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OT: Covid boosters

Have we hit Godwin’s Law already and we need to lock this thread?

I will ask this time.
What does our government or the medical advisors at SAGE have to gain by generating fear? I can see they use fear to get people to react and get a booster. Maybe avoid contact. Wear a face mask.
We are saying it is to avoid a possible future issue with resources at the NHS as we just don’t know how folks will respond.
But what do you think is their ultimate aim?

With Klaus Schwab heading the WEF I suppose it was inevitable 😀
But before this thread gets pulled, ask yourselves why the definitions of herd immunity, vaccine and pandemic been changed in recent times?
Politics is all about misdirection, bury the message and time the release. Our voting system makes it all about a power grab and this government have a lot of power.

Making Omicron have a higher agenda to hide something else is plausible. But paying billions to give us boosters doesn’t add up. What is their reward?
Politics is all about misdirection, bury the message and time the release. Our voting system makes it all about a power grab and this government have a lot of power.

Making Omicron have a higher agenda to hide something else is plausible. But paying billions to give us boosters doesn’t add up. What is their reward?

I don't know what's in it for them either, but my 5G signal has radically improved since I got the booster. And Microsoft just put the XBox Series X back in stock at the store for me too. (At least one of these is true)
Also, maybe have a think about why the people at the epicentre of this, with access to the very best information are ignoring the rules they so enthusiastically subject us to ...




No 10 Staff

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****. Just lost my Christmas.

Yet another kid I work closely with has just tested positive so I’m now on daily LFTs until Christmas Eve. No biggie but a pain. However, nothing that unusual.

Then my son rings. He’s just tested positive. So have at least 9 people from his work and 4/12 in his uni hall block.

Now I have to work out whether to leave him in a ****ty uni room until Christmas Eve or collect him and have him sat with me in a car for 3 hours. Slightly more complex as he’s meant to vacate the hall by Saturday morning.

There’s no way I can now have my parents here for Christmas given their age / underlying conditions. 😢
Sorry to hear that John. Second year in a row that this thing effects Christmas.
I am waiting for something similar but cheated by having a family gathering at the start of the month that I am pretending was Christmas
get vaccinated get boosted but please don’t believe the fearmongering we are being forced fed. this article sums up what i think

View attachment 155048


‘High levels of previous exposure to three previous waves of coronavirus infection in South Africa may explain the relatively low levels of hospitalisation and severe disease in the current outbreak of the Omicron variant, rather than the variant itself being less virulent.

The suggestion was made by the vaccine expert Shabir Madhi of the University of the Witwatersrand, who has led vaccine trials in the country. He warned that South Africa’s experience of Omicron might not be a reliable indicator for how the Omicron outbreak unfolds in other countries.

The same message was echoed by the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who said it was “wrong for people to consider Omicron as mild”.’

My point isn’t that you’re wrong, but that it’s just too soon to tell. We should take a cautious approach until we know more.
get vaccinated get boosted but please don’t believe the fearmongering we are being forced fed. this article sums up what i think

View attachment 155048

Hmm the Daily Hate ?! are you joking me Alan! :D :D :D :D

what's in it for the government? a low tax and small government party to have to spend and put more government into place. it just doesn't make sense. if cockbyn was in power I might agree with you, but probably not.

our response isn't even that big a deal. It's simple things that if we do early enable us to avoid lockdown. Nobody has been prevented from doing _anything_
i have asthma, developed it a few years back at the tender age of 38! always was quite healthy never smoked , sat here tonight with a nasty cough and feeling hotter than usual, i have just passed a test to say i dont have it but with all the news and my immunosuppressant medication i take iI'm not joking when i say i feel nervous, Man everything just feels **** atm, covid is now starting to affect my kids in the way they talk and what they want to do, its fricking Christmas but it feels far from it. my son has started to wash his hands like a surgeon, yes its good i guess? but i really think the things they are teaching them in school will affect them more than they might think. ps im normally a very happy go lucky cautious person but man this covid stuff is really starting to play on my mind .... yes so might say that's what the news wants you to think but , its been 24 7 for the last 2 years ...
i have asthma, developed it a few years back at the tender age of 38! always was quite healthy never smoked , sat here tonight with a nasty cough and feeling hotter than usual, i have just passed a test to say i dont have it but with all the news and my immunosuppressant medication i take iI'm not joking when i say i feel nervous, Man everything just feels **** atm, covid is now starting to affect my kids in the way they talk and what they want to do, its fricking Christmas but it feels far from it. my son has started to wash his hands like a surgeon, yes its good i guess? but i really think the things they are teaching them in school will affect them more than they might think. ps im normally a very happy go lucky cautious person but man this covid stuff is really starting to play on my mind .... yes so might say that's what the news wants you to think but , its been 24 7 for the last 2 years ...

I Feel for you man, the constant bombardment is getting a bit too much for me too, every news item, web page and conversation seems to revolve around Covid at the moment.
I get it, we need to keep the population vigilant and stuff so its not without merit, but its getting wearing.

Try to focus on the positives, Children are very unlikely to be seriously ill and even with existing conditions chances are you will be fine, try to keep it in proportion (not playing down the severity) but we all know someone who has been seriously injured or killed on the roads, we put on seatbelts, drive within the speed limits, take sensible precautions etc, but we don't panic every time we reach for the car keys.

As for kids, there resilient, we grew up in a very stable time and have never really seen anything big happen, our grandparents grew up hiding in Anderson shelters and playing in bomb craters and they turned out just fine.
i have asthma, developed it a few years back at the tender age of 38! always was quite healthy never smoked , sat here tonight with a nasty cough and feeling hotter than usual, i have just passed a test to say i dont have it but with all the news and my immunosuppressant medication i take iI'm not joking when i say i feel nervous, Man everything just feels **** atm, covid is now starting to affect my kids in the way they talk and what they want to do, its fricking Christmas but it feels far from it. my son has started to wash his hands like a surgeon, yes its good i guess? but i really think the things they are teaching them in school will affect them more than they might think. ps im normally a very happy go lucky cautious person but man this covid stuff is really starting to play on my mind .... yes so might say that's what the news wants you to think but , its been 24 7 for the last 2 years ...

Well, just coming out the other side of COVID and it was quite scary even though in my view I didn't get it bad. I'm asthmatic as well and in my view would have been a lot worse if I hadn't had a steroid inhaler. The worse thing is thinking is this as bad as it gets or will it be worse tomorrow. Other than the asthma which is normally very mild and doesn't need much intervention I am a 54 and fit and healthy and exercise. Was actually due my booster last Sunday but had to cancel but have re-booked for Jan.
I feel quite lucky in that its over and done with before Xmas, and also feel fortunate that no one I came into contact has shown any symptoms including my 85 year old father.

Stay safe people and hope everyone Xmas goes as planned
Really quite surprised by this thread as this is a political issue and thought politics was a no no on this forum. May be wrong.

The overall death rate is 0.66% so clearly not a health issue.
No, if people can't be treated it's a health issue. The consistent underfunding of the NHS for decades resulting in our current capacity is a political issue, which we're not discussing.

If a relative of yours were to have a heart attack in a couple of weeks and couldn't be admitted because of lack of beds, would you be worried about their health, or the politics behind the lack of capacity?

Edit: Not saying this is what's going to happen. We don't know yet. That's the point I keep trying to make.
Why don't we go the whole hog and ban people from hospital that are obese, smokers, drinking, sports injuries etc etc. We'll have loads of beds for COVID patients then. There is always a lack of beds in the NHS and always will be. Privatise is the only way forward.

750,000 undiagnosed cancer appointments will lead to far more deaths than COVID will. We don't even know how many people have died of Covid ('of' and not 'with')

Actually, we could turn the NHS into a Covid only service? Oh wait, we already have.
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The point is that doctors cannot refuse care. They are obligated to treat people, and risk losing their licence and careers if they don't. The only exception is when capacity is exceeded, at which point they will be expected to triage patients based upon likelihood of survival, and essentially make the decision themselves re who lives and who dies.

So, we have a system in which doctors cannot refuse care if they are able to provide it. If hospitals are flooded with a fresh wave of covid patients when ICUs are already almost at capacity, they have to keep admitting them until there is no room. Once there is no room, the system breaks down and people who would otherwise have had a chance of survival will die.

One thing that people never seem to consider though is the impact this is having on clinical staff. They're exhausted, they're burnt out, many have experienced trauma beyond anything we can imagine over the past couple of years and as a country we're just demanding more and more of them.

There are no easy answers. I'm not sitting here advocating for anything apart from caution until we know more. But we have to accept reality when it comes to the current position of the NHS.

On your note re privatisation / lack of beds - in the original wave the NHS took on private capacity, in London at least. I'm aware of how at least some of these deals were structured and it was essentially provided to the NHS at cost. The issue is that this doesn't magically add more doctors. Private healthcare is almost exclusively at the consultant level, and there are very, very few consultants who only work in the private sector - most still hold substantive NHS posts and most spend more time working for the NHS than in private practice. So yes, more beds, but no more doctors to treat patients. This was also the problem with the Nightingale Hospitals.
I live in London. Me and my family have just had Omicron. Loads of my friends have Omicron. It's no biggie. Nothing to see here. Move on.
Tbh, without the internet I would have never known about covid or anyone micron, I would have just classed it all as flu and not thought about it much
I live in London. Me and my family have just had Omicron. Loads of my friends have Omicron. It's no biggie. Nothing to see here. Move on.
Whether something is a 'biggie' does depend heavily on your age (and health).

If steroid inhalers didn't exist, my husband could be hospitalised with the common cold.

I had a common cold a fortnight ago (pre-omicron) and my back/shoulders still haven't healed up enough to make sitting in a chair 100% comfortable. Because, yes, there are people out there (and, I admit, I have a very rare disease) for whom even 'ordinary' infections can be pretty ominous. I admit, our understanding of the mechanism behind my disease means I should have a lower risk of a severe COVID outcome than the average person, but my desire to test that theory remains pretty low.
Of course if people have underlying health conditions they should be very cautious but one of my best mates (aged 51) has just had his booster jab. He was in hospital the next day on an ECG due to heart palpitations. Now diagnosed with an 'enlarged' heart and may suffer serious complications.

Before people blindly follow that lying blond tw@ Boris about this so-called 'emergency' and all rush to get the booster, I strongly recommend you think twice. And before I start getting abuse on here for being an Anti-Vaxer, I've had 2 Astra Zeneca vaccinations.
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