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NERG number 4

Just train them on pressing the start button ONCE to play a game and not every ball!!!:tut:
Nope. This is the one that's kindly being donated by Pinball Heaven.
Phil will have to switch baywatch with MM, board not back in time from PH. If it's not needed let me know :)
@ailsaclunie how's SPA doing? All packed and on the road yet? Hope you've all got your passports with you?

Hope you all enjoy yourselves, just remember that your all down there representing Scotland! :tut:
I know I'm not asking for much ;-) looks like I will be heading down though. Will there be any sellers of pinball parts as I need a cliffy for the snackbar on my Creech and a few other bits and pieces..
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For anyone interested in tonights Wales match a few of us, on TYHOs insistence, are heading for The Metropole. Real ale & not far from the hotel.
For anyone interested in tonights Wales match a few of us, on TYHOs insistence, are heading for The Metropole. Real ale & not far from the hotel.
we have to go Alan just to take the pish outta Chris!!!!

Cheers Kev
Just got back but didn't take any pics :eek:

Got soaked on my bike riding home though.

Spent most time on Hobbit and Ghostbusters. Hobbit was easily the better game for me. Also played some Goldeneye on the N64 :cool:
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