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Steve Waterton

Oct 8, 2014
South East UK - Maidenhead Berkshire
Greetings all, been a lurker for a while but recently broke cover so "hello"

I had a Dredd many years ago that did great service until I was "asked" to sell as "no one will buy the house with that in the living room" ......2 days later we sold to a friend!!!!!

Anyhow, I have recently invested in a "man Cave" at the end of the garden and have the green light for a machine, here lies my problem and its nothing new....what to get?!

I was going to get another Dredd as I actually really liked it and was a collector of the comics way back when. Part of me however says get something new. The only other machine I have spent too much time on (ashamedly) is Revenge from Mars and Adams family and I love both games. I am just not sure about the shorter playing filed on RfM and Adams Family is pricey machine.

Other machines I am tempted by are Tron (can't find one), The Simpsons and Southpark but am open to alternatives....I was tempted by CV but for similar money may be able to get an Addams family or Tron?

Anyway enough rambling, any thoughts from the collective?

Keep up the great work, always an entertaining read.

If you think Addams Family is pricy, Tron is a more expensive machine :)

Not sure about South Park but of those you've listed, RFM would typically be the cheapest, then Addams, Simpsons and finally Tron, especially if you're after a Tron Limited Edition.

If its not too far a trek, maybe get to The Pipeline in London on the 18th (London Pinball league event) and speak with other collectors / players there in person and have a try of the machines they will have there.

i think your budget will play a key part in the decision.
Throwing names out like TAF, CV and Tron means you've got about £3-4k to play with. Is that a fair assessment?
Deffo think it's a great idea to ditch the Dredd and go for something different, loads of good games in the 3k price range, you are spoilt for choice, go and view the Pinside top 100 for ideas and then maybe youtube for some idea of light, sounds and game play (obviously nothing beats playing a game in the flesh but will give you something to mull over and wet your appetite), I think it would take a good game to give a nicely working Indiana Jones a run for it's money, (in your budget), Theatre of Magic is also a good starter game, Sacred Stiff, it's a long list.
Thanks both for taking the time to reply.

I have £1500 but when I saw Tron thought it would be worth finding the extra cash for a machine I like so much. I guess the question is whether or not I have the £3k for any other machines such as TAF.....

Life's a bit hectic at the mo with son number 2 due and a new business venture on the go so doubt ill make The Pipeline although I will try.
The general response to this question is usually "Get what you like to play most that's within your budget". It really is a question with a different answer for almost everyone. For example I love Theatre of Magic - Several people on here see its only use as firewood (I'm looking at you @TYHO and the South Coast heretics ;)).

Your best bet is to go to some events or league meets near you and play a few machines there or find out if there are any pinheads in your vicinity that are open to letting strangers into their home to play on their collection (This may be a larger number than you expect). Put a more exact location in your profile and put a request on here. I'd be surprised if no-one came back to you.

There's also the Pinball Arcade app that faithfully reproduces many popular tables for you to try out on your smartphone/ tablet (and PC and PS4 I think?).

From the list in your post I think most are in the £2k+ price range. If that's an issue, there's a lot of decent DMD machines (Judge Dredd included) that can be found a lot nearer a grand (e.g. Fish Tales, High Speed 2, Demolition Man and many more).

Edit - I agree with Dreads - While Dredds a good starter machine, I'd suggest getting something else for variety's sake. Consider a plan of moving machines on semi-regularly to keep interest up. You should be able to get good resale value on any pin you don't get scalped on and it allows you to play new machines every so often rather than having a machine you're bored with taking up space.
variety is the key. if i was you and i had £1500 to play with, i'd try to push that to £2000 and go for two cheaper games - there's still plenty of DMD games to be had for under a grand, no matter what you may read or see on ebay.

then you can chop and change, and always have one you're playing and one you're learning to play or fixing up or getting ready to sell. these things don't go down in value, ever. not unless you pay too much at the start.

welcome dude

gif chilling-sloth.gif
variety is the key. if i was you and i had £1500 to play with, i'd try to push that to £2000 and go for two cheaper games - there's still plenty of DMD games to be had for under a grand, no matter what you may read or see on ebay.

then you can chop and change, and always have one you're playing and one you're learning to play or fixing up or getting ready to sell. these things don't go down in value, ever. not unless you pay too much at the start.

welcome dude

View attachment 11141
Like this idea lots but don't want to push it just yet...slowly, slowly and all that...I guess a good question would be what's the "best" (subjective I know) game for £2k?
There are lots of 1k games that are much better than most 2k games.

In pinball the only thing you 'get what for you for' is condition.
There are lots of 1k games that are much better than most 2k games..
Erm, don't think this can be validated, I agree that some are better but not most, I think it would be fair to say that most 2k machines are better than the 1k alternative if they are in the same condition.
Don't ever buy any pin off ebay first without seeing it in person, no matter what the seller says on the ad. There have been a few corkers recently and prices seem to be some why off what they are really worth (were currently in a 'Every STTNG is worth £3k; currently on ebay).

Check the For Sale section here regularly or setup an an auto-alert on it. Many have been posted and sold using that thread.

Also as others have mentioned, other collectors on here may well open their doors for you to try theirs and see what you like, within a couple of days of joining this forum I'd had 3 people making me that same offer and it helped a heck of a lot.

And regards 'best game for £2k', there's so many for that sort of price range available and everyone has their own opinion on what the 'best' is. It's more about what type of game you like that should decide it. Or as said, if you have the room, get 2 cheaper tables.
Erm, don't think this can be validated, I agree that some are better but not most, I think it would be fair to say that most 2k machines are better than the 1k alternative if they are in the same condition.

But we all know price has next to nothing to how good something is, the same with most collectables.

It's what people are willing to pay, nothing more, nothing less.
Cool, all sound advice and appreciated chaps, thanks!!

Definitely 1 machine of £2000 is the way...unless a Tron or TAF comes up which I can stretch to as I do love them.

Have also updated my profile and alerts been on for a week now for the for sale section of the forum.

Have been scouring ebay daily too but discounted anything in the U.S or that looks or sounds a bit dodge. Much rather buy from an enthusiast/collector/member or the forum!

Time to play the waiting game!!!

Again, thanks!
There was a TAF for sale at the NLP for 2.5k , was still there at the end so don't think it sold. Don't think the seller is on here but I'm sure loads on here will have played it to describe it's condition. Mansion didn't look worn, that's a good sign.
There was a TAF for sale at the NLP for 2.5k , was still there at the end so don't think it sold. Don't think the seller is on here but I'm sure loads on here will have played it to describe it's condition. Mansion didn't look worn, that's a good sign.

Just clocked that on the pics thread, thanks...have dropped the seller a text!! - fingers crossed.
I bought a machine off the same seller, he's an op from Nottingham. Good chance you will get free delivery if you twist his arm.

For sale sign was still there at the end what I meant really, Sold ones he removed the sign.
There was a TAF for sale at the NLP for 2.5k , was still there at the end so don't think it sold. Don't think the seller is on here but I'm sure loads on here will have played it to describe it's condition. Mansion didn't look worn, that's a good sign.
I recall all of the Addams there played well, Adies especially but his was a particularly pimped machine :)
Good luck finding a Tron, my favourite machine but rarely come up tbh. If I find an LE next year, you can maybe buy my Pro, until then.... another Judge (also my first) or maybe look at Getaway High Speed 2 as a first machine. Great for the money, come up often and probably around a grand for a decent one these days?
Good luck finding a Tron, my favourite machine but rarely come up tbh. If I find an LE next year, you can maybe buy my Pro, until then.... another Judge (also my first) or maybe look at Getaway High Speed 2 as a first machine. Great for the money, come up often and probably around a grand for a decent one these days?

Had a Dredd and loved it hence possibly going back there although would be nice for something new....Not a massive fan of Getaway.

I cant afford an LE Tron, would love dibbs on your Tron though if you do sell it!!!!!!

Have you seen the Tron remix thread here:


... Tron got just that bit sweeter. :)

Going back OT, you're going to go round in circles with choices and opinions. Set a budget and stick to it, will narrow the market for you. What kind of theme is your thing or does that not matter so long it's a good players game?
Have you seen the Tron remix thread here:


... Tron got just that bit sweeter. :)

Going back OT, you're going to go round in circles with choices and opinions. Set a budget and stick to it, will narrow the market for you. What kind of theme is your thing or does that not matter so long it's a good players game?

Must.......resist............link.........to..........Tron goodness............ :)

I'm a fussy b*gger which doesn't help does need to be a good player primarily.
what to get?!

As you might imagine, this question comes up a fair bit :)

Don't worry about it too much is my advice. With almost 100% certainty you will have sold whatever it was that you bought within 12 months, for similar money to what you paid for it, in order to make space/free up capital for one or more new ones. Also, setting your heart on one machine can be a bit of a pain; you sometimes just need to get what's available (this is not a golden rule mind, I'd always try a wanted ad for a while if I really had my heart set on one pin, but sometimes you just need to compromise). There's a good thread on here called something like "what is it worth" so you can check prices before paying to make sure you are not being ripped off. Sounds like you have a fair idea of the prices already though, so my advice would be just place a wanted ad right now :) for either two or three that you really like the look of, or just an open ended ad with what the max is you would pay and ask people to PM you with what they have available.
As you might imagine, this question comes up a fair bit :)

Don't worry about it too much is my advice. With almost 100% certainty you will have sold whatever it was that you bought within 12 months, for similar money to what you paid for it, in order to make space/free up capital for one or more new ones. Also, setting your heart on one machine can be a bit of a pain; you sometimes just need to get what's available (this is not a golden rule mind, I'd always try a wanted ad for a while if I really had my heart set on one pin, but sometimes you just need to compromise). There's a good thread on here called something like "what is it worth" so you can check prices before paying to make sure you are not being ripped off. Sounds like you have a fair idea of the prices already though, so my advice would be just place a wanted ad right now :) for either two or three that you really like the look of, or just an open ended ad with what the max is you would pay and ask people to PM you with what they have available.

Cheers buddy, I had the Dredd for a couple of years but I do change my cars like my pants so a fair comment.

As an FYI the TAF fromt he con has been sold (£2200) gutted but that's life, onto the next.

Thanks again all.

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