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Raspberry Pi 3


2 10 Years
Sep 21, 2014
SW London
Sorry, not pinball but anyone here use a Raspberry Pi 3 for some good old retro gaming?

I think a few guys on here were discussing retro gaming a while back and @cooldan mentioned wireless controllers(??) but can't remember if it was Raspberry Pi or not.

Any advice appreciated.
The guy Dan recommended is excellent. Really helpful. I got mine in the end from hi and a couple of reproduction wireless PS3 controllers for 13£. If they don't work then not an issue. The guy also set up so I have to do minimal work to get the controllers working. Not plugged anything in yet but will be on my week off...
Kodi too? Christmas come early....I'll check out Dan's guy. Cheers
OK.Going mad here. I presume this is from ebay but what is the sellers name?
If you look in general discussion for non pinball Dan pasted the for sale item. For some reason the link to the item I bought doesn't work anymore and his id...idgamers doesn't seem to bring anything up.
I've got one running RetroPie - can be a bit fiddly with certain ROMs on MAME (i.e. the dkong emulation seems way off), but generally good.
Cheers all. I'll go through the links posted and hopefully hitting the 'kill screen' on Donkey Kong by Saturday. surely.....
Hey. Just wanted to come on here and say "Hi". Was pointed in this direction by Tucks yesterday.
If anyone was still thinking of grabbing one from me (or recommending to a friend), best bet is to go to my website : http://sparkbox.indiscriminate.co.uk/ as eBay are not playing nice with Retropie stuff at the mo.
Anyways...Hope everyone is having retro fun . :)

Are you Mark?
eBay are not playing nice with Retropie stuff at the mo.

Not really a surprise is it?

RetroPie is a system to install/configure emulators on an existing OS – The RetroPie Setup Script is released under the GPL.

The image we provide is Raspbian Lite with RetroPie pre-installed. Much of the software included in the RetroPie image have non-commercial licences. Because of this selling a pre-installed RetroPie image is not legal – this includes “giving away” a pre-installed RetroPie with your commercial product. Including copyrighted games with RetroPie is also not allowed.

If you are selling hardware that supports RetroPie you should provide a link to our site for your customers rather than including a RetroPie image with your product.

RetroPie does not ship with any copyrighted ROMs or games and does not condone illegal activity.
Not really a surprise is it?

Not really at all ;)

But a quick search on eBay right now, will give you a LOT more nefarious stuff than mine. Also, they seem to be playing fast and loose with the "rules". There are others, pretty much the same as mine, that were up before me, and still continue to be there, despite a couple of phone calls I have had with eBay recently telling me that won't be the case.
....it's still the case.

There was also a whole thing where some -random- dude applied for, and was granted, the trademark for "Retropie", and then was going round hitting anyone with the word Retropie in their listings with a trademark take-down. (guess what, he has sold over 500 units, and his listings are still up too)

In short, it's frustrating...but I am not complaining that I am also breaking the rules too.

I'm probably going to get back into the more bespoke side of things soon. Building bartops, and controllers with built in PI stuff. That's kinda more fun too :)
@idgamers - Heard about the trademark stuff - Sucks bigtime!

Any suggestions for decent wireless controllers at a reasonable price for a Pi3/Retropie setup? The only ones i have seen were around £25+ each!!

Hi Paul.
I think, if you are spending much less than that, you are not really going to get anything that feels nice.

If you can stump up a little extra, I'd go for (at the cheaper end) a PS3 controller. They work really well wired, and over bluetooth.
Or at the more expensive end, a PS4 or XboxOne controller.

I use a PS4 controller on mine (wired, as I like it getting charged up when I am using it on the PI, and I don't want to have to keep unpairing it with my actual PS4) and it's really great.

I would imagine you could pick up a PS3 controller for not too much these days.

I think a cheaper thing would :
a) probably not be a great feeling pad
b) may not be 100% compatible with the PI/Retropie over bluetooth


Total cost for my retropie (consisting of raspberry pi model B, a crappy case for it, and a snes style USB controller) was just £42 all from thepihut.com

ROMs are very easy to obtain and as they are free, there's no further cost in obtaining them. But hey, if you need to pay someone to load software for you, knock yourselves out.
It's worth noting that not everyone is as tech savvie as you (or me). Just "using" the thing has been an issue for some people I have as customers. I think you are actually not realizing that "most" people just want something they can plug+play and be ready to rock right away.
I take it that most people here are fairly proficient with tech and gaming stuff. Away from this forum's echo-chamber, the real world is slilghtly different ;)

Market forces are market forces. At the time I priced my kit/build I have, around/slightly cheaper, than other people selling similar kits.

But you do you sir.
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