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Wiredworms Trip to London


10 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Hi everyone,

I've been ordered down to London in September to attend a training course and as luck would have it both my hotel and the training venue are very close to the Pipeline.

Being from Lincolnshire Pinballs are very few and far between in this area so I fully intend to make good use of the evenings whilst i'm down in London to have a few drinks and hopefully grab a few games.

I don't know how many Pinheads there are down London way but if anyone fancies meeting up for a beer and a few games then please shout out - it would be great to finally put some faces to names from people on this forum.

I'll be in London from late on 15th September until the 20th.


Hi Pete,

Happy to meet up for a drink and a few games on one of the evenings. There's a few forum people based in London (but remember it's a big place so we're pretty scattered, getting from one side of town to the other can be a struggle)

There's actually a shocking lack of games in the wild now in London. The Pipeline is your best bet. Also a couple left in the west end. You'd be welcome to come here for a few games on one of the evenings.
Thanks John, that's really appreciated. :)

We can sort specifics a little closer to the time but of course my nights are all free so i'm happy to work around what suits you best. :)
If I am working in town then I might be able to get over but as John says, London is sometimes a lot of pain to get across.
Heh, yeah no problems Geoff. I've spent a fair amount of time in London over the last 10 years so I realise it's not exactly a small place and getting around can be tough.

We can check back nearer the time and if we can arrange a meet-up then that'd be great. :)
Nice one, I'll be in that if I have enough notice and a pass out from the missus. Takes me about 75 mins to get to the Pipeline by public transport, though I suppose I could bike it in less and not drink.
Thomas the owner is a keen player and regular at local league meetings, I will be around at some stage, but will know better nearer the time!
It's a couple of weeks now until i'll be headed down so I figured as we're getting closer to the date we should probably try to pick a night to meet up.

It's easy for me as the place i'm staying is but 15 minutes walk away so i'm happy to go with what suits everyone else best. So please, if you're interested in meeting up then shout out.

In reality i'll most likely be at the Pipeline each night. I've not really got much else to be doing but if we can nominate a night and a meet-up time then hopefully at least 2 or 3 of us can get together.

@johnwhitfield If your kind offer of letting me play your Pins still stands then it would be appreciated. Again i'd be happy to work around what suits you best and of course if it's not convenient then that's also fine. I'll drop you a PM if that's ok to see if we can sort something out. I've spent a fair amount of time in London so I know it's not a small place but i'm also pretty good at finding my way around.
Hi Pete,

Should be no problem. Being a sad bastard I've got nothing in the the diary for most of the week. Earlier in the week would work better for me as I'm out on Friday and working late on Thursday (OK, as a teacher working late is the equivalent of a normal finish time for people with real jobs, but it buggers up the timing for me to pick the kids up).

Drop me a PM and I'll send the directions over. Really easy to get here from the Pipeline (maybe 20 mins).

Scared Stiff is currently on loan but everything else should be here and up and running.

Might be able to sneak out and get to the Pipeline on another night as well if anyone else is meeting up but I need to confirm it doesn't clash with my wife's plans.
I should be around to meet up for a few games and a drink or 2, As of last night the line-up is now: TZ, MM, TSPP, WCS, AC/DC and Metallica (awaiting a part)
Be good to finally put some faces to names.

I think i've met you before Skweek? We loitered outside the Nanford Guest House in Oxford many years ago before heading to the Port Mahon for Retrovision.
Well John is suggesting earlier in the week which works for me. So Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday is looking best.

I really don't care which as I'm down there on training anyway so ill most likely be at the Pipeline anyway. I'm sure it'll be more fun than sitting in the hotel on my billy. That's why I'd prefer those who have families/wives etc to pick a night that suits them best.

But if no one wants to chime in then how about we just say Tuesday night?
Tuesday 17th in the Pipeline is a go. i already got positive responses from Martin and Stan (Martin has been the UK's no.1 player for the last 10 years, and Stan is also top 3) and have also messaged a few others (Mike K, John O, The Dude, Dom etc...) so it's gonna be epic. Tom, the guy that owns the Pipeline, is a fine player too, and just told me that he will join us as he is working that night, and the current lineup is WCS, TZ, TSPP, MM, Metallica (needs a fix, hopefully ok by then), and ACDC (same). My MB is still not over it's opto-itis, and Matt is putting his new XMen in there soon as well, but maybe not in time for this .... but basically top titles and top players, should be a good night.

i won't get there til after 8 but i'm guessing some of you lot will be there a lot earlier
Awesome Dan. Thanks for putting the word out.

I suck at Pinball so i hope to pick up a few tips during the night. Be great to put faces to names as well.
Need to check out the bike parking in the area and I might be able to buzz over on the bike after working in the Ealing area.
Be good to see you Geoff.

I'll stick those bits from Cliff in my bag anyway just in case you do make it along - they're not exactly huge so it won't be an issue. Give you a chance to grab them early if you can make it along.

If not then i'l catch you at NLP.
Ewan is in
The Dude is in
Matt Vince is in
Skweek (Robin) is in - so presumably and hopefully also Emily

We're up to at least 15 pinheads now. On a school night too!
Tuesday 17th in the Pipeline is a go. i already got positive responses from Martin and Stan (Martin has been the UK's no.1 player for the last 10 years, and Stan is also top 3) and have also messaged a few others (Mike K, John O, The Dude, Dom etc...) so it's gonna be epic. Tom, the guy that owns the Pipeline, is a fine player too, and just told me that he will join us as he is working that night, and the current lineup is WCS, TZ, TSPP, MM, Metallica (needs a fix, hopefully ok by then), and ACDC (same). My MB is still not over it's opto-itis, and Matt is putting his new XMen in there soon as well, but maybe not in time for this .... but basically top titles and top players, should be a good night.

i won't get there til after 8 but i'm guessing some of you lot will be there a lot earlier
Metallica is fixed! TSPP has gone and MB is now fixed and on-site. X-Men in my van and arriving very soon!!
Well it started as me just thinking two or three people gathering for a drink but it sounds like it's evolved into much more than that. Superb :) Thanks to everyone for pulling things together.

Really looking forward to it - news that MB is on-site is also superb. Never played on a real one but love the theme, the animation and the sounds. Can't wait :-D
What about ACDC? And how come TSPP only lasted a week? And what shall we do about the coin mech on MB? I wanna make that one free play for the night
What about ACDC? And how come TSPP only lasted a week? And what shall we do about the coin mech on MB? I wanna make that one free play for the night
AC/DC is waiting for the PCB to come back from repair at Electrocoin (could be ready by the 17th) TSPP was only ever a stop-gap machine (as is WCS) whilst others were being fixed up. MB has been to the legend and back and now plays lovely and the screen is fixed too! I will be there so can sort things out on the night, but they won't all be on freeplay! i've got pinball bills to pay!
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