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Oct 21, 2013
Hi all, so the short version of this story is the transport company I use for storing/delivering has MISPLACED a TOTAN from their warehouse, they no longer have it! So I am assuming one of the workers there took it for a walk somewhere that it shouldn't have gone...

So, I ask, if anyone has been offered or purchased a TOTAN with reasonable saucer/magnet wear in the last 6 months or so please let me know what you know....

I know you may have bought the game in good faith but the person you bought it off may not have, or the person behind them etc. I am not looking to repossess the game, I want to find the culprit...

That game wasn't mine, the certain transport co were storing it for my customer, albeit for 18 months, at no charge, so they were trying to be nice, its not their fault its gone for a walk...

I have pics of the missing totan (somewhere) to compare.

I'm sure there was one on ebay recently.
I couldn't see that Nick, send me a link please, you know I would assume it would have to be one of the Z list dealers that would have got involved with it. Not that arcade whorehouse oh i mean arcade wornouts, DAMN! arcade warehouse - aka - williams (!!!) amusements would be on that Z list at all....
The correct term is arcade whorehouse. They have a long history of unsavory deals with the videogames collectors :(

I've been a victim of them 3 times (under their various fake ebay account names) so while I have no knowledge of the TOTAN gone missing, this would not even slightly surprise me if they were involved
I know the people involved realise the machine in question, but I wanted to say that the one I traded with Jonathan on here came from Eddie Mole in Bristol. Clearly identified by the touch ups around various inserts and the magnet hole.
Whoa....not good Phil not good at all......only good thing was the free storage ....must of been up north as storage down south costs millions....!......will keep em peeled...Keith
I know the people involved realise the machine in question, but I wanted to say that the one I traded with Jonathan on here came from Eddie Mole in Bristol. Clearly identified by the touch ups around various inserts and the magnet hole.

That game pre dates the missing one by a couple of years, I wouldn't worry
Very sad for all involved, feel very bad for @tyke who already sold a 2 week old NIB game at a loss to take this game in PX to suffer even more loss.

All because some dishonest little scumbag stole something that belonged to me and thought I wouldn't notice! He no longer works for the company in question but that company holds £100k of pinball machines of mine... thats a worry!

He no longer works for the company in question but that company holds £100k of pinball machines of mine... thats a worry!



I would like to think that the original thief has been reported and all evidence passed to the police so they get their just deserts....???

I would like to think that the original thief has been reported and all evidence passed to the police so they get their just deserts....???

Sadly they got off very lightly, he just lost his job. Neither myself or the police got to him.

The transport company don't want to cause a fuss....

What happened to the totan, back to the original owner? Who ended up taking the hit in this sorry story...presumably not the scumbag thief?
What happened was scumbag (ex employee of transport company) swapped MY totan for a ****ty jukebox with eBay seller (customer of transport company). eBay seller sold to Mr Dreads and he sold to @tyke in px for his TWD.

Everyone in this chain lost in various amounts of cash/time/stress. Except the POS thief, who maybe unemployed now but hey....

So why has it not been reported to the police? Because the courier company doesn't want any fuss? What about the innocent parties that have been given the shaft? How about some justice for them?

I need to sort the transport company out yet but I don't think they will be digging deep. They should as losing the thief will save them ££££££££££

Surely their insurance will cover a joined civil case against them for losses as a result of the behaviour of an employee at that time. Depends on your relationship with the company but that should still be salvageable as it's purely 'business' you recovering losses and nothing personal.
Let me see what can be done and leave it at that. For now, the case is closed.
No one should be out of pocket over this except the courier company.
If they don't what the police involved then they should make sure nobody is out of pocket.
They must get a **** load of business out of you Phil. I'm sure they wouldn't want to jeopardise that over a few hundred quid.
It would be good to see if they would cover everyone's losses at the very least, in return for the case not being perused by the police and them not getting dragged into it (the machine WAS in their care after all - Favour or no favour). It Should be the least they can do, especially as they dont want any "fuss"...

Stress cant be covered for - we just get older and grayer :(
Tyke took the biggest clobbering because he was already losing when he sold his TWD and taking TOTAN in PX.

I really think we should leave it at that until I progress things with the company in question, @tyke is welcome to come here and say his point but he's pretty fed up with it as we all are. I have spent so long trying to find this game and much of this week has been zapped up with this also.
I mean, I don't know tyke, or you Phil, but I thought your original post at the top of this thread said you were after the culprit only, not repossesion. Personally i read that as an amnesty for anyone caught up in this. Any loss on tykes pt ex he knew about and was happy with, so presumably based on your last post the totan has been repossessed as well? Bitter pill to swallow if tyke is then having to loose out to keep a transport company he has nothing to do with happy.
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