortunately I'm in no rush to get my MMRLE

At least with that you know the code is allready done
I'd prob by a spare board for that tho,as it's bespoke - for when it goes wrong down the road
At least with that you know the code is allready done

Set me thinking the other day (Which is never any good as it hurts!!) - I wonder if the new code might be backward compatable and fix any bugs, and maybe upgrade the older ones...

I doubt it, however wouldnt it be nice :)
I assumed they leaked those photos to try and deflect some attention away from TWD. Feel it's backfired. Skimmed through the thread on Pinside and three or four people from JJP were there trying to say that the negative feedback was underserved. I wonder what went wrong. The artist who made them also did the Predator stuff which I think looks great.

I never thought that Stern would be the company with the better plastic models. I was looking at Avatar earlier and had one of those moments when you notice how absolutely **** the stuck on plastic toy crap looked. Seriously what is this turd on my playfield?!? I'd prefer a flat plastic picture to this


although it has stiff competition from this ****ing crap toy solider from woolworths

actually i quite like the spider model.
it's just the two on the right both looking crap and at the same time looking like mashed versions of the same thing.
so john, tell us, do you feel the relief?
Relieved that I no longer have to worry that JJP might go bust before I got a machine or that I might have to wait another 12 months to get hold of the game, or that it might be an utter turd. A little sad though as I really like the theme. Still hoping that it will be a great game for those who still want it and fingers crossed I'll want to buy one in the future. Suspect it will be a make or break game for JJP but if they are just 12 or so weeks away from their release date I'd hope that they have a major reveal planned for next month. Smaug will either be fantastic or a real let down. Fingers crossed for fantastic
i bet you pick one up 6 months after release with 200 plays on it for £1500 less than retail price.

it'd just like buying a new car, for some reason they charge for the privilege of owning new - maybe they don't realise that vs the perhaps 500,000 people who may see a new car and want it, a NIB pin is lucky if it ever gets seen by 500 people.
I'm thinking of jacking it in aswell. didn't like the look of the toys either. Yet apparently approved by Warner!
I quite like the toys, thought the pinside reaction was over the top, they could have been a little bit better but think they will look good in the playfield. The guy who made these is confident that no one will be disappointed with Smaug, so looking forward to that.
FFS another special edition :mad:

Standard $8k
LE $8k
Smaug Gold SE $9k
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