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No Longer Available Stern LE’s

DP LE, really what's it worth... ?
DP LE, really what's it worth... ?
Personally not 13k and I’ve been after one for a while, I would have been interested at 10k maybe 11k at a push, anything more and it’s silly money imo, especially once supply outweighs demand again.
Deadpool LE are going for £13K with topper.

With a new LE £12500 and probably prices going up later this year why not NIB price for a desirable LE.
Personally not 13k and I’ve been after one for a while, I would have been interested at 10k maybe 11k at a push, anything more and it’s silly money imo, especially once supply outweighs demand again.
No one can know if supply will ever outweigh demand again. It’s not as if any more DP LE’s will be made. There’s a lot of dry powder waiting to snap up machines. It’s more a question of If not when.
Deadpool LE are going for £13K with topper.

With a new LE £12500 and probably prices going up later this year why not NIB price for a desirable LE.
Dave I think you are wrong just because the guy paid 13k for the deadpool don’t mean it’s worth 13k the guy who acquired all those pins paid well over the odds he basically made people offers they couldn’t refuse I know of a deadpool Le no topper that sold for 9-10k this month
Also if they where the right price they would have sold all of them on here in 20 mins you put your gotg on eBay for a month open to all the world and it didn’t sell
I have several Le games that I would sell if someone made me a bonkers offer
Your prices where hld prices and more than likely would not sell on here
No one can know if supply will ever outweigh demand again. It’s not as if any more DP LE’s will be made. There’s a lot of dry powder waiting to snap up machines. It’s more a question of If not when.
Stern will catch up, they would not have pushed back their cornerstone releases if it wasn’t beneficial for them in terms of their manufacturing and financially.

Everywhere (manufacturing specifically here) has been shut down for months causing a shortage in parts, as those companies ramp up production to catch up on lost production, the supply chain will level out, no if about it, simply a matter of when/how fast they can all catch up.
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Dave I think you are wrong just because the guy paid 13k for the deadpool don’t mean it’s worth 13k the guy who acquired all those pins paid well over the odds he basically made people offers they couldn’t refuse I know of a deadpool Le no topper that sold for 9-10k this month
From what was said above it sounds like more of a mate buying them, so he can get them back down the line maybe, sounds more like a loan than actual sales, but saying they “sold” is a sure fire way to make those prices the expectation and artificially inflate prices for everyone.
From what was said above it sounds like more of a mate buying them, so he can get them back down the line maybe, sounds more like a loan than actual sales, but saying they “sold” is a sure fire way to make those prices the expectation and artificially inflate prices for everyone.
It’s a very strange one none sold to group members even though the sellers inbox was in overdrive apparently and the third person in-line for the Godzilla said he knew nothing about it and already had one 😂 😂😂 you couldn’t make this up
This might actually be the most depressing for sale thread ever to hit the site.

Bunch of machines at eye watering prices.

Now all sold to a mysterious third party for the asking price. Who can blame the seller for getting the biggest return.

Doesn’t bode well for the hobby becoming more affordable. I can’t even remember the last time I bothered checking eBay etc.
It’s a very strange one none sold to group members even though the sellers inbox was in overdrive apparently and the third person in-line for the Godzilla said he knew nothing about it and already had one 😂 😂😂 you couldn’t make this up
Also turns out the NIB GZLE wasn't actually NIB but from the showroom...
Sounds like someone fishing for what they might get for them. **** poor @Paul I think you need a new rule that only direct sellers can post sales threads. Otherwise I’ll get someone to post anything I’ve got to sell and avoid the site supporter fee!!!
Not only site supporter fee, sales donation. You can see who is donating quite easily, pins are changing hands between members and no donations being made.
No need for that, this forum makes life so much easier so the least you can do is cough up just a little.

Tip, if you have just done a deal with a member and make it public maybe make a donation😂
Oh welcome to a bug bear of mine :D

I have seen machines upwards of £5k be sold, and no donation made (or maybe a tenner at most) !!
I have also seen machines at £1k with a £20 donation (Which is perfectly fine in my eyes).

Using a percentage based formula would be best (we could have had that under the old new sales software!), however

1. This isnt Ebay
2. If the funds that come in to run the site dont equal the server fees + running costs (software updates, Add-on updates) then the site closes - and in my view everyone looses. This is currently running at several £k per year. Myself and the other Admins dont take a wage, or payment for what we do (however do get my sincere grattitude for helping the community!)
3. I think it unfair to "police " it, since it is worth different things to different people.

I want to add something of more "Value" to those people that do subscribe. Any suggestions welcome!
Oh welcome to a bug bear of mine :D

I have seen machines upwards of £5k be sold, and no donation made (or maybe a tenner at most) !!
I have also seen machines at £1k with a £20 donation (Which is perfectly fine in my eyes).

Using a percentage based formula would be best (we could have had that under the old new sales software!), however

1. This isnt Ebay
2. If the funds that come in to run the site dont equal the server fees + running costs (software updates, Add-on updates) then the site closes - and in my view everyone looses. This is currently running at several £k per year. Myself and the other Admins dont take a wage, or payment for what we do (however do get my sincere grattitude for helping the community!)
3. I think it unfair to "police " it, since it is worth different things to different people.

I want to add something of more "Value" to those people that do subscribe. Any suggestions welcome!
How about PMs only between site supporters?
I've had a football forum since 2007 and server fees are high particularly for tech support and database backups.

Add-ons are a constant pain in the **** and you're reliant on someone else developing them.

That being said if you're paying several thousand each year (sorry if I read that wrong) then you are having your pants pulled down. I've recently left NameCheap and gone with Go Daddy. The money was roughly the same but the control panel on GD was far more user friendly.
Oh welcome to a bug bear of mine :D

I have seen machines upwards of £5k be sold, and no donation made (or maybe a tenner at most) !!
I have also seen machines at £1k with a £20 donation (Which is perfectly fine in my eyes).

Using a percentage based formula would be best (we could have had that under the old new sales software!), however

1. This isnt Ebay
2. If the funds that come in to run the site dont equal the server fees + running costs (software updates, Add-on updates) then the site closes - and in my view everyone looses. This is currently running at several £k per year. Myself and the other Admins dont take a wage, or payment for what we do (however do get my sincere grattitude for helping the community!)
3. I think it unfair to "police " it, since it is worth different things to different people.

I want to add something of more "Value" to those people that do subscribe. Any suggestions welcome!
Maybe make site supporters fees £30 and only direct PM as above. If you use it to buy and sell then £30 a year is nothing in this hobby. As without it there's only Facebook or Ebay and we know everyones thoughts on that.
Seems to me that almost every thread on here now is just a ticking time bomb that invariably explodes into a mild mannered price brawl 😂

I guess it’s the perfect storm of eye watering prices, increased demand , low supply of both new and used ….. and a world spinning off its axis in many ways .

Hold on tight pin kids , we’re on an express elevator to hell …. Going down 😁

Come on guys the dude just bought 50ks worth of machines he can’t afford a donation as well! :D
Maybe because I've never sold something here, but I never realised a donation for each sale was the etiquette. Is that written anywhere? Maybe others just realising it was the done thing.
Also if they where the right price they would have sold all of them on here in 20 mins you put your gotg on eBay for a month open to all the world and it didn’t sell
I have several Le games that I would sell if someone made me a bonkers offer
Your prices where hld prices and more than likely would not sell on here
Godzilla, Deadpool & AIQ- all had interest and would have sold on here in 24hrs for the asking prices.

Shame people missed out.
What can I say, guy wanted to sell, asked me and I tried, but as I said a friend of his bought them.

All LE games were bought from people on the forum.. all I did was put people in touch with each other. AND the prices asked were not far off what the guy paid.

If the members that sold the games wanted to they could say what they sold them for.. but why would they when they would probably be ridiculed and slagged of for “taking advantage of people”

The days of £800 MM’s, £300 WW are well and truley over!

End of the day pay the asking price or don’t. 🤷‍♂️. I’m sure we’re all grown ups that can decide what we spend our money on

Quite a few people have contacted me and I have put them in touch with the seller and 99% have been happy with what they have got.

Yeah I imagine some PM going on as all the bull ****e and peoples “opinions” as to what it’s worth.

1.) I don’t make the prices
2.) I haven’t been paid and have never asked to be paid for finding these games/ putting people in touch with the sellers.

I do it to help people find the machines they want. They set the price and the buyers have paid what they are asking..

The sellers are actually quite busy running businesses and don’t spend a lot of time on here..

The buyer of the LE’s for sale isn’t on here at all..

Now that’s done and dusted..

I do know of a couple of games coming up!

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Again as an outsider, I think if donations after sale are important, it would make sense to add them to that "how to use this forum" sticky and give a suggestion (Paul suggests ablut 2% above)

Surely its better to make it clear rather than passively seething at someone who didn't know the unspoken rules.
Where else can you sell for free? Pinside charge a mandatory fee, eBay have set fees minus promotions, if you require the use of a site/platform to sell a game surely it should be paid for that exposure and access?

Prices are on the rise at least while supply is outstripping demand so prices are at an all time high with sellers likely making a few quid, compared to what they brought at.

But we are talking about 10k plus games here and a messily 1% should be optional? GTFO.
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