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Very Irritating noise from my Getaway

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How much I paid for this?....not important, had no reference. So I get what my knowledge deserves. What I do know, after owning a pinball machine for a bit, I'll be owning many many more 👍 these things are brilliant. My 2 lads stopped playing Xbox to play pinball, they now understand their physics lessons because of the last month or so..."Oh normally open switch means that!"

these machines need to be found and looked after.. I'm utterly hooked.

Wife prefers them to the arcade machines too! Double win! 2020 will be the year of pinball in my house.. and f&&ked bank balance..
Utter truth, that. I got my first one, thought that'd do... next one I'm repairing now... and we'll see if I manage to get the space + cash for more.

They're going to be fun forever no matter how advanced gaming gets. You can't beat 'actually happening right there under the glass'

Pinballshop.nl is good, have ordered a few times and they've always been super helpful. However Andy (who posted link above) is the owner of pinparts (pinball mania), well known and UK based so you'll save on postage 👍🏻

Usually I only buy from Europe if its not available from pinball mania, pinball heaven or one stop pinball (all UK).

Link was glitched from the quote above so here is a fixed version

Pinballshop.nl is good, have ordered a few times and they've always been super helpful. However Andy (who posted link above) is the owner of pinparts (pinball mania), well known and UK based so you'll save on postage 👍🏻

Usually I only buy from Europe if its not available from pinball mania, pinball heaven or one stop pinball (all UK).

Link was glitched from the quote above so here is a fixed version

I've bought quite a bit from Heaven and Mania over the last few weeks. Been super pleased, Andy helped me out on an order with no messing about.

Ill see if they have these reinforced targets and sort it from there! (Worked out the link snafu) 🙂
I don't think you need the reinforced targets for Getaway, to be honest - the standard targets last a fairly long time. There are certain games that have stand-up targets relatively close to flippers, or in common rebound places from elements that add a huge amount of speed to targets - F14 is a good example of both of those - where there reinforcement may be a good idea.

But the thing to remember is that these are arcade machines, and even though they're mechanical - they are intended have to stand up to daily abuse from the general public, who are sometimes less than kind to the games. Granted, none of the developers of pinballs succeeded to make every single element bulletproof, and there's a few parts that are downright crappy, but generally once a machine is given brand new parts, it's never going to go bad under home use. They just don't see enough play in a home, compared to an arcade.

Now, if you were routing it, or are going to be bringing it to shows frequently...

...alternatively, you might just want to do it because you think it's awesome. I'd get that totally - there's two different kinds of attitudes to renovation of old hardware like this; some people replace everything including all of the screws with NOS OEM... and there's the people that improve and add new tech where we reckon the original engineers would have done it themselves, if money was no object and they had access to today's technology. In that regard, even people that like to keep everything original will frequently end up with a ColorDMD (or at least an LED DMD) and well-chosen LEDs instead of incandescents in their games.
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I don’t think you need reinforced targets to be honest. Would be spending more money than you need to.

I would echo what has been said about just replacing the whole target and being done with it. For the sake of £7.25, instead of messing about trying to bend the metal and having to play about with the switch sensitivity. That target you provided a photo of looks like it’s been there since it left the factory.

Whilst you might not want to discuss price, as is your prerogative, the price paid is relevant to expectations of condition.

For what it’s worth, a friend of mine bought a Funhouse from eBay for about £2500 from memory, it might have even been more. Both he and I looked at it but our experience was only of playing pinballs, not what to look for in terms of condition, wear, etc. We knew the basics about lamp and solenoid tests but that’s it. A while later he had need for someone to come out and repair it, and the guy took one look at it and told my friend that it was in poor condition and that he’d paid over the odds.

He ended up getting rid of it, at a significant loss, and then bought another Funhouse from @J85M on here. The one @J85M sold cost him a lot less to buy and was honestly described as a “players condition” pin, but mechanically it was, and been for a long time, perfect. Why? A regular selling a pin on here has a vested interest in maintaining a good reputation, and dare I say it is more likely to be an honest person.

The moral of the story - eBay can be a ok place to buy pins, but if you’re inexperienced and don’t know what to look for re: condition, wear, faults, etc then the risk is much higher than buying from someone on here with a reputation to uphold.
Seller said on the shop log he wanted "Liberty Games money for it" and that's probably what he got. I'm guessing £3k+. Plus on top of that, someone's non-refundable deposit which was another £500 I believe. On a £280 machine.

We've all been there. I paid a lot of money for a 'restored' TAF a few years ago from a 'restorer'. The numerous imperfections just took all the enjoyment out of playing it for me. A good honest unrestored, unworkshopped machine is a far better proposition than paying over the odds for quality of work you're not sure of. It's helpful to other people on the forum if we can get an idea of the quality of work being boasted about in shop logs on here compared to reality, and may just save someone else an expensive mistake.
The big problem is that condition is a relative thing and you can’t really work it out without experience, or lurking for a long damn time in places like here.

As said the players condition Funhouse my friend bought off here was in much, much better condition than the one he’d bought previously, for a lot more money. He’s probably put a good 2500 games on it at least and it hasn’t skipped a beat.

Sadly it’s easy for people to exploit inexperience, particularly when most people new to the hobby have only ever played pinball in bars etc, not had to actually maintain one.
Once you have the machine up and working again it would be a very good idea to check it has all the correct coils and then do flipper rebuilds. Even if you think it plays ok now, a flipper rebuild will make a massive improvement to the gameplay. This should be the bare minimum in any restoration but some 'restorers' are so tight fisted they will skip this....or in the case of my TAF, even chuck all the bits in a tumbler to shine them up then reassemble the worn shiny parts with some random linkages and remove the coil wrappers to fool the inexperienced buyer.
Given how much "bend" there is on the one I took out to check and knowing that the centre bank of targets get a lot direct hits, I'll pop in some reinforced ones there. Like for like.

I get what you're saying about the hammer it will get at home being less than in an arcade though.

As long as it minimises the ball hitting the cover glass, I'll be happy. 🙂
Once you have the machine up and working again it would be a very good idea to check it has all the correct coils and then do flipper rebuilds. Even if you think it plays ok now, a flipper rebuild will make a massive improvement to the gameplay. This should be the bare minimum in any restoration but some 'restorers' are so tight fisted they will skip this....or in the case of my TAF, even chuck all the bits in a tumbler to shine them up then reassemble the worn shiny parts with some random linkages and remove the coil wrappers to fool the inexperienced buyer.

I've rebuilt the flippers and replaced a coil to get them both the same and correct parts. (Before shot below, both meant to be blue) I've also done the kickback coil so that it fires into the tunnel as I believe it's meant to. It hits 90% of the time now 👍 I'm not entirely sure if that was the coil at fault or just a bit of an alignment issue, but it's spot on now.


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Wrong fuses, no flipper re-build, wrong coils, knackered old targets - doesn't sound even remotely close to a partial restore, let alone a full restore to me. And I certainly wouldn't be boasting about how good it is or the "profit" I made from it. Sad times and certainly not what this community is about. I've received a ton of help from this community, bought pins with confidence and tried to give back where I can - it's not a community when it's all one-way traffic.
Well I see the "Knives" are well and truly out for me. It pure fluke that I logged into this account whist away as I had a list of notifications in my mailbox. I will respond now before going out for the evening. So it not seems that there is a loose / faulty cable on the coin door of the HS 2 iI suppose it is not beyond chance that whilst being transported something has got loose? Nah that never happens does it? VERY strange Nhow the Buyer (a self confessed "fiddler") now claims ALL the fuses in this machine were wrong! Really??? How many of you have heard of a 5/8 amp fuse?? that would be approx 550ma and I do not know of a Manufacturer of such fuses! As for them all being wrong That is utter rubbish Fuses are put in place to be the WEAKEST LINK in a circuit and since I qualified as an Electronics design Engineer in 1975, I have never, not even once, put a higher value fuse in a circuit because it just means a moire expensive component will faiul! Big Louie Why are you telling such lies? Clearly you lot have Tried & Convicted me. But consider these facts..... 1) Why has the Buyer not contacted me since the sale to mention any of this? 2) Explain how it is several weeks since the sale and not a single contact (apart from the initial 3 days)? 3) Is it really beyond the realms of possibility that ANOTHER fault has occurred with a loose wire or by the buyer fiddling around? All the important ICs in the game were on new DIL sockets How is it he has not only bent broken pins but also puts the WRONG IC in it?? My fault again I suppose! I return to the UK on 6th Jan Big Louie you haver all my contact details are you MAN enough to contact me and accuse me of these things to my face? Maybe we should make this legal??
Sent from i phone 11 Telefonica~ islas Canarias

Make it legal? LOL. You sold this guy a pup and I will recommend people should avoid buying anything from you and when you post any more for sale items in here I’ll be linking this thread to them and they can make their own mind up.


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Wow that really is bad on a fully restored game that’s not even close too a workshop really personally hs2 is never going to be a a list game and replacing every single target in the game will be expensive as there is lots I would give them a good clean and service and replace the foam Andy at pinball mania has the exact stuff you need
That is absolutely shocking. I've had my issues with Andy in the past and I'm not antagonising him by saying this (as he always says) but he has got to be the biggest cowboy in the west.

Post more pictures of the playfield dude and we can help guide you in what else might need changing, adjusting or replacing
This is my restored one if pics help you it maybe up for sale in the new year 9389DE00-E482-4CA4-B0A5-AFD63A6BA629.jpeg


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@Durzel The flipper coils are different on creech due to the right flipper needing to get up the steep whirlpool ramp, but they should both be the same on getaway

And agreed Chris that restore is aspirational.
Wow that really is bad on a fully restored game that’s not even close too a workshop really personally hs2 is never going to be a a list game and replacing every single target in the game will be expensive as there is lots I would give them a good clean and service and replace the foam Andy at pinball mania has the exact stuff you need

I have the foam for them already, as I was planning to tidy them up myself, I'll give it a shot and see how I go. 👍
Different coils for the lower flippers (ubiquitous on every machine) can’t be right surely?
Manual shows lower flipper coils to be 11629 (blue) and upper one 11630 (red) , slightly less power for top one I guess.

I enjoyed rebuilding the flipper assembly...


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Could you do the underside of the playfield in sections? Real close up. Same with the back box boards.

Thanks Phil! I'll try and take some shots over the next few days incase anything stands out to you. It seems ok to me, apart from a few of the obvious things.

One thing I was concerned about that I haven't rectified yet..

There is a GND that hangs down from the TRIAC board, from J1-4. It's meant to be into J118-3 but its floating currently. J118 has the DMD power extension in it from the upgrade. The schematic seems to show that there is a shared GND (with J3-6) so maybe thats why it's working ok, and its surplus to requirements? I'd rather get it connected up as it should be though, stop it banging into anything and shorting stuff. I've insulated it for the time being. I had thought it might be causing this sound issue actually, but had no idea why!! hah


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