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DMD clocks - Colour 2020 version!!


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales

For the avoidance of any doubt - this is a community project, not a retail/consumable product.

The aim is to create something cool for the pinball community, by the pinball community - raising money for charity as we go. This is not a commercial venture - no liability accepted.

Who would have thought that the last run of DMD clocks was in..... Wait for it... 2016... I believe there were 30 (give or take one or two) produced in two runs (10+20).

They were based upon a custom board and were like the original Dot Matrix DMD's...

So this has been a long time in the making... however we are finally there.....


Not Just pinball....

Arcade - 898 gifs
Computers - 367 gifs
Consoles - 1490 gifs
Halloween - 395 gifs
Logo - 57 gifs
Other - 349 gifs
Pinball_Short - 1157 gifs
Pinball_Story - 93 gifs
Test_Suite - 2 gifs
XMAS - 158 gifs
XXX_Mature - 23 gifs
BEST_OF_TOP_30 - 30 gifs
Logos - 53 gifs
Quiz_Fr - 163 gifs (only really any good if you can read French!)

Total 5235 gifs

Based on a Raspberry Pi (Either 3b+ or 4, depending on availability/costs), Custom software, Colour panels, Remote accessability and settings....


You can set the brightness dependant on the time of day.... (so it can go dim at night, and then on brighter at 8am for example)

Edit the display Duration (Or switch the individual function off!), choose different fonts & Background images....

Display the weather forcast (Needs Free API key from openweathermap)

And of course, to do all of this, ideally you would need a Wifi Connection, or wired Ethernet... (although not essential, highly recommended - Weather does NOT work without an internet connection.)


So - due to regulations, you are making a contribution to the forum for a Full Kit of parts. Since i have had experience of building these i am happy to put these together for you as a gesture of goodwill towards my friends in the community at no charge, as i am aware this is beyond the capabilities of some people (No disrespect meant).

****All programming is done via the Web interface - there are no onboard "buttons" ****

These are supplied 100% Complete. Cost includes everything - Including a nice thick box to ensure no damage when shipping (we didnt have one of the originals damaged due to double walled boxes and Decent couriers), even includes Shipping to your door (Mainland UK).

Will need a little more info closer to shipping if you want everything pre-set for you.... Postcode (for the weather screen to be accurate), WIFI SSID & Password (will remain secure - please be aware i have better things to do than come and sit outside your house connecting to your Wifi!) to allow it to connect to the WIFI for weather updates etc - Not needed if you intend to connect using an ethernet cable.

The original mono Clocks were £300 shipped. These as I warned are a little more (as everything has gone up typically - most noticably the hardware... Pillars etc!!!).

Price for this kit will be £350 for the Kit, with Free assembly by myself in the spirit of the forum - In the unexpected case that any monies that are left over after purchasing the parts (if we get a price break on the panels for example) will go direct into the forum coffers which contribultes to the costs of running the site.
Price includes shipping of the Kit (Fully insured) to mainland UK (excluding the usual awkward postcodes). I am happy to work with individuals outside of these areas, however that may cost a little more to ship to which must be covered by the purchaser (at cost) :). Any customs fees and import duties are the responsability of the member (where applicable!)

It is worth noting that of this £350, €30 for each frame will be donated directly to a UK based charity. The software is charity-ware and states : "you make a donation to a charitable, humanitarian, research, animal or plant conservation association"....
Due to the fact my 2020 is going from bad to worse (first my Dad had a stroke around 2 months ago - and in the last 2 weeks my Mum has been diagnosed with Cancer), I propose to split this three ways...

Proof of these donations will be posted here, and made available to the team that supplied the software to cover my side of the licencing. As a UK tax payer, I will also be including "Gift Aid", which will increase the donation amount by 25% where i have the option to do so.

There are two other payments to other parties that support the production of these (and are included in the price) - A donation towards the colouring/artwork, and a donation towards the plans/designs/hardware lists (this actually is cheaper than having the frames produced and shipped to the UK - the Frames are being produced by the same team that produced the previous ones, and are located in the UK) :)

I propose to proceed in the Following way:

  • Register interest in Kit (serious people only please!) - NOW CLOSED
  • 50% pre-payment (enables me to start to purchase Kit materials - i will support the outstanding amount personally). Payment is accepted via Paypal Friends and Family to the Forum Account - NOW OPEN - Ends 00:00 07th September -> 23:59 30th September
  • 50% final payment when clocks are ready to ship (Late Oct -> Early Nov)

Timescales are expected to be 4-6 weeks from pre-payment close until anticipated delivery, may well be sooner, depending on how long people take to submit payment, and how much ahead of the game i can get! (Last time I had it down to a fine art and had the panels "in the air" before pre-payment had started).
I personally will be aiming for 4 weeks, as i like to get these done and out there, but in the current climate some supplies are limited such as Perspex (have you by chance noticed all those new plastic protective screens popping up recently...?? all that extra plastic has to come from somewhere...), so there may be delays - I WILL keep you all updated on these as i always do!

Every single unit will be tested and left on Soak Test for a minimum of 24 hours before it leaves the building. Each will be fully functioning and with no known issues.

If you have paid your pre-payment, however require to pull out, you will need to sell your share to someone else to recoup your outlay. If i havent ordered any hardware by that point, i may be able to refund some/all - at the end of the day i'm sure we can sort something out :)

I will answer more specific questions as they are asked below. If you wish to Register interest, Please ask below and i will update the list which will be on the next post....

I AM ONLY EXPECTING TO DO ONE RUN OF THESE AT THIS TIME, so this may be your only chance!


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Dimensions : (LxWxH) - 66.5x19x5.5 cm
There will be a run of small clocks after these larger ones, dependant on demand. Best to do separately and after this run.

Video of two clocks in action :
View attachment Dmd clock.mp4

Current interest list :

#UsernameDeposit received (50%)Final PaymentStatusShipping status
5John WhitfieldReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
7Lee RileyReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
22Dan LewellReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
23Neil McraeReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
24Neil McraeReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
28CalimoriReceivedReceivedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Rear panel - ReplacedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Replacement sent
30Sven NormanssonReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
33GarrySp8ReceivedReceivedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Front Panel - Replacement DispatchedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Replacement sent
36Adam LeeReceivedReceivedDelivered - Damaged in transit (Stood on!) - Replacement Dispatched. Courier Claim successful - replacement receivedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Replacement sent
37Pins in the WildReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
38New Forest PinballReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
39The WoolReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
41Ads NemsReceivedReceivedDeliveredDelivered
43Dave BishopReceivedReceivedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - A/w courier claim - ReplacedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Replacement sent
48Rob ZombieReceivedReceived DeliveredDelivered
49ChordRedReceivedReceivedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Front Panel - ReplacedDelivered - Damaged in Transit - Replacement sent

**Updated 20:51 20/12
You had me sold at dmdclock colour! The charity donation is an awesome bonus, please put me down for 1 Paul looks awesome!
Excuse my ignorance but do these things basically rotate through a series of DMD pinball animations and/or as part of the sequence display time etc?

I'm assuming it's run from an app? If so is the app connected to the phone via Bluetooth when the display is connected via ethernet?

Excuse my ignorance but do these things basically rotate through a series of DMD pinball animations and/or as part of the sequence display time etc?

I'm assuming it's run from an app? If so is the app connected to the phone via Bluetooth when the display is connected via ethernet?


So, these rotate through a series of Pinball DMD/Classic Arcade/Haloween/Christmas animations all based around gaming.... It also shows (as well as the animations), Time, Date and Weather (only weather if it has an internet link).

Programming for these is done via local lan connection on a browser (Not bluetooth), so as long as there is a wifi signal it can be accessed from anywhere on the Lan. If you dont have a wifi/Ethernet connection into the clock, it will still run, however with no weather and no ability to change settings (once set these are retained so not essential)
So, these rotate through a series of Pinball DMD/Classic Arcade/Haloween/Christmas animations all based around gaming.... It also shows (as well as the animations), Time, Date and Weather (only weather if it has an internet link).

Programming for these is done via local lan connection on a browser (Not bluetooth), so as long as there is a wifi signal it can be accessed from anywhere on the Lan. If you dont have a wifi/Ethernet connection into the clock, it will still run, however with no weather and no ability to change settings (once set these are retained so not essential)

Perfect, thank you.
Yes please stick me down for one thanks for arranging it all
Any chance of a video of it in action? also is the case enclosed top/bottom and sides or open?

Hiya mate,

I will upload one this morning.

Case is same as the last time - open all around. Helps for air circulation, especially if i have to default to RPI 4's which are a fair bit warmer than the 3's :(
(The smaller desktop ones are fully cased with slots in though)...
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These look great Paul.

I might have missed it, but when is the cut off for an order? I just need to find a wall space!
A couple of questions @Paul

1) How easy is it to turn off certain gifs - for example if I didn't want the XXX_Mature gifs to be displayed?
2) Is there any kind of warranty given should the product develop a fault for example?

Thank you - Can't wait to receive it.
A couple of questions @Paul

1) How easy is it to turn off certain gifs - for example if I didn't want the XXX_Mature gifs to be displayed?
2) Is there any kind of warranty given should the product develop a fault for example?

Thank you - Can't wait to receive it.

Hiya Scott,

1) How easy is it to turn off certain gifs - for example if I didn't want the XXX_Mature gifs to be displayed?
Each category can be switched on or off separately. So if you dont want those then just untick the box.. Similar with Haloween/Christmas - Those can be enabled/disabled in the menu on the programming page :)

2) Is there any kind of warranty given should the product develop a fault for example?
As with the previous clocks, i am happy to warranty the parts for at least a year, unless you decide to dunk these in water etc when that kind of voids the warranty. There's not a massive amount in them that can fail, however i'm not going anywhere and am happy to stand by my work :)

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I'm in, but my other half was intending to get it as a present so the username will probably change but please reserve 😁
These look fantastic! Thanks for doing this Paul.

Any idea yet of the dimensions of the smaller clocks and will they have the same functionality?

Sorry to hear about the folks, thanks for the donation links..sent to the hospital.
Misses just agreed since these will be ready around November, she’ll pay for it as an early Xmas pressie, result!!
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