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In Progress Firepower Shop Log

Just noticed your lift in those pictures Rudy, the handle is a major PITA laying on the floor like that.

How many times have you tripped ****-over-head on that?! (I'm in work and have my Health & Safety hat on).:)
I have enough problems trying to avoid the mains cable for the soldering iron - that thing would be tripped over multiple times per hour :(
Just noticed your lift in those pictures Rudy, the handle is a major PITA laying on the floor like that.

How many times have you tripped ****-over-head on that?! (I'm in work and have my Health & Safety hat on).:)

Not tripped over it once..... Yet. When I use it properly and not as a table it's not as far in so the handle stays up
Just to wet your appetite......
I test fitted the legs which are actually pretty good shape so thought I'd pop the back box on see what it looks like


New speaker

Have you still got that landlady that have you a hard time over the fishtank? When she sees her living room she's gonna have a fit!
Well rude it looks great a different machine but it was a real project,I got it from our good friend dave Rolf before he sadly passed away so it deserves to be brought back to its glory.

Then I'm glad I'm reviving it still need to address the wiring lol been kinda avoiding that
Well bollocky crap crap was going to replace the power switch loom tonight (white / red stripe 18 awg). I didn't notice when Bay Area sent my order but the sent me the much thinner 22 grrr

Does the start button normally stick out this much?


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They are usually flush with the machine , but I have seen some stick out more than others.
Not a lot to show at the mo I've rebuilt the cab and coin door loom and rectified a few anomalies with it. I've partially rebraided the cab should finish that when I put the rest of the hardware back in and rebuild the coin door.

Have managed to order some white and red 18 awg wire only downside being I had to order 100 feet lol
Looking forward to seeing further progress on it. Best one I ever saw was at the Pinball Parlour and struggled to leave it alone. Looking like yours will be even nicer.

Did you get sorted with that grille? I'm due to meet neighbour tomorrow about something else so will ask him about where all the metal went.... just in case.
Yeah got the grill and also now have the rare and illusive backbox lock cam assembly. Will have a few pics later I've been redoing and repairing the looms
So the last couple days I've been tackling pretty much the worst loom. As you can see in the pics there was a couple really bad hacks. The colour coded wire had been cut right back and one soloists colour joined on and a connector soldered on to that. I've stripped it right back reinstated the colour coding and put a molex on.







Now back to the rest of the connectors
Right guys I need some help with this bleddy loom

I have 2 wires missing on connector 3j3 and none of the schematics or the ones on firepowerpinball.com show where the missing wires go.


I have red 7 & 8, missing red 6, blue 4 & 5, black 3 and missing black 2 which is a ground. Can anybody help with where they should go I'm totally stuck till I figure it out.

.......Pinballinfo your my only hope lol
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