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Wanted Valuation on my Ripley's and Fun House looking to sell.

FH still seems to be on the up and up, 2 forum members have vouched for it's condition... I reckon someone just bagged a Ripleys for next to nothing.

PM sent yesterday :rofl:
If she did that's bad etiquette as dean said he'd have em b4 her

Drama Queen Alert!!!! :p

With all due respect you dont know what was in that PM

Fintan declared himself out and if Pinkladys PM expressed an interest after him then that puts her first in line now

Poor girl is only trying to get her first pin
What a bonkers thread this has turned out to be.

For the record I never got a reply to my original PM. He also asked for instructions on how to PM me which I gave him but I never received a message then either.

If he has sold them to somebody else then so be it. He can do what he likes.
lol, he hasn't been on here since Fintan expressed interest, he's just not as addicted to this place as all of us yet. Give him time :thumbs:
Calm down guys :D. At the request of another forum member I have contacted Nick to find out whats going on. He was panicking a bit yesterday after finding out he is more than likely losing his job but has realised he undervalued the 2 pins at 3k (!). He has taken photos and will be making 2 new for sale threads.
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After mega rowing with her indoors i did sleep on the sofa. I panicked and undervalued the games, anyway now we are talking again, just, i have taken photo's and will be listing very shortly. Sorry to those who have sent me a pm, but i have been out all morning. I am sorry if anyone feels i have wasted their time, but i was only after advice from the wider pinball community.
My machines are good tho.
Definitely the best thing to do. Just start again. Post them up for sale with the pics and your asking price and see what happens.

I don't know where the figure of 3k came from but if your Funhouse is as nice as people say it is then you definitely undervalued it by a fair bit!

Good luck with the sales. They sound like 2 nice machines so you probably won't have any trouble shifting them.
So without sounding sarcastic to Rudedog I presume the forum etiquette means Pinklady has first chance to purchase both pins
So without sounding sarcastic to Rudedog I presume the forum etiquette means Pinklady has first chance to purchase both pins

I think forum etiquette actually requires not worrying yourself too much about other people's for sale items, unless you are planning to buy it
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Not worried JT, just echoing what others have said on here, I think you will find in general people do tend to comment on items for sale even thought they don't intend to purchase them.

Anyway good luck to the new buyer whomever it may be.

And buy the way PM sent :rofl:
First rule about Forum Etiquette is there is no Forum Etiquette....

Seriously though - First one to agree a sale with the seller wins....

I have seen it where People have offered to buy something after others simply because it had to be gone in 2 days and the others couldnt collect for a week....

The only thing that i wont stand for is "offers" and then a bidding war starts .... if you want a Bidding war, Ebay is where you belong..... ;)
Couldn't agree more Paul.

It would help if people kept the two things seperate though - asking for valuations is, of course, fine. But off the back of that they should then create a 'For Sale' thread where they clearly state what it is they're selling along with photos and how much they want for it.

The problems seem to occur where the valuation and sale start merging together and then it's all too easy for it to be seen as a 'bidding war' and as you say that's what eBay is for.
Seems to me that this thread should never have started in the 'For Sale' section anyway. Should have been in the 'general discussion' section first.
But hey....thats just my thinking.
Seems to me that this thread should never have started in the 'For Sale' section anyway. Should have been in the 'general discussion' section first.
But hey....thats just my thinking.
You mean like maybe in this thread which is dedicated just to valuations? ;-)

That would have been the best place - but you can't really shout at the new guys and gals for not spotting such a thread exists. Is there a way to make that thread a sticky so in future it's easily noticed maybe? And maybe it's worth making a point of mentioning in the forum guidelines that valuation and 'For Sale' threads should be kept entirely separate to prevent this situation?

I dunno, I don't want us having rules out the wazzoo but I can appreciate how people could get frustrated by such a situation.
Or the 'how much is this pin worth thread'. But I guess that easy to miss, especially for newbies to the site.

Edit: like wiredworm just said..
Guys, I will create two new for sale threads when i can upload some pictures. So far today i have taken loads of pictures on 3 different phones, none of which are compatible with the laptop i have borrowed. Then i borrowed a digital camera, and the lead i was given for it is the wrong one. I am pulling my hair out and going grey at the same time.

@Andypuk, i agree with you that maybe this should have gone in the general discussion section, but i rarely come on this site and thought i'd done the right thing.
I don't want to start a slanging match, really i don't. I just can't get any pictures to download on this crap laptop.

2 new for sale threads will follow, i dont know why people are still commenting on this one, i asked for some advice and i got it, and thanks to all of those for their support.
Don't worry about it Nick, you did nothing wrong, the thread's just evolving into a 'how should this place work' thread, which gets us all excited :).
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