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Group Buy #1 - Treasure Cove Cleaning kit...

With my TAF in a 100 pieces all over rhe floor and the pictures of where everything goes back in my goldfish like memory, i was pleased when my girlfriend called to say i have a parcel, only to be as down as the weather when she said it has to be collected tomorrow as we were both at work!
Well fingers crossed that may well be it!

Apologies to all for the delay at this end - I had loads of work stuff that got in the way last week, so these only got posted Fri/Sat.... All being well though should be with all recipients in the next 1-2 days
Picked mine up from the PO this morning, many thanks. Just got the inconvenience of work to get through. It's going to feel like a long day!

Drill is on charge ready to shine.:cool:
Adrian - Rom is to follow - I got tied up last week as per above - i'll get that sorted tonight and off to you tomorrow
Paul, no rush, whenever you get around to it. I was only asking now as you were posting to me anyway. I have plenty to keep me busy.

Just checking that is Roms for both machines not singular? - Let me know cost and include your address for return of unwanted chips.

Cheers Adie
Picked mine up this morning as missed the post yesterday and had to collect from the RM office.

Thanks for all your hard work in sorting this for us, its very much appreciated.

Cheers Buddy.

Picked mine up this morning as missed the post yesterday and had to collect from the RM office.

Thanks for all your hard work in sorting this for us, its very much appreciated.

Cheers Buddy.

Right - as i said previously, I think i have some £ to return to you guys - will calculate today and process

Definately a bonus

well they reckon 3 working day delivery, so all being well it should turn up tomorrow... it's already late!
Yah baby it came this morning.!!!!

bad news is, i had to paint the fence pannels first (still not finished)
ops! i forgot to say Thank you again Paul for all your hard work for putting this altogether and making it work!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I thought this had been scrapped. I got sorted elsewhere.

Its a good bit of kit, brings the tables up well.

Hope you get 5 takers ok.
Not hijacking the post as I've spoke to Paul and he ok'd this :)

Just to let you guys know if you didn't already know , I've got the Individual Treasure Cove 1 / 2 / 3 available on the site along with the Wax, which will enable you to top up on any of the bottles you've used.

Also if anybody wants a full kit I'm in the process of ordering from TC so let me know and I can judge the demand.


I assume this may be a little late for your ordering, but I've just come into a little money & will be looking to get one of these soon.

Hi Dan,

The kits should be available on my site in the next couple of weeks a little dearer than Paul was doing them for , but if you need anything else at the same time then combining posatage should just about equalize the difference.

Just got mine from Mel. Great service and arrived the next day after ordering.

The wife is shaking her head at:

1. Me asking for a cleaning kit for my birthday. It's probably equivalent to her asking for a new washing machine.
2. My enthusiasm at wanting to immediately strip the playfield to polish it to within an inch of it's life.

Haha, the addiction continues. Heaven knows how i'm going to cope whilst it's in pieces. I think it's too soon to say 'just 1 more'.
Well that was my thinking but not sure the wife is so keen.

Maybe she'll get withdrawal symptoms after a few days and then it'll be a different story. ;)
Well, the back room is already pretty full and i'm not convinced I can get one in the kitchen.

Middle 'spare' bedroom is next best location in my view. ;)
You are getting the hang of it now.

My wife actually said she felt sorry for me the other day as there was hardly any room for me to work in the garage. She has now agreed to a shed for storage of the rest of the garage stuff (currently garage is cut in half by a stud wall)

I forgot to mention the fact there wasnt much room was probably due to me fitting in 9 pins (3 set up, the rest folded) have managed to get 1 in the house so far...
I forgot to mention the fact there wasnt much room was probably due to me fitting in 9 pins (3 set up, the rest folded) have managed to get 1 in the house so far...

Hahaha This bit tickled me :D Does she never go out there then???!!!
Well this will sound really calculated then...... ;)

I knew that we'd probably move in a few years time. We're foster carers and it's been a fair struggle to get our little girl into the local school and to keep her there. Tomorrow she finishes her first full year at school EVER. So we're pretty pleased.

But equally pulling her out of school and moving her somewhere else now would be a BAD idea (tm).

So we can't realistically move in the next 4 years unless it's somewhere nearby, and most of the places around here are just too small. That said I want to save a fat deposit and reduce the size of our mortage anyway.

So yeah, 4 years it's most likely to be. But by getting a Pinball now the wife is already thinking along the lines of us needing a place with either a spare room that can be converted into a games room. Or somewhere with a bigger garden so I can make a 'Grizz-style' shack. We'll see how it pans out but in the meantime i'll be giving Rocky & Bullwinkle as much TLC as I can.
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