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NLP feedback thread


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
loved it loved it loved it

best bits: Darren's (replicas) Creech with the colour DMD, LOTR (the one on the end on the right played so much better than the other(s?), being taught to play Mr&Mrs PacMan by Martin & Stormy, meeting up with old friends, meeting new folk, £1.55 a pint in the pub where almost everyone went to, drinking whisky at Mooseman's place, trying out some new games, the price (£18 for two days was a steal), the fact that all profits went to charity, that massive row of Sterns, getting to play on the new Star Trek (my verdict: 7.5/10), ..... loads more i can't remember now

worst bits: the long queue to get in, £2.80 for a cup of tea ..... that's all i can think of
Sorry £1.55 for a pint in a pub? Don't think I've paid that since the late 80s/early 90s:( Next you'll be telling me there are pins in the pubs up that way.
Playing for almost 7 hours straight. unfortunately its left me with a wish list as long as my arm. Corvette, Fish Tales, Party Zone, Scared Stiff, Creech and numerous others are on the list now. Even Dracula had a certain charm despite being bastard hard.

Our £2.80 (!) tea wasn't that hot either, but the £3+ chocolate orange flavoured cake made an attempt at redeeming it.

Arrived at 12:15 and having to wait in the queue for another 30mins felt a bit ****-poor on the organisers behalf, unless it was oversubscribed and they hadn't staffed it properly - not sure... We had the NLP advanced tickets, but paying cash seemed to get you to the front of the queue! In hindsight paying the extra few quid would've meant a few more games.


Got to play some Sterns that I've never bothered with before, pleasantly impressed too. Liked Star Trek a lot, the artistic style reminded me of the clean lines and bright whiteness of J. J. Abrams production on the new films.

Great to see the machines so busy, I think it reflects a secret passion that most people have for a quick bash on a pinball machine, even if they came for the other stuff or aren't arcade/retro people.

Nice to talk with like minded people in person.

Didn't play WOZ, but only because it was busy everytime we passed it. Looks very interesting.

The summary:

I really want a good Addams Family, sorry. Hadn't played one in years and it's just so fun, not to mention girlfriend friendly. And I'd quite like a TRON too. Hoping to give TRON another go on Thursday.
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Did you recognise that corvette wiredworm?!!
I recognised the mobile number on it Paul. Still really tempted but an impending wedding means my money is committed for now.

Interesting what Paul says about people taking the **** and hogging machines because my experience on the Pins was exactly the opposite. Every time I stood waiting for a specific game the current player would finish and then step aside, and I did the same. Nice to see so many good mannered people.
It certainly wasn't everyone, just a few, but maybe I was being over critical because of the 30min queue and having the Mrs with me...

It was really good to see them all Lined up and people enjoying the games. Well done to the NLP organisers.
Its a tough call Paul. I have no doubt there were some 'kling-ons' at the event but now to combat it is another matter. maybe a nice 'please show some comsideration to your fellow players' notice could be an idea for the future without piling the rules on.
The generosity of the community loaning out their pride and joys is astounding, so thanks to everyone who loaned out machines and a special thanks to Eric Ridley who not only made the long journey from Scotland but brought his lovely Stern collection down too for everyone to enjoy. Anyone who helped fix, set up or do anything else to help the guys out has my heartfelt thanks too. The entire show is a juggernaut, even with 8+ thousand people per day in there, it didn't seem busy, the pinball section was popular as always and yet there was always the possibility to get on some of the machines.

There aren't just inconsiderate people who play pins! Myself and Mr Barber queue up to play Bubble Bobble behind a couple of guys who had (admittedly just) started a game but weren't too good and decided to keep on continuing, think they used up around 30 credits in the 15 minutes we waited and showed no signs of moving on so I gave up a bit disillusioned.

Nice courtesy of Pinball Heaven to see the Star Trek make an appearance, seemed to have nice flow and great lighting, looking forward to playing one in a more quiet environment.

Big big BIG thanks to all the NLP crew, this clearly takes a lot of planning which in general is executed to perfection and a lot of money is ONLY raised because of THEIR hard work AND the support of this community. It's a nice relaxed show, the only downside of it is that it closed so early on Saturday night!! Thank you everyone for making the show happen

Also queued patiently for a while to get on games; it's free play, but not play all day. Having 3+ credits when there's people waiting behind's a bit tight.

Problem is it's not a pin show. A lot of the people playing didn't have a clue how to start a game, hit the start button a few times should do it. Number of times I came across one person playing a 4 player game then walking off after ball 2 speaks for itself. Notice on each machine saying "1 player push start button once. 2 playing......" etc. would help.
I thought it was fantastic. The queue on Saturday was pants and some of the snack/beverage pricing was extortionate but there was a real buzz about the place and where I felt last year the pin section was there as an add on to the consoles, I think this year it really was a main event pull.
The team worked really hard and had time for me; Thanks, and I met some great people (Geoff Calimori, it was a pleasure).
Loved the NBA challenge, shame I had to get back for work and couldn't finish it (I was doing rather well!!)
Glad I donated a pin, next time I will donate more, coming home with an extra machine (thanks Andre/Onze for the credit terms) and Mooseman I love ya!(nothing gay intended and I have had a few beers)
It sets the bench mark for all other events.
Thanks to all.
The spirit within the NLP and pin community is something to be proud of. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly.

Everyone did as much as they could to help and assist. I was a tad embarrassed with the issues my machines caused but the team couldn't do enough to assist. Not a single moan or twist. There was the odd sarcastic comment but all in good fun and me and my machines deserved it :)

The whole pin setup, running, maintaining and dismantling was faultless......unlike my machines :rofl:

Loved being part of it and welcome NLP to my next event with open arms.

Also a massive thanks to Andy from Pinball Mania. Such a helpful guy.
I loved every minute of it, I've never seen so many pinball machines in one place!

About having to wait, a lot of the newer machines were busy all day but I found that if I was waiting then the person playing would generally let me on after their game was up. I know that's what I was doing, or offering a 2 player game.

Great day and I was told about this forum, which is really cool too.
Superb event, got to play pins I had only dreamed about, and met some lovely people ( Graham I hope your foot is better).&
I cannot believe I played for so long, and I thought people where very polite and moved on quickly, did think it strange how many games I got on and had several games already going?
Thank you to all who contributed to such an enjoyable event
Despite feeling like crap all day, I had a blast. Played pinball for 6 hours non stop. Stopped to have a walk around the rest of the show, lots of nostalgia over the retro cabinets and consoles. But then back to the pins, I found that most people were polite and would step away after 1 game if people were waiting but there were some who where playing multiple games and others who would play repeat games, I would just walk off find another machine to wait for.

Shame about the noise in there, you couldn't hear most of the pins, as someone else said it would have been better if they spread them out a bit.
Great to see the pinball heaven stand, Star Trek, Metallica and AC/DC are so bright! made my head hurt. But it was the WOZ that kept drawing my attention, the one on the right was horribly slow, but the one on the left has got the new code in, it's a massive improvement, and a great looking machine.
Highlight of the day was playing the AFM, the sound was pumped up to the max, first time i've played this and I'm hooked! Kept coming back for more.
Great day out, even with the cold sweats!
Agree on the 4 player game thing. I lost count of how many machines had been left with a multiplayer game running because people didn't know how to start things moving and had just pressed the start button multiple times. Some kind of guidance there would have been a big help.

For some reason people seemed reluctant to do what the label on the machine said and if they had an issue they'd often just wander off instead of contacting one of the support crew. There were a couple of times where I noticed a stuck ball on a machine next to me so where possible i'd give them a nudge in the right direction to get things moving again.

Who did the No Good Gofers belong to? Was really hoping to grab a game on that one but seems it must have developed a fault as when I came to it later in the day it had been turned off. Still a great showing of machines and I don't think I waited more than a few minutes for a game on any of the tables I played.
What a weekend. I was too tired when i got in last night to get online.

Very impressive line up, I have so much respect to the people who loan their pride and joys. I personally feel proud to be part of the community and it would appear so do the other members of the army who turn up to set up the machines. Friday, everyone was in good spirits and the machines were getting unpacked at a quick rate.
The NLP boys should be buzzing with pride about their work, it is something special to have that machine machines in one place. The work then done to keep them running is something amazing. As someone wearing a orange shirt (when not being a ref for NBA fastbreak), I can tell you that a lot of good natured people do grab you and say a machine is out. At times two CREW people would be notified at the same time so can say there were helpful punters out there.

You can't stop the four game, one person issue. They either do it by accident or they do it on purpose. Another sign with information will only deal with a few people. I did something similar on a machine and I am meant to know what I am doing. :rolleyes:

Good to put faces to names for some many people. I appear to have missed a few but with so much going on it we are never going to all meet in one place. Unless it is the bar with £1.55 cast ale. :)
Great show and thanks to everyone who organised it.

I'd be grateful if anyone who bought stuff from me could get in touch so I can add you to my mail out list.

There were a couple of guys who bought a large quantity of items especially LED's if they could get in touch I have some information for them.

Much appreciated and looking forward to next years show.

Jon Mel
Another great expo with both ups and downs.

The highlight was definitely the mousin' around. Mintier than snorting a crushed up extra strong, flippers set up perfectly and a sys11 game I'd never played back in the day. One to add to the 'when' list.

My main gripe was flippers. I got in early and found that the first 3 games I played on were suffering from a bad case of 'operator flipper'. Maybe I was unlucky but as the day went one I started making a mental map of games that were worth playing, which turned out to be almost all of the tables. Obviously as time went on more tables were in need of a rest, but that's pinball.

Therefore, I hereby start the SOF (save our flippers) crusade and will offer help/time to anyone who asks.

It was nice to see the another BK2K with early production plastics. Does anyone know who owns that? It was fulled LED and he had removed the factory mylar too. Would be good to know that ROM revision you are on and any info on how the mylar removal went.

See you all next year. I've organized my mate's van already :)
That BK2K might have been our very own Mooseman's. His is a full LED tasty machine that featured at my wedding earlier in the year and played very well.
Incredible event and one of the best weekends of the year for me :D Huge congrats, thanks and respect to Mark, Darren, Dave, Simon, Dan, Poi, Nigel, The Dude, Martin and anyone else who helped in anyway from bringing games, helping with the setup and breakdown, fixing things during the show, power cycling games left on 4 player and even anyone who helped a pinball newb who was stood at a machine not knowing how to start a game. A special thanks from me to Dave and Nigel for earth bonding my Aerobatics so it could pass a PAT test. It got played all weekend so it was well worth the effort....your both legends!!!!

This event is about getting people who generally don't play pinball into playing pinball and judging by the constant amount of play all of the pins got I think it was a huge success :) Hopefully a lot of money was made for the Teenage Cancer Trust in the process!

Best show of the year IMO and also topped last years NLP due to the number of people in the pin area and the number of machines. Along with playing an insane amount of pinball I was able to fully geek out with some 4 player Gauntlet (not done that since I was a kid), Operation Wolf, watched some of the SF2 tournament, got mesmerised watching the guy trying to set the Pacman world record, nearly spent a fortune on retro games and if any of the stalls had a PC Engine for sale I would have been coming home with one after playing some R-Type in the consoles area.

Can't wait for next year!!!!!!!!! :D
wow great video, i never noticed the guy dressed as dutch rimmer in red dwarf, anyone know if he had the mr flibble hand puppet ?
It was a truly EPIC event - has to be the biggest collection of pins and vids at a European show surely ???

A few random thoughts...


Great to see everyone as always and to put faces to some of the forum members - pleasure to finally meet and chat to @OrochiLeona , @JMP , @KidQuaalude , @Onze , @Mooseman and I'm sure others

Superb selection and loved that some thought had gone into the layout, all the Sterns, Gotts together etc.

Stern Star Trek - only had a couple of games but thought this is potentially a great game. Looked great in the flesh, and felt awesome to play, minor gripe being the upper ramp from top flipper seemed too tough - and more thru bad design than intentional as the feed to the top flipper seemed so random.

Aerobatics - Ronsplooter/Chris had done a great job on this. It looked stunning and was a delight to play.

Others that I fell back in love with ..... DE Star Wars, Judge Dredd, Getaway. As usual I actually didn't play a huge number of pins :rolleyes:

Decided I really don't like fully LED'd pins - all personal taste I know but I thought a few at the show just looked dreadful - sorry if they are your pride and joy. They seem to suit sci fi themed games more also.


It was all about Salamander and Gorf for me, 2 of my favourite games from the 80s. I was sooooooooooo happy whilst playing those. Happy memories came flooding back. Loads of cool titles there ...Gauntlet ! Commando !

Other consoles and stuff

Had a great hour mooching about all the 80s computers. Boy are some of them looking really clunky and ancient now :D Dragon 32, Texas Ti99 ....remember when you could see them all setup in places like Boots and WHSmith. As a child of 70s/80s this was a great trip down memory lane.

On Sunday morning made sure I was right at head of queue for the Oculus Rift VR demo ........ def potential to be awesome, though there seems a way to go with it yet. I think I would have been pretty gutted to queue 2 hours for it. Also made me want to throw up almost immediately with motion sickness, though the hangover prob didnt help that.

Jeff Minter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Finally met my 80s C64 hero. Total dude. And he was staying in our Premier Inn ...nice to see him drinking in the bar until the small hours.


Not much to complain about. Toilets seemed a little under strain at certain times ...and not just when Will B was in there :p Are there really only one set of facilities for a venue that size ???

Glad we didn't have to do go thru the whole queue hell to get in - that sounded pretty bad, and something that needs to be addressed before next year.

A few pics

Chris/ Ronsplooter shows off his silky smooth IJ skills at the SCS tent


Rav got the IJ fully working with the aid of a board swiped from a nearby Theatre Of Tragic ...that had 'mysteriously' died ;)

Will - suffering from too many shandies the night before.


Jeff 'Attack Of The Mutant Camels' Minter early Sunday morning. Dude.

Possibly the only Cosplay lady I didn't propose marriage too :D
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