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All aboard for the James Bond 007 Hype train!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2463
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If it is Thunderball that makes sense from a licencing perspective it's the only film that the rights are different for, hence the remake called never say never again, unless the brocolli's managed to get the rights back
If it is Thunderball that makes sense from a licencing perspective it's the only film that the rights are different for, hence the remake called never say never again, unless the brocolli's managed to get the rights back
From memory so apologies for any inaccuracies but the rights where not different, it was all due to a dispute between the writers of a screenplay that was supposedly copied by Fleming, leading to him writing Thunderball.

The writer and creator (might have been two individuals) who claimed it was their original work sued Fleming and his estate and won, but a stipulation in the win ment that they only won the rights to that story and it’s associated characters, events etc.

Basically they had to remake Thunderball if they wanted to make a movie, which lead to Never say never again being a carbon copy of Thunderball with a few name and location changes.

Also I am pretty sure it was finally resolved around 2012/2013, will have to Google that one to be 100%. Anyhoo I’m sure that is why they could finally use Blofeld and SPECTRE in Daniel Craig’s 4th movie of the same name, something they originally wanted to introduce in Skyfall but where legally unable too.

As for the choice, they are obviously going for classic elements and other than Bond himself the DB5 is the next most recognised Bond element yet it was only used in Goldfinger, Thunderball, Goldeneye (SEGA already did that one) and every Daniel Craig film.

Daniel Craig is abit of an a**hole and hard to negotiate with from what I hear especially when it comes to Bond, Thunderball is likely the cheaper of the two Connery entries and we all know Stern love to save a few pennies.

Geek rant over :p

Edited to add some comma’s, got a little carried away with the rant!
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I keep hearing Venom but seems Neil has heard the same news fed to Kaneda a week or so ago which I thought was a wind up like all the false toy story news Kaneda got fed.

Both out my kidneys in danger as my kids love Marvel and will actually play Marvel pinball willingly, Deadpool being a favourite of them both.

Stern have two games ready for launch. I believe 007 is a boutique title thus there could be one more game launch.

now the good news - I've now heard from two sources that Stern's next new game will be at IAAPA in the UK, book your tickets now, two weeks before the UK Open and then I'll be pressing every button I can to make it be at the UK Open.
Wait for Keith's next one
He’s definitely a sure bet at this point, interested to see what his next game is, hopefully it’s a theme I like and none of my top themes go to Borg.

There was some murmur that Keith's next game won't be until 2023 because his last game is still selling as if it was new and they don't want to balls that up.

There was some murmur that Keith's next game won't be until 2023 because his last game is still selling as if it was new and they don't want to balls that up.
Eddy, Gomez, Danger, Elwin, Borg was the last order doing the rounds so Elwin must have been 2023 to begin with.

Interested to see what Jack comes up with, Elwin mentioned on a podcast months back he’s already got two more layouts/games done, mind blowing how he pumps them out!
Any leaks on the designer?
Supposedly Gomez mate with a 3 flipper layout something he’s only done once before I think. Not including Beatles as that’s not a Gomez original.
Supposedly Gomez mate with a 3 flipper layout something he’s only done once before I think. Not including Beatles as that’s not a Gomez original.
If you take a seawitch and place it over beatles the games don’t have a single item that is the same. Gomez took seawitch and recreated it the foundations of it are similar but it’s entirely new. Gomez is also the boss of all the other designers and I suspect he will take input from Elwin and Rayday on shots.
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