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Ebay Auctions 2015

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Was a perfectly unfaded original. I made a deal with the seller but then he went and sold it to somebody else while I was at the bank getting cash. Scum bag!
He only had 2 feedbacks ever, I thought it looked fishy (see what I did there?), but he did have a car up for sale also which had "viewing welcome" so who knows.....
even stevie sees what you did there.jpg
He only had 2 feedbacks ever, I thought it looked fishy (see what I did there?), but he did have a car up for sale also which had "viewing welcome" so who knows.....

Yeah. He did kindly give me is post code so I could turn up to fight him after I called him worse than sh!t for cancelling our agreement. The area he's from is about 5 minutes down the road and is considered quite a bad area. I think that says it all really.

Glad I didn't buy. :rolleyes:

...and declined his offer of a fight lol!
Yeah. He did kindly give me is post code so I could turn up to fight him after I called him worse than sh!t for cancelling our agreement. The area he's from is about 5 minutes down the road and is considered quite a bad area. I think that says it all really.

Glad I didn't buy. :rolleyes:

...and declined his offer of a fight lol!

It's Sunderland, what did you expect.......
LOL. For once, you might actually be right.

I'm a geordie so I KNOW I'm right about Sunderland.

Some nice bits. But it's the whole Sunderland wide boy attack attitude that irks me.

Could be worse, it could have been in Washington :p
I'm a geordie so I KNOW I'm right about Sunderland.

Some nice bits. But it's the whole Sunderland wide boy attack attitude that irks me.

Could be worse, it could have been in Washington :p

Most people here are not like that, it's just the chavs, and Newcastle has got plenty! :p

But could have been even worse, it could been in Middlesbrough!
Most people here are not like that, it's just the chavs, and Newcastle has got plenty! :p

But could have been even worse, it could been in Middlesbrough!

I avoid the Boro now. Too many prostitute smack heads about offering cheap sex and blowjobs.

Place is fooked.
Pfffft, amateurs.

You don't live in a s**t-hole until it's been featured on Skint. ;-)

Unfortunately for me I live in Grimsby and grew up in S****horpe, both of which featured in the aforementioned show.

Edit: My god, how antiquated is this forum software to suffer from the s-c-u-n-t-horpe problem?
Grimsby is upper middle class in comparison to Blyth.

Drug capital of the UK in the 90s. Truly horrible place around that time, smack central.
Same seller, can only list bin as he was caught shilling his items ;)
Iñteresting. Did eBay catch him shilling ? Or how does one get caught shilling pls?
Iñteresting. Did eBay catch him shilling ? Or how does one get caught shilling pls?

See my post above. I didn't report him but someone else probably did..... Every genuine bid made was being pushed higher by one particular bidder, if you check his bid history, 108 bids made with the same seller (albeit different items). Can only mean one thing.

New photos of that Viking show a shagged backglass with artwork missing all over. Good luck finding another of those ! I'm going nowhere near this now but was prepared to put in a decent bid before all the p*ssing about.
I'm going nowhere near this now but was prepared to put in a decent bid before all the p*ssing about.

Agreed, I was looking at this as well although wouldn't have gone much higher than the bid it had on before it was pulled. I shall go back to trolling the Skateball seller with some low offers :D
So I stumbled across the ebay ad for an independence day machine (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Very-nice...048?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c51757f28) - I'm not in the market for one but thought I'd take a look at the ad for fun - like you do. Apologies if anyone else has noticed this but on the first image there is a rather, er, interesting picture on the 'exposure 2011' calendar which I noticed when I was scrolling with the 'zoom' feature, I'm not sure the ebay police would approve of the adult content!!!
So I stumbled across the ebay ad for an independence day machine (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Very-nice...048?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c51757f28) - I'm not in the market for one but thought I'd take a look at the ad for fun - like you do. Apologies if anyone else has noticed this but on the first image there is a rather, er, interesting picture on the 'exposure 2011' calendar which I noticed when I was scrolling with the 'zoom' feature, I'm not sure the ebay police would approve of the adult content!!!
Personally I think that is a total disgrace and I find it totally offensive. To have a calendar that is 4 years out of date is totally inexcusable. Plus March had a much better set of tits that year...
Junk - a phrase I use a lot for something I don't like lol.

It's just generally tatty looking and being claimed as a restore with work done "to the highest standard". I don't think having black paint slapped all over the cabinet buttons fits high standard.

Lock bar looks like it's been painted with a flannel.

...and THAT DOORBELL! :p
Why is it junk? Genuine question. Am i missing something obvious?
It is over priced of course. But not sure it's junk.

I *LOVED* Special Force when I had one :D Lots of drop targets, insane war sounds, blowing up the huts/pop bumpers, the jungle crickets. Been thinking I wouldnt mind one again, hadnt seen one for sale for ages. Of course no way gonna pay that :rolleyes:
"Always privately owned, never used in an arcade."

That's why it's had a lockdown bar fitted at some point and 50p per play on the front, :confused:
I called him out on that, his reply....
"The guy we bought it from is s big supplier to pubs,clubs and arcades.

He decided to keep this in his collection of private machines of which he had about ten.

Feel free to come look at it and you will soon see it has never been played in an arcade.

It s the best pinball I have played and cost me a fair bit more than my starting price. " Opinions?.....
I'd assume a worst-case scenario, esp on eBay, but there's no harm in going and having a look if interested.

If its been hammered in the local pub/ arcade the PF condition should reflect that at least.
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