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Anyone else underwhelmed by the new Star Trek

I'm not sure about the art work (if you can call it that) yet, but the playfield layout looks like it's got potential. I will reserve judgement until I've played it. Hopefully Stern will get their act together and get the machines into the UK within the next month. If it's in Pinball Heaven's hands before the Play Expo Event then Phil will be loaning it out for the show. Fingers crossed.
as with ACDC it was said just to be T2 in dub , but the rule set makes it great. we will just have to wait and see. not my bag as I dislike the re-boot of ST.
ACDC and SM are 2 of the best machines ever made in my opinion. When images were first put out on both those machines, I really wasn't bothered. From the track record of Steve Ritchie/Lyman Sheats, in my opinion there isn't a better pairing in designing/rules. This machine has the potential to be awsome, and the fact that it looks like a SM/STTNG hybrid are only positive things for me.
The 'happy meal' / kinder egg toys aren't doing it for me. Could they not use some nice die cast models?
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ACDC and SM are 2 of the best machines ever made in my opinion. When images were first put out on both those machines, I really wasn't bothered.

Yup agreed... :)

From the track record of Steve Ritchie/Lyman Sheats, in my opinion there isn't a better pairing in designing/rules. This machine has the potential to be awsome, and the fact that it looks like a SM/STTNG hybrid are only positive things for me.

Whilst i do love Steve's machines, and he did do one hell of a job with ACDC, This currently to me looks like an inferior STTNG. I wonder if Stern are tightening the thumbscrews when it comes to $$$, alongside the recent price increase...
I'm only not enamoured by the £300 price increase so far, I want to see what it's for. At the moment it buys an awful DMD cover and a new skool back box. As always I'm reserving judgement until I play it with a resonably finished rule set in place(I've reserved and reserved judgement on WoZ for so long, but I want the rules to be good even though I have reservations about the whole thing - so I do try to give games a fair shout)
I kinda like it. Sttng's cannons were cool for about 5 milliseconds. Get one in your house, and they become a chore as they break the flow into a sequence thats utterly boring after you do it the first few hundred times. I also like the speaker panel on the LE. Fits the theme so i'm good with it.

The ship on the new one looks like the Dreadnought from the 'into darkness' movie. I could be wrong, but the dreadnought in the movie transforms its shape as it becomes 'battle ready'. Will be interesting to see what they did there if it is in fact the dreadnought.

I sure hope the software is up to scratch on release. Even a sparse looking playfield can be amazing if the software is clever and well written. Far too soon to pass final judgment, but VERY interested to see how it plays.
ACDC and SM are 2 of the best machines ever made in my opinion. When images were first put out on both those machines, I really wasn't bothered. From the track record of Steve Ritchie/Lyman Sheats, in my opinion there isn't a better pairing in designing/rules. This machine has the potential to be awsome, and the fact that it looks like a SM/STTNG hybrid are only positive things for me.

Except it's Lonnie and 2 others doing the rules.....not Lyman, he is still doing Metallica.

Still expecting a major 'reveal' as they are quoting 8800 Euros in Germany so there HAS to be some as yet unrevealed features. LCD in apron is my guess.
More than a $1500 BOM for an $8000 machine would be a good start. How is this $8k and the likes of TSPP was $4k?

Who knows, sadly Jack started it and Gary followed. Stern has made a lot of money being able to actually produce desirable machines in the time WoZ has taken to come to market, what was previously a shocking price has become the norm. Unless there is something major in this ST to justify the price then I think all distributors should get together, cancel their orders out of protest and see what happens. Mooted lowest price in the US is $7700 + shipping when ACDC LE was $6500 and ACDC Prem/LE has a LOT more compared to the Pro where as on ST it's relatively unkown (although we do know plastic ramps only on pro but it does have LED's)
Tbf most people paid $6500 for WOZ.

26' LCD, clear coated cab, powder coated parts, invisiglass, topper, shaker, RBG LEDs, crystal ball, flying monkey, spinning house, castle doors etc.

You can see where the money went. 2 plastic toys and pf art that looks knocked up in MS Paint?
I have recently been playing a lot of WOZ, a local pub has had one put in! It looks incredible, and was perhaps the most excited I have been about a new title in a long time. However, after a lot of game time it has left me feeling pretty meh. It feels soooo far from being a complete game at the moment, yes it has 26' LCD, clear coated cab, powder coated parts, invisiglass, topper, shaker, RBG LEDs, crystal ball, flying monkey, spinning house, castle doors etc. But at the minute, it all adds up to a very limited game. I really really hope that once Keith is finished it will be what we all hoped it would be.
Man, i really wanted to buy this one. Paying that kind of money for a pinball machine is outright mental for me. Christ, thats a deposit on a house in my street!

So, to quote an allegedly recently deceased chinese pilot:

Ho Li Fuk
Sum Ting Wong
Wei Tu Hi
Man, i really wanted to buy this one. Paying that kind of money for a pinball machine is outright mental for me. Christ, thats a deposit on a house in my street!

So, to quote an allegedly recently deceased chinese pilot:

Ho Li Fuk
Sum Ting Wong
Wei Tu Hi
Houses are only 70k on your street? :confused:
Houses are only 70k on your street? :confused:

They start at 70K, yes (some wrecks are a LOT cheaper) For that you get a 3 bed semi, no garage, needing some modernising. Once done up, they go for £90-£100K depending on the spec/finish.
Yep, houses in pit villages near me for £60k. Not that you would want to live there like
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