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Energy prices - gone nuts.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2463
  • Start date
I’ve just had a survey for panels and battery.
Panels are 400w Guaranteed 25yr to still be 82.5% efficient. Battery is 11kw and guaranteed 10yr I have researched both and they come out up there with the best available ATM.
Our house is direct south facing and the max array they can fit is 5.6kw due to split roof and non standard shape.
However the guy was realistic on generation figures quoting the fact using everything generated is the way to go and avoid feeding the grid for what equates to about 5p per a KW.
The Rub is the cost at 18k and a 3 mth lead time due to everyone and there dog jumping on board.
As for payback the fact I’m at home all day helps and Big Bertha (laser) runs at around 600w so would be pretty much free anytime during the day throughout the year.
Couple this with the fact we now run an electric car and a full charge is costing around £22 ATM whereas my Zappy can set up eco charging using generated electric only.
I’m mulling the deal over and have yet to sign on the dotted line but it’s probably the way forward with all these hikes.
Also big thx to @Calimori for helping me understand the intricacies better.
Best take the guarantee on solar with a pinch of salt . My inverter packed up 5 years in so I dug out the warranty,the firm had gone bust 5 days earlier.Not to worry I thought I have an insurance backed warranty, and yea I did but after a long chat with the call handler I discovered it only covered bad workmanship. I ended up buying a new inverter and fitting it myself.
Shame to hear that. How much did the replacement inverter cost? Was there any technology upgrades you could now take advantage of?
For my install, the inverter cost was a small amount of the total cost, about 10%. Solar panels were the largest and then the cost of installation next.
I had the same warranty issue with a double glazing company who appeared to still be in business but pointed out they had a slightly different name from the company who I had the warranty with.

I take @Colywobbles guarantee to be that the manufacturer, Project Solar, commit to the panels losing less than 20% of their efficiency in 25 years. If they don't exist then that is a meaningless warranty and as a company, they have only existed for 11 years but their technology is only an evolution on other technology.
To a customer, this is saying that the panels won't degrade to a point where they are no longer returning on the investment within 25 years. I really think most people will struggle to see the loss of 17.5% as our weather is so variable daily and which panel is doing what, and then losses at the inverter, would make it hard to spot over 25 years. But imagine you use to get a peak of 5.6kW and after 25 years it gives a peak of 4.62kW.
Inverter was really cheap.Under £400 so less than a year’s export.in fact I worked out I lost £90 in the time it was broken. The cost of the batteries is what i would worry about guarantee wise .Panels and inverter cheap in comparison.
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Inverters have a life of around 5-10 years, replacement after 5 is pretty common.
3/4kw inverter is indeed around £400.
I paid a bit more for an SMA inverter in 2011, and its still going strong. Same with the Sanyo/Panasonic panels. Its no guarantee, but like the two Vaillant boilers Ive had that are both in their second decade, quality can be worth the reduced hassle of replacing or constantly repairing stuff at least.
I saw it as a refund too.

It needs to be relative. What were you paying for 4 months.
100 a month roughly but no this isn’t a refund sadly.
And that's just the Gas??? How much is it for the pinball electric? Wow!
But then that works out at like a grand a month???
It doesn't really make sense - I know gas has gone up in price, but an increase of 11 times the price since Jan seems excessive?!? I think I'd be checking the volumes used in that calc, and/or looking for other potential mistakes.
You started this whole thread, I assumed you had locked into a good tariff, but that price increase sucks.

My supplier wanted to lock me in on 5x what I was paying. Yours looks like 10x. So I am in agreement with @JT, what else has changed or gone wrong??
Octopus just drop you onto the current cap when your deal runs out, well that's what they did for me.
Lol no - the bill they have sent me is compleyely wrong and I believe the meter is ****ed. The good news is I have a lot of detail on how much gas I’ve used through this period and thru other periods.
Octopus have been good at keeping me up to date and informing me of their work to move my tariff to the Tesla Energy Plan.
I switched to them on the 9th. My SMETS1 meter was migrated to a secure communication network yesterday. They sent me the final T&C’s just now. I move to the plan tomorrow. I can’t fault them so far for action and communication.
11.5p import and export. This makes the grid my battery and my battery becomes storage for the grid.
For those that only care about cost, at current capped prices, my investment will be paid off in under 10 years. But that ignores all the other benefits like not having to stress about rising electricity costs.

Next project is heat pump but need to work on the house to reduce heat loss.
Lol no - the bill they have sent me is compleyely wrong and I believe the meter is ****ed. The good news is I have a lot of detail on how much gas I’ve used through this period and thru other periods.
Good news.
Knowing how you use your energy is key to surviving these prices rises. We use to just pay if we could afford it and not pay attention until we couldn’t.
Was due to get my battery system installed today but with Shangai port being shutdown nothing is moving out so it's now delayed until who knows when.
No doubt this is going to affect whole rafts of consumer goods so the effects could be enormous 😒
Sorry to hear that. I hope the delay isn’t too long.
There were delays for orders last year due to covid. Then demand increased and all the other things now causing disruption and additional demand.
Yep, pain in the a**.
Maybe I should buy local instead - not to sure how good carrots are at storing electricity though 🤔
Was due to get my battery system installed today but with Shangai port being shutdown nothing is moving out so it's now delayed until who knows when.
No doubt this is going to affect whole rafts of consumer goods so the effects could be enormous 😒
Will be huge knock on affects, people do not realise how much stuff comes from china!
Yep, pain in the a**.
Maybe I should buy local instead - not to sure how good carrots are at storing electricity though 🤔
Potatoes are the way forward, I gave up on Carrots.
In seriousness I have just signed up on a full system that uses Solax modular battery’s. My setup will have 11.2kw but can be added too at a later date using slaves to about 23kw should the cheap nighttime feed in tariff be the way forward but I’ll wait to see how things work out.
Paying cash puts me on the priority list should cancellations come up but ATM they are quoting 2-3mth before installation.
My 5.6k setup isn’t the cheapest but they use 400w panels and have been around over 10 years now and offer 25yr guarantee on parts and labour inc replacement inverters ect should they be required.
They came highly recommended and I had no sales pressure or bul**** about feed in tariffs advising I use everything I produce.
Savings were calculated on last years energy prices with a 7.5% increase year on year but as we all know there is little chance it will be that and a more realistic figure will be double I guess.
Good part is nothing changes here on a day to day basis so I will be able to monitor my usage and savings realistically for good or bad and report back.
Octopus are morons.
And I'm moron for not noticing until now.

They've been assuming that my SMART METER measures in ft cubed. WTF.

If you have a meter and you've changed providers, CHECK that they are using the right formula. Check your meter has either metric or foot cubed.

So I'm in for a big refund after all!
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