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Anyone else underwhelmed by the new Star Trek


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Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Just seen the You tube footage. Wanted to be excited and for some reason I'm not.

Am I missing something? Obviously interested in playing it but after all the hype was hoping for something visually a lot more stunning
I dunno, its hard to form an opinion without gameplay videos, I was completely underwhelmed by Metallica (I don't even like their music) but when I played it, I realised it's awesome.
Love Trek.... Machine is a little... erm.. sparse from what i can see???
Yeah. Pretty underwhelmed here too :(

Obviously, were missing a lot of info on how it plays. But visually. Meh. Hate the speaker panel. Playfield art looks really dull.
Is it me or does the pf layout look very similar to STTNG?

not just you, Chris. i look forward to the scoop on this game, i expect Martin will let us know on pinballnews.com pretty soon.
and by scoop, i mean the exclusive, not the big hole where you shoot balls in to start modes and stuff.
First thing I thought also designers "artistic licence" ??? suspect the rule set to be deeper though
You know what - didnt see it before, do now tho - Thx Dan!!

Saying that, STTNG was a widebody......
And it had the Borg right in the middle. I guess it's inevitable that any Star Trek table is going to have the Enterprise on there somewhere, it's pretty iconic.

Given how much impact the DMD animations can have on modern games it struck me a little strange not to include any footage at all of that.
A homage, but missing the cannons and gaining two spinning tin foil turds at the top. 20 years later and err, not really loads of progress. Might play fantastically though;)

Been a bit slow on the uptake but is this release the reason for STTNG jumping in price in the last 6 month?

Looks like there is a good bit of movement in that ship. Possibly has a ball launching mech too (like the Borg ship)
Looking at Martin's site. The red one is the premium. Really don't like the speaker panel. Guess they were going for futuristic but it looks dated instead
Prefer the LE, however IMO they all look Euughh.... :(

they had better play well...!!
Given how much impact the DMD animations can have on modern games it struck me a little strange not to include any footage at all of that.

The rumour is its not DMD and this is the 'next generation' of Stern displays .....(did you see what I did there ...;)) . Although Martin seems to be suggesting otherwise on PN.

I'm soooooo glad they haven't plastered the playfield with actors faces from the films.

I do agree with John, apart from the LED lighting this really looks little different to a mid 90s pinball machine - but I'm sure its gonna be a blast to play.
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This is the reverse of Metallica for me, I was completely underwhelmed by the announcement and then I saw it and ordered on the spot. ST I ordered based on it being Ritchie and ACDC being the best game ever. I've looked at it much the same as everyone else - one and a half years to design THAT?

The speaker panel is horrific, the backbox in general looks pretty woeful. The only decent artwork package is the Enterprise Edition.

Looks like it has the following:

Kickback (Prem/LE only I think Pro probably virtual)
Moving scoop? Turns into a VUK
Warp ramp magnetised? VUK probably not powerful enough to feed all the way so maybe magnetised
Magnet under Dreadnought
Ramp goes behind backboard possibly connected underneath Dreadnought
Side rails look funky, maybe a little EL tape in the LE??
Fire button must do something, but not immediately obvious
Enterprise toy on right ramp may be hiding some mechanism?
6 main modes and 18 mini modes, sounds like a deep game, if they manage to make 24 modes different enough, that will be some going

I'm on the fence at the moment, once the official features list is out, it'll be easier to make a judgement but at a mooted £500 on top of Metallica, it seems insane. Steve Ritchie is a genius though so I'm still hopeful
i never heard of a magnetised ramp before, but that'd be awesome - maybe a wireform ramp in many sections could slowly suck a ball back up from the inlanes? i'd like to see that

patent pending cooldan inc
Saying nothing just yet.
Only just got on line and need to have a good look over all the pictures and info available.
Not the biggest Stern fan but I thought Metallica looked ace. This looks dog**** imo and is slated to be their most expensive yet!? Right under flipper shot is totally stolen from WOZ too. Where the hell has the £6500 been spent?
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