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Wanted Popeye

In the current climate I'm surprised it's not gone at 1.1k
A few years ago I would never have believed a Popeye would have hit a grand.
Buy as it's going to be worth 2k in a few years.
Just telling it like I see it :cool:

The herd mentality over the same old 'respected' titles just gets boring - mix it up folks, you might just find yr new favourite game :thumbs:
Totally agree, previously all I ever wanted to play was the really famous titles then a mate of mine got whodunnit, flintstones, Dirty Harry and World Cup 94. I played them and love them all.
So I must admit. The one that was on eBay at £850. Has a nice home in my garage. There was one little fault that needed a wire Re connecting and now working great. All ramps were in good condition. Nothing broken. Plays great. Love or hate it. As a wide body it is does it justice. Hard ro complete. Loads to do to keep you entertained. Yes there are a few issues with the layout and theme. But for £830 I think a sound choice.

So I must admit. The one that was on eBay at £850. Has a nice home in my garage. There was one little fault that needed a wire Re connecting and now working great. All ramps were in good condition. Nothing broken. Plays great. Love or hate it. As a wide body it is does it justice. Hard ro complete. Loads to do to keep you entertained. Yes there are a few issues with the layout and theme. But for £830 I think a sound choice.


Welcome aboard the good ship Popeye Dave :thumbs: Toot toot :thumbs:

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