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Ebay Auctions

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GrizZ' date=' post: 1678213 said:
I'm Grizz the sailor man ..tooooot ....tooooot :cool:


I've never played Popeye. I've never even seen one in real life.
Aaah Marc Evans. Between him and Les they have games rooms to die for. Can't believe they don't host a North East league!
Replay' date=' post: 1678508 said:

Its the way it is now. Too many people after too few machines, especially the 'big' titles means people can basically name their price - and with ebay that price is always gonna be 25%+ what they prob happy to take so that when the buyer/bidder strikes a deal/makes an offer ...they think they have got a 'bargain'.

As we have all seen , you only need 1 or 2 to sell for X amount and suddenly that can become the 'going rate '

Wait till we get nearer Christmas ........ you gonna be puking coffe over yr keyboard every other minute

As Wet Willy would say .................'Its a Gold Rushhhhhhh !! '
Personally I would not give 20 quid for a South Park, its a terrible game.

Like Ivan has already said just wait till the silly season starts, the run up to Chrimbo seems to bring out crazy prices, As if we have not already seen some high prices they machines will be on the bay for big money. Even more so this year.:eek:
Southpark? ARGGGHH i hate it....Get it AWAYYYY!!!.....lol. 2 bloody grand for it?????

I'm new to this forum. Played pinball like a maniac in the 70's. Got hooked again in the early 80's - Black Knight being the machine that I couldn't leave alone. Since then, I haven't played many real machines, mostly computerised versions but this year I stumbled across a great arcade in the USA which once again ignited the fire. I've recently been down to Ramsgate to play for a few hours & now would like to buy my first machine for home use. Any suggestions?

I missed out on a Black Knight earlier this year but am keeping my eyes on ebay for a machine to get me started. Quite like the look of Gorgar which on there at the moment, what's it worth do you think?


Welcome to the forum

I've never played Gorgar but as an early solid state machine it's not going to have the deepest ruleset which should be considered if its going to be your only game (you don't want to get bored of it too quick). However it sounds like your more interested in pins from that era so could be right up your street
Pin prices on ebay can be a bit silly especially at the moment but that auction is for 2 Gorgar's and it seems to be at a sensible price at the moment.

I'm no expert on what pins are worth (only been into the hobby myself for a few months) so they're are better people on here to get advice from but I'd go to £600 - £700 seeing as you get 2 machines.

Where's Pin Yoda when you need him........Ive?
Alien' date=' post: 1678873 said:

I'm new to this forum. Played pinball like a maniac in the 70's. Got hooked again in the early 80's - Black Knight being the machine that I couldn't leave alone. Since then, I haven't played many real machines, mostly computerised versions but this year I stumbled across a great arcade in the USA which once again ignited the fire. I've recently been down to Ramsgate to play for a few hours & now would like to buy my first machine for home use. Any suggestions?

I missed out on a Black Knight earlier this year but am keeping my eyes on ebay for a machine to get me started. Quite like the look of Gorgar which on there at the moment, what's it worth do you think?




Welcome to the forum.

Best advice I can give is to play as many machines as you can, this will tell you whats best suited and what kind of machine is for you.

The next big event will be The Northern Lights in Blackpool this November, www.ukpinball.com

Check out the site , it tells you what machines will be on offer, comps on the two days, buy tickets and get bonus playing time, also plenty of video and consoles on offer as well as it runs along side Replay.

There will also be plenty of people there you can ask advice on whats best for you as well as there being plenty of machines for sale.

Good luck in your search for your first machine.

Thanks for the advice. I havent been to Blackpool for a few years so I may well take a drive up in November. I'm also into rollercoasters so could kill 2 birds...
Why do people buy without seeing in person?

I guess some people can't afford to make the journey if its a long way to go and not come back with something. I'd definitely want to see the machine and have a go on it before handing over any cash myself though.
I bought an IJ from Cornwall. There was no hope I was going to drive a 20 hour round trip to see it.

The twat forgot to mention one side was faded to bits too
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1680788 said:
I guess some people can't afford to make the journey if its a long way to go and not come back with something. I'd definitely want to see the machine and have a go on it before handing over any cash myself though.

I presume it's like ebay motors. If it's fundamentally not as described then you don't have to buy it. So bid and pay cash on collection.
jonathan' date=' post: 1680789 said:
I bought an IJ from Cornwall. There was no hope I was going to drive a 20 hour round trip to see it.

The twat forgot to mention one side was faded to bits too

Lesson learnt then - if you can't see in person then you *must* insist on decent pictures of all aspects of the game.

Also good idea to make a list of all the important things to ask about before you chat on the phone and arrange delivery or whatever. Its sooooo easy to forget to ask something in the heat/excitement of the moment - done it myself. And like you said some buyers are less than forthcoming with information, often nothing shady intended just that most casual pinball owners have no idea about cab fade, insert wear etc and so dont mention it unless asked .
Oh he was shady, every picture was taken from that one side! Luckily the playfield (under all the grime) was spotless.

As it turned out I never got on with the game anyway and traded it for a TOTAN. Then that didn't last long as I needed the money for WOZ!

Finally tracked down a TSPP for a bargain though so it all ended well in the end haha.
Strikes and Spares going on ebay soon and a LW3 soon after. If anyone is interested send me a mail in advance and we may be able to strike a deal.
GrizZ' date=' post: 1680716 said:
Tommy on at the minute - missing topper ( surprise ! ), and if you zoom in on the ramp/playfield photo you can see rusty ramp entrance, and wireform looks rusted also.


Just saying

F. Missed it...

I'm sure there will be another - and now I've discovered this forum I stand a better chance of finding one!
Paul Ridley' date=' post: 1683566 said:
F. Missed it...

I'm sure there will be another - and now I've discovered this forum I stand a better chance of finding one!

Don't worry Paul - it looked a bit rough to me, cab was a bit tatty too.

Unfortunately the run up to Xmas is the worst time price wise to buy on ebay
But maybe one of the guys on here will have a Tommy to sell at a sensible price. I have a lovely one but unfortunately its not for sale.
The moral is of course that I shouldn't have sold my old one!

Still have R & T Roadshow on the wish list, closely followed by Hook...
Still have R & T Roadshow on the wish list, closely followed by Hook...

I think someone was looking to sell a Hook recently, either on here or on the Yahoo group. Can't remember who it was though....sorry I know that doesn't help much :oops:
The Tommy you missed is a Pinball Paradise one so (given past experience of him) expect to see that listed again some time soon.... for more money...

The Hook was Dave the Taxman's. He was asking £1200 for it.
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