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Predator any joy?


Deleted member 181

hi guys sorry for dragging this up again but as the last thread got kinda big, I just wondered who has managed to get money back and who hasn't

I know a few guys on here did and don't won't to say unless they are happy to say but it would be good to know who has and who hasnt and if we have all just given up?

I just contacted the dude in America who is group suing Kevin now apparently as he hasn't got any legal counsel now , and can pass his details to you if you want.

So anyways I will start off then

Will barber predator #178. Fully paid $4750

Nothing back :(
I got $4500 back out of $4750. The initial deposit was out of the period covered by the credit card agreement. To be honest I'm not going to chase the $250, just chalked it up to a lesson learnt.

Good luck with recovering anything through the US lawyer, hope something comes of it. Not sure how much Kevin still has and if any of it is recoverable but I'm rooting for you all.
The lawyer, wants $500 up front plus $200 for court costs .... Or 35% of the final settlement , but also needs the $200 for court costs.... Just seems like throwing more money at it , but with no other way to turn as my bank won't help and PayPal also won't help , there is not really any option...

So no one else got their money back? Anyone wanna go the lawyer route maybe get discount with more of us , but it it's only me that got ass ****ed I guess it's not worth it :(
Edit: I'm assuming lots of US people are already signing up with him to represent him??

A few questions for the lawyer spring to mind if you are serious about using him: what experience does he have of this sort of law (being a pinball fan is clearly not enough if he's deals with wills and probate, or some other completely unrelated area of law in his normal day-to-day job); what's his estimate of likelihood of success, e.g. does he have any idea how much the Predator guy has left in the bank...if not, what's the best/worst outcomes for you personally if he has £500k left, what's the best/worst outcomes if he has £100k, and what if he has nothing; on what grounds will he sue (and is it just one approach for everyone he represents, or is he going to be approaching it from different ways for different people - e.g. credit card payers, paypal payers, depending on when you signed up and paid, etc, etc - and if it's many ways, does that extra complexity mean greater risk of failure for you personally); are there other similar case examples in the relevant state (assuming it is state specific law he is using) he can give you where there were successes and failures, so you can gauge likelihood of success yourself; what does it mean that you are outside the US; how long will it take, best and worst case; under what circumstances would you have to pay the lawyer even more.

It honestly seems like throwing good money after bad to me @Will - the guys on pinside appear (at least, in their recent comments) to be doing it for the wrong reasons. i.e. 'to get even'. But if you do it, and if you have not done already, then best do some serious due diligence first to see what is likely to happen, and what the final bill for you might look like. Lawyers are like money-pits in the UK, but must be way worse in the US.
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Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking mate :(
Just throwing more money away... I am not into the entire pinside thinking of he set out to con people and even though it sucks hard that it looks like the chances of seeing my cash back are very small , I don't want to vindictively set out to " get back at him " but saying that if he lived nearer I would without a doubt of payed him a vist and taken @Alpha1 one with me as well ;)

Damn I wish I had that dosh back
Did you pay by visa debit or credit?
Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking mate :(
Just throwing more money away... I am not into the entire pinside thinking of he set out to con people and even though it sucks hard that it looks like the chances of seeing my cash back are very small , I don't want to vindictively set out to " get back at him " but saying that if he lived nearer I would without a doubt of payed him a vist and taken @Alpha1 one with me as well ;)

Damn I wish I had that dosh back

Exactly. Apply Occam's Razor (i.e. the simplest explanation is the most likely). He's just a normal guy, probably a nice guy, way out of his depth, and screwed up. If he was a true con-man, he'd have thought out an end-game before he started, like taking the almost £1M and moving to a different country long time ago. The guy lives in a $20-$30k house in some back water in the US, appointed some attorney, and even that went wrong, and kept communicating for too long. Do African princes promising you their fortune communicate for that long?
He's just made a big mistake with a lot of people's money. If it was my money, and without a 'buyers' emotional attachment to this whole sorry story, I'd just walk away and try to forget it.

I'd still want to beat him too though.

I know very little of the whole sorry predator mess (other than what's been on this forum), and I know even less of you(!) but one bit of good advice I was given not long after starting in business ( and the first time I had the shock if coming across a customer who wasn't going to pay his bill), was "never to take legal action on a principle (no matter how important or simple/obvious that principle is/was)- only take legal action if you know you are in the right, have evidence to prove you are right, have evidence that is clear enough to stand up in court, know that the person you are pursuing has the resources to pay if they chose to and that you gave the means to enforce that payment?"

If the answer to any of these questions is 'no', 'maybe' or 'not sure' then best put it down to experience and move on with enjoying life. That advice was given by a lawyer - they often earn there best money in all the cases where things are unclear & plenty to argue over.

That said the idea of throwing $200 dollar at it in exchange for losing 35% might be a low-risk route, but best to view it as the same odds of lumping that amount on an individual number on a roulette wheel - great if it comes up, but chances are very low. If you'd enjoy the gamble then may be worth having a go, but when you compound in the settlement probably being lower than your claim, extra fees/costs that may be asked for along the way (to keep the case going ya know..) & courts costs etc that may be taken out (after the lawyer has his, but before you get yours) you may just feel it's not going to be worth the hassle!

Sorry if that doesn't sound very positive!
Yeah looks like I am gonna have to swallow it :(

I am very happy for everyone that got their money back truly I am but at the same time that kinda makes it a bit harder as in just because I paid via PayPal nothing can be done...
I have paid via my debit card from my bank via PayPal and the real irony is that I was trying to get my money back months before the entire thing blew up in fact I have communications with Kevin stating that " when he issues the refund " he will make sure I am one of the very first to get the cash back. I had personall reasons for asking for my money back.
The bank initially said no problem then sent a letter saying nothing they can do, then a month or so a go I had a full refund from Kevin in my PayPal which was cancelled the day it was supposed to clear :(
The frustrating thing is that there is just nothing I can do, yet it appears that most others have successfully reclaimed money from credit cards and banks and also i know of one guy of here that has got it back through PayPal as well...

Irritating :(
Will, get onto this guy asap:
248-436-4833 x 111
Keith Nathanson

He is currently helping me and a few others sue Kevin for the cash he owes us. I went for $200 up front court costs and 35% of the collected fund. There are other methods of payments and percentages but that's the one I chose to go with.

Kevin also told me I would be "one of the first to get your cash back" so don't hesitate at all and get onto Keith who resides in Michigan too. He's totally committed to chasing Kevin for as long as it takes.

In all honesty, this whole thing has killed Pinball for me. So I am hunting this F*cker down with every resource I can find.
Nothing they can do after the 180 days :(

Of course there is... they (supposedly) hold all the money... just that it's in different peoples accounts. Plus you can highlight that you asked for it back long before they made repayments to other people.
I did get a full refund including the $250 deposit as it was all paid from a credit card then via PayPal.

PayPal wanted nothing to do with it, it was Barclaycard that refunded me.

Sorry to hear you still not getting anywhere, but if the debit card carries a VISA logo, it should be protected by the VISA standards...
Spent hours on the blower to PayPal
Again today and nothing they will do after 180 days... Glad to hear you got all yours back , yep my card is a visa debit but not protected under the direct debit guarantee bank wrote back saying nothing they can do either months ago :(
That lawyer is the same one I got in touch with in USA just can't see me throwing more money at this entire sorry mess
Look at it like this, Will; For the princely sum of £130 and 35% (just over a grand in my case= $4750) of the collected total you have a chance to make life difficult for someone who stole from you. You only pay the £130 up front for court filing costs and when the judgement comes in you are only liable to pay the further 35% if Kevin actually pays up. You will never get a thing if you don't try and hunt for it and 2K is better than 0K.

If you still don't want to go ahead with chasing him down like the thief he is. There is this place:

Seriously ring the fraud dept of your bank and say you have just noticed a payment you don't recognise, give em some flannel like you are doing your tax returns. Nothing to lose here and a lot to gain..
That's interesting news..
Think it was only myself and one other over here that lost all their money ... Still sucks every time this raises its head :(
It's worth keeping an eye on for one particular scenario only I think. If anyone wins their case and are awarded damages, then I guess a legal precedent will be set. Assuming he has the funds to start paying out those damages (presumably whether or not he does have them will come out in the case?!), then everyone who bought into this, but didn't file against him, will be instructing attorneys ASAP. If the amount of funds he has is less than everything he could potentially have to pay out to everyone in damages, then it might be good to be at the start of the queue - I'm not sure, but perhaps it might work on a first come first served basis.

All highly unlikely I guess, my own gut feel is that this bird has flown, but maybe worth keeping a close eye on, even phoning the lawyer who is representing them to ask what is happening.
Oh yeah it's well over now , never gonna see one penny back , a very costly and painful expensive experience :(
Tobin got one of them as well?? I haven't yet... I kinda wish it would just all go away as what's the point of going after the money it's clearly all gone :(
I got one as well so this isn't related to the lawyer some people hired. I'm guessing all customers were listed as creditors and as such are being notified that there are no assets that can be sold to pay of the debts. Quite amazing how someone can steal $1 million and not have any legal repercussions.
Got one of those letters too. The game isn't over yet, there are still others to chase. One of them has a business that will now come under scrutiny. Yeah, i know they too may also go for bankruptcy but If i'm to pay 3k for thin air, then i will take comfort in the stress i cause them.
Personally, i'm chasing this to the bitter end.

P.S: Check your emails. I got one from Keith outlining the path ahead (who's next on the list basically). Things look far better than you think so get in contact with him asap.
But you have to pay another $500 to not be guaranteed any outcome, just can't see the point of throwing any more money at it :(
Trust me I want my 3k back as much as you Rus
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