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Bought my first machine!

Carl Spiby

10 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
I've bought a LW3 for a very nice price, I already have 2 loaner machines but for some reason, I'm really excited for LW3, I know a lot of people find it shallow but you've got to start somewhere :)

Apparently it's mostly working except for the DMD so that will be the first port of call when I get it, I haven't done board work before but I'm going to use this machine as a learning exercise, hopefully I'll get it up and running fairly easily as I'm going to have a HS2 shaped gap later this month :D

Everybody dance now.

LW3 rocks ! :cool: Just a great fun game to play - people always say its a good starter machine which possibly suggests its 'just alright' before you move on to bigger and better things, but that does it an injustice - its a cracking pinball in its own right.

I had one for a while in the lineup - sat amongst LOTR, CFTBL and GNR ....guess which one got played the most ....OK OK OK ;)
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Grats Carl. Think I was talking to you and your other half at the Northern League meet yesterday. Sounds like a good buy and a decent intro to fixing/ maintenance.

Not had to touch boards myself as yet (touch wood) but loads of folk on here with years of experience willing to share so you'll be fine I'm sure :)

As for that new machine feeling...

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Congrats Carl.

Nothing quite like your first Pin. Definately a matter of personal taste though - i'd love a LW3 at some point but wouldn't get rid of my R&B for anything. Need to wait until I have more room.
Ewan's old machine? :eek:

LW3 is a great game. Played for hours in the arcade when they were first released. :D
Can't go wrong at that price! It's official now. The pin collection is well underway :)
Well done Carl, LW3 is one of my favourite machines and I really regret selling mine. I've had a few machines over the years, but LW3 seems to be the machine me and my friends were drawn too - it is a really fun theme, but deep enough to keep you playing. Also, I quite like Data East machines and have found them to be reliable in my experience. Cheers, Mark
It'll be on its way North tomorrow!

Got a few things to do before its playable and I'll be learning as I go, I'll do a shop log thread when it arrives :D
Nice work. LW3 was my first game, after spending hours on it in the pub back in the early 90s. And a damn fine game it is too. OK-OK-OK-OK.
Nice one Carl. Never played LW3, the music on this one seems a lot better than other DE's.

I have a spare, used DMD I could sell if you're struggling.
Losing one when LW3 arrives and another in May. This is why I'm already looking for another :)
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Congratulations on your new machine. LW3 is a great game and was my 1st machine. Takes a brave person to release the flipper buttons to grab the gun and shoot when prompted but you have to do :)

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