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OT: Covid boosters

Changing opinion doesn't make you anti-vaxer.

It might make you anti-this vaccine but not all and future vaccines. Pretty dangerous labelling people so and certainly doesn't help the situation.
I think we all know when trying to sort a pinball machine you fix one thing at a time then go back look at the results and if needed try again, I do feel he’s ripped the entire back box out instead of replacing the battery’s but in the end he will get the result he wants , but as well all know nothing is perfect for long :)
@Tucks I am in a very similar boat.

I have never been anti-vaxx. Had my 2x AZ, had flu jabs annually for past 15 yrs or so. Had all manner of jabs for nasty things in African countries.

I had an awful dose of chicken pox in my late 20s. Off work for a month. I was then shattered to learn that in many countries they vaccinate children against chicken pox. Of course I would have paid 25 quid to get a vaccine as I did not catch it as a child.

And then I found out that even taking cheap zovirax can lessen the impact- something my GP at the time did not bother to mention.

I saw my mother die of bowel cancer as the NHS did not screen for it. It takes around 5 years from first signs to it becoming lethal. She went on to contract secondary lung and breast cancers, being lifted out of bed on a crane .... under nhs "care" my father died of gangrene after an astonishing period in hospital. The staff on the ward thought he was insane, turned out he had a bladder infection due to his catheter - something that my mate who is a South African psychiatrist diagnosed over the phone.

In other developed countries bowel cancer screening was routine back then The UK has now caught up.

My wife and I have had problems undiagnosed by decades of NHS 'suck it and see' bargain basement treatment. We have both been to hospitals in South Africa for accident and emergency, cancer treatment, general anaesthetic stuff, and been properly diagnosed by Drs who were stunned when we told them how things were here.

If folk believe what the NHS tells them and are unwilling to do basic research and think for themselves, they are letting themselves down.

These covid jabs are untested and been given emergency authorisation only in many countries. Normally vaccines undergo 5 yrs plus of testing. Critics are being silenced. The mainstream media all sings with one voice. Proper data is not being given to us. The absence of reasoned debate is astonishing on a topic that has dominated the globe for nearly 2 years.

The heart problems are being covered up. Where is the proper data ? We know it exists. Why is it a secret ?

How many professional footballers need to collapse on the pitch in 2021 before someone twigs that debate and scientific challenge might be required ? Just this weekend....

A basic Google search will reveal the surge in similar sportsmen collapsing this year on the field of play.

In this sea of lies and spin, a very simple way of looking at it - who benefits?

1. Tech companies that have major impact on media, what people think, how they shop

2. Drug companies producing the vaccines

3. Public sector employees "working from home" or refusing to teach or or refusing to treat patients

Not many other winners out there.
If folk believe what the NHS tells them and are unwilling to do basic research and think for themselves, they are letting themselves down.

Okay. I have a disease that multiple clinicians agree exists, but which no one knows what it is.

I can’t officially get treatment for it because… drum roll… I don’t have a diagnosis.

It’s a bit “we know you have one of these diseases, but it’s not one of the twenty-three we’ve been able to identify by genetic sequencing and, thus, it doesn’t have a name, so we can’t diagnose you… goodbye. If it gets really bad, go to A&E and speak to the duty rheumatologist who will, obviously, know even less about it than I do and won’t be able to prescribe anything to treat it either.”

These covid jabs are untested and been given emergency authorisation only in many countries. Normally vaccines undergo 5 yrs plus of testing. Critics are being silenced. The mainstream media all sings with one voice. Proper data is not being given to us. The absence of reasoned debate is astonishing on a topic that has dominated the globe for nearly 2 years.
Okay. Scientists have been working on mRNA vaccines for two decades now. The reason we didn’t previously have commercial mRNA vaccines (for COVID or anything else) was because there wasn’t any money in it. Put bluntly, pre-COVID, most dangerous infectious diseases were in poor countries and the money in the pharmaceutical industry was keeping 90-year-old Americans with full health insurance alive for an extra fortnight.

Once COVID started badly hitting the US and Europe, it was suddenly worth translating the extensive, multi-decade-long research programs into mRNA vaccines into a commercial product - because the US and Western Europe have money.

Hence, they are not *untested* vaccines. The underlying technology is extensively tested.

I mention mRNA vaccines here because the AZ vaccine is based on a technology platform used in a huge bunch of other vaccines - so, it’s about as untested as aspirin (I exaggerate only slightly).
'Basic research' is easily the most loaded phrase commonly stated nowadays.

It requires that people saying it, know what constitutes as research, know how to identify and exclude sources of bias, and have also spent an adequate amount of time looking in all dimensions.

I will be fair and not say much more than I believe people's idea of 'basic research' is simply too basic to be useful.
How many professional footballers need to collapse on the pitch in 2021 before someone twigs that debate and scientific challenge might be required ? Just this weekend....

A basic Google search will reveal the surge in similar sportsmen collapsing this year on the field of play.

How have you come to the conclusion that this incident is related to the vaccine rather than, for example, a pandemic virus that's causing breathing difficulties?
3. Public sector employees "working from home" or refusing to teach or or refusing to treat patients
Hmm. Yes. “Refusing to teach”. So in the best part of 2 years I’ve yet to miss a day. I’ve been in everyday when the government (not teachers or unions) haven’t closed schools. Run virtual lessons during lockdown on all the other days, each one of which is like yelling into a blank well as none of the kids will put cameras on.
Set exams. Marked exams (whilst still paying the sodding exam boards).
Carried out catch up lessons.
Run in school support for vulnerable students.
Been involved in countless child protection issues and been through another bloody OFSTED.

But maybe the Daily Mail readers have it right and teachers have “refused to teach”.
Just to clarify all the above (apart from exam marking) is my job. Just don’t believe the crap about us not doing it. If you’ve got kids and they aren’t being taught properly complain to the school. Don’t assume we are all skiving.

I’d also be interested to know which other major employer expected everyone to work remotely but then didn’t provide any IT equipment. Everything we use was bought and paid for by us.
For my own sanity I’ve avoided weighing in on some of the more outlandish claims on this thread, but I can’t let the slurs on teachers pass.

I work in a school and I can’t begin to describe the extra work and effort every single teacher here has gone through since the start of the pandemic, often to the direct detriment of their own health and well being.

They’ve been under unbelievable stress and don’t deserve the innuendo and insults hurled by certain tabloids.
I would like to see a proper debate. Real facts on the table.

Dominic Raab was on TV yesterday saying one patient had died in the UK with Omicron. When pressed for more details age, comobidities, reason for admission (car crash?) he said no more information would be provided because of "patient confidentiality". No one was asking the name or the guy FFS.

Transpires that the individual was over 70. My mum did not make it to 70. My dad died in his 70s.

This is the kind of debate we need.

Sunetra Gupta is an Oxford University Academic and signatory to the Great Barrington Declaration.

She hardly ever appears on BBC/ Sky/ C4/ ITV. Her views are radically different to the prevailing govt/ mainstream media wisdom, but unless you watch Spectator TV or listen to Talk Radio you are unlikely to come across her.

Our basic human rights and civil liberties are being eroded. Cancer patients are going unscanned and untreated. Kids aged 18 are standing in queues to get a vaccine developed before omnixron even existed. Schools may well be locked down again.

There should be daily debates on this with high calibre individuals so we hear both sides or the argument.

A friend of mine who is a very centrist, completely middle of the road GP has been forced to see zero patients for three days to administer vaccines. I have no idea what her politics are or how she votes. She is not political but sent me a message yesterday explaining all this yesterday and finishing "I hate Boris"

Based on my own and my family' s experience of healthcare I would tend to agree with South African Drs over UK ones. SA has previously had very strict lockdowns, banned travel without written permits..... This time round it has done nothing
Just had my booster at a walk in, can feel the heart rate going a bit. Bit o
Hmm. Yes. “Refusing to teach”. So in the best part of 2 years I’ve yet to miss a day. I’ve been in everyday when the government (not teachers or unions) haven’t closed schools. Run virtual lessons during lockdown on all the other days, each one of which is like yelling into a blank well as none of the kids will put cameras on.
Set exams. Marked exams (whilst still paying the sodding exam boards).
Carried out catch up lessons.
Run in school support for vulnerable students.
Been involved in countless child protection issues and been through another bloody OFSTED.

But maybe the Daily Mail readers have it right and teachers have “refused to teach”.
My daughter is a teacher and has done her bit like you👍
One of my son’s is at medical school and working on a Covid ward part time so he tells me stuff.
Another son works for the NHS doing data but he is working from home now, he also tells me stuff.
My youngest is at uni ‘trying’ to learn, tuff for these kids at uni. Not cheap.

Im at home doing nothing trying to dodge all this crap but at least I’m getting told stuff😂
Problem with this thread is that it's absolutely political, not a 'health debate' because you rapidly start needing to look at the government, who they currently are, and what they are currently doing.

You cannot possibly get any more political than looking at our government.

Just feels like the thread is a time bomb for politics tbh.
it’s a bit rich to quote the Times on their cover considering the Times review of it!

The main take: “This is an outrageously dumb book selling conspiracy hooey”
'Basic research' is easily the most loaded phrase commonly stated nowadays.

It requires that people saying it, know what constitutes as research, know how to identify and exclude sources of bias, and have also spent an adequate amount of time looking in all dimensions.

I will be fair and not say much more than I believe people's idea of 'basic research' is simply too basic to be useful.

This. We'll be dealing with the disaster that was Brexit for decades now because a load of people thought they were well enough informed to understand geo political trading systems. Now suddenly everyone of them is also an expert on the human respiratory system and RNA vaccines 😂

We need to get better at understanding some people have literally dedicated their life to understanding these things, and give them just a bit of trust to do the right thing.
it’s a bit rich to quote the Times on their cover considering the Times review of it!

The main take: “This is an outrageously dumb book selling conspiracy hooey”
Read it - make your own mind up. it contains some interesting reminders of what actually happened. it's not a hard out "conspiracy theorists" book for sure. Her other books on boobs are also worth a read !!!
These covid jabs are untested and been given emergency authorisation only in many countries. Normally vaccines undergo 5 yrs plus of testing. Critics are being silenced.

It’s when they want 75 years to release the data on some of the vaccines that gets me thinking WTF?

My mum was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer last year. In her 80's, so high risk. She got excellent treatment in the height of the pandemic.
My dad has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer amongst other issues and has been looked after pretty good too at Charring Cross.

I am not looking to pick a fight with teachers or Drs or anyone. I have just been subjected to the worst infringement of my human rights in my lifetime and feel that the time has come for proper debate and facts on the table.

Perhaps @AlanJ and I have received rather sharp shocks and thus been more minded to have a good dig around. I had bugger all to do in my prison for 24h a day under lockdown for 10 days so did a lot of reading.

If i had done the subject I love at university, rather than one I hated, I would probably now be a physics teacher.

The comprehensive I went to is now called an academy. It boasts of its ofsted rating. Last year a friend's 14 yr old daughter received no teacher led lessons in any of the lockdowns. Her work went unmarked for months, the daughter and the mum complained. Nothing was done.

Enormous fimancial sacrifices have been made and that kid is now in a private school.

The academy's argument was that web based lessons were unfair on those without web access. Teacher led remote sessions did not begin until January 2021.

Of course many teachers worked like troopers, but at the secondary school closest to where I live the kids suffered from a huge lack of teaching. Many people I know were similarly affected by this.

in this world of spin and cover ups, I pay particular attention to folk I know, what I personally experienced, what they experienced.

As far as cancer goes, The Guardian is broadly a pro lockdown paper. This is a recent article ....

"Macmillan estimates that there is now a backlog of 47,300 people across the UK who have not yet been diagnosed with some form of cancer, as a direct result of Covid."

In 2020 my wife was being treated by the nhs by mobile phone for suspected skin cancer. Consultants would not see her face to face.

She got seen in South Africa when the country opened up in November 2020. She received surgery under general anaesthetic, which was expeditiously carried out. Full recovery made. Had it been found earlier it would have required far less invasive intervention.
I’m just going to put a marker in the sand here. All the talk from the govt, scottish govt and the heath experts:valance and whitty for the last two days has been about the terrible threat of omicron and the need to take action. the fear they are feeding us is of another massive spike in deaths and hospitalisations. They talk of a doubling of cases every 2-3 days and 500k cases a day within a week. We then have Nicola Sturgeon scaring people with her talk of the “attack rate” of omicron - what she’s done is renamed the “R” number to something that sounds more scary. it’s designed exactly to scare us. it’s irresponsible.

I just can’t see their predictions on hospitalisations and deaths coming true.

Let’s reconvene in a weeks time. see what has really happened.
Let's say that doom and gloom fails to materialise.

Would there be an open discussion on whether the risk was a real one, and good preparation helped reduce the severity of it? Would the success of said prep, justify the aggressive and emotive way that compliance was pushed by several groups including the government?

Or would it be viewed as evidence that the threat wasn't real, and there was nothing but evil in the response to the risk?

Can people see how I have little faith that the former interpretation would be given any time in some people's minds at all, and the discussion would immediately - and intractably - be along the lines of the latter?
I’m just going to put a marker in the sand here. All the talk from the govt, scottish govt and the heath experts:valance and whitty for the last two days has been about the terrible threat of omicron and the need to take action. the fear they are feeding us is of another massive spike in deaths and hospitalisations. They talk of a doubling of cases every 2-3 days and 500k cases a day within a week. We then have Nicola Sturgeon scaring people with her talk of the “attack rate” of omicron - what she’s done is renamed the “R” number to something that sounds more scary. it’s designed exactly to scare us. it’s irresponsible.

I just can’t see their predictions on hospitalisations and deaths coming true.

Let’s reconvene in a weeks time. see what has really happened.

Okay. Omicron is doubling every 2-3 days. If you have enough doublings every 2-3 days, you end up with 500k cases a day.

There are two reasons why we won’t have *evidence* of 500k cases a day. One is that the testing system reaches capacity, at which point the peak will be an extended flat area with rising percentages of tests coming back positive. The second is that there is a ‘lockdown by stealth’. The Daily Mail is complaining that this is already happening in London and, depending to what extent this is true, the ‘R’ will fall as a result.

’Attack rate’ is a technical term.
I watch Laura Dodsworth almost daily as she is always on the TV/Media and pretty much everything she says makes sense. Most people just don't want to believe it. We are living in the Matrix where some of us have woken up and know what is going on and some that refuse to do so.

Remember last year when everyone saying we were going have COVID passports were called conspiracy theorists? Not so funny now is it.

I know quite a few people who have died from Cancer over the last couple of years, due to lockdown, yet I don't know anyone that has died of Covid.

The average age of death in this country is about 81. The average COVID death is 82. What does that tell you? We are now cancelling doctor/hospital appointment for older people that really need them to 'boost' 18 year old that have pretty much zero chance of dying of COVID. This is pretty sick IMO.

Regardless of all our opinions, the one question that we are not get answers to (because nobody in the media is asking) is why was this produced in a lab, how did it get out and how on earth are we going to stop it happening again.

This is intended to divide society and to be fair, they're doing a pretty good job of it.
I know quite a few people who have died from Cancer over the last couple of years, due to lockdown, yet I don't know anyone that has died of Covid.
Well, you’re lucky. I’m self-employed with a single staffer and her stepfather died of COVID last year. I have two acquaintances with long COVID and, out of old friends on Facebook, one was hospitalised for four days, and two others (a couple) wound up in ICU.

Out of all the other people who I know who’ve had COVID, one of them had her housemate and her partner both get COVID really badly. Her partner was minutes away from calling an ambulance (but not hospitalised).

All these people (except the guy who died) are under 40. Most of them have no pre-existing health conditions and all of them got COVID in early 2020 (before vaccines).

But... fine. You don’t know anyone who’s died of COVID… I don’t know anyone who’s died of cancer in the last couple of years, but it doesn’t mean cancer is a shady government conspiracy. I also realise, given the sheer number of people I know who’ve claimed to bad cases of COVID, then this government conspiracy must run DEEP. I feel left out 😭
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