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The OFFICIAL LICENSED 'moans about pricing' thread

It's not like you can't get an older version of almost the exact same layout by the same designer for thousands less...
I don't understand this argument, some Pins may have layout elements that might be similar but comparing say an Elton John to a Spider-Man or Star Trek seems redundant, they have completely different themes, art, rules, sounds etc. Same for Attack From Mars and Stranger Things.
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UK pin prices are undergoing a "correction". The correction is due to an overheated market in recent years due to lack of supply and increased demand mainly due to covid, but also a bit of Brexit too.

Once that correction has settled in, and the current oversupply of games has been taken up, then prices will begin to rise slowly again, but in line with inflation.
I don't understand this argument, some Pins may have layout elements that might be the same but comparing say an Elton John to say a Spider-Man or Star Trek seems redundant, they have completely different themes, art, rules, sounds etc. Same for Attack From Mars and Stranger Things.
Genuinely, I felt that AFM, Stranger Things and MM were basically the exact same pin, but with cosmetic differences, and I wouldn't want to own more than one of them. Having played them all a lot, I went with AFM because it was noticeably cheaper and I preferred the callouts/theme.

I know that sounds as though I'd happily play a whitewood, but TNA is a modern classic. As it has awful art and no meaningful theme whatsoever, I genuinely can't be the only person who thinks this way...
Sometimes a game wasn't seller due to bad timing like family guy or the theme/package was disappointing like zep.

I can't remember what happened with Family Guy, but I don't remember any discounts on LZ?

Genuinely, I felt that AFM, Stranger Things and MM were basically the exact same pin, but with cosmetic differences, and I wouldn't want to own more than one of them. Having played them all a lot, I went with AFM because it was noticeably cheaper and I preferred the callouts/theme.

I know that sounds as though I'd happily play a whitewood, but TNA is a modern classic. As it has awful art and no meaningful theme whatsoever, I genuinely can't be the only person who thinks this way...

I've had MM and AFM at the same time in the past and I have MM and STh at the moment. From my perspective AFM and MM feel much more similar to each other than STh. Outside of a similar fan layour STh feels pretty different to me.
Genuinely, I felt that AFM, Stranger Things and MM were basically the exact same pin, but with cosmetic differences, and I wouldn't want to own more than one of them. Having played them all a lot, I went with AFM because it was noticeably cheaper and I preferred the callouts/theme.

I know that sounds as though I'd happily play a whitewood, but TNA is a modern classic. As it has awful art and no meaningful theme whatsoever, I genuinely can't be the only person who thinks this way...
I'm always a little surprised by people who have multiple games from the same era/company/designer, each to their own of course, but in a small collection a bit of variety is needed.
Genuinely, I felt that AFM, Stranger Things and MM were basically the exact same pin, but with cosmetic differences, and I wouldn't want to own more than one of them. Having played them all a lot, I went with AFM because it was noticeably cheaper and I preferred the callouts/theme.

I know that sounds as though I'd happily play a whitewood, but TNA is a modern classic. As it has awful art and no meaningful theme whatsoever, I genuinely can't be the only person who thinks this way...
I agree. Genuinely, I played Bally Midway Beat the Clock over, and over and over again. Not a great theme at all, but just felt brilliant hitting the drops, nudging and keeping the clock topped up and then building the bonus. For me a fantastic example of how a single layer pin should feel. I have never played a TNA but I imagine it would be the same, but much better.
Genuinely, I felt that AFM, Stranger Things and MM were basically the exact same pin, but with cosmetic differences, and I wouldn't want to own more than one of them. Having played them all a lot, I went with AFM because it was noticeably cheaper and I preferred the callouts/theme.

I know that sounds as though I'd happily play a whitewood, but TNA is a modern classic. As it has awful art and no meaningful theme whatsoever, I genuinely can't be the only person who thinks this way...
I agree, but someone who wants an Elton John Pin isn't going to be persuaded to get a Star Trek because some of the shots are similar, no matter how much cheaper it is.
I can't remember what happened with Family Guy, but I don't remember any discounts on LZ?

I've had MM and AFM at the same time in the past and I have MM and STh at the moment. From my perspective AFM and MM feel much more similar to each other than STh. Outside of a similar fan layour STh feels pretty different to me.
Agreed. Whilst layout is the same you have to play STh very differently. You can play MM and AFM on the fly and with flow but do that on STh and you will drain quickly. You need to control the ball on STh and position each shot. I am more of a flow player than control so find STh much more of a challenge.
I agree, but someone who wants an Elton John Pin isn't going to be persuaded to get a Star Trek because some of the shots are similar, no matter how much cheaper it is.
Would the similar shot layout put someone off buying an Elton John if they already own Start Trek tho?
Agreed. Whilst layout is the same you have to play STh very differently. You can play MM and AFM on the fly and with flow but do that on STh and you will drain quickly. You need to control the ball on STh and position each shot. I am more of a flow player than control so find STh much more of a challenge.
It depends on the AFM. Ours has really wide outlanes and is very fast, so - if you don't control every shot or are a championship nudger - you'll just lose the ball straight down the sides. There's only two AFMs I've played like that and both belong/have belonged at some point to @Matt Vince, so I guess they've been dialled in to play like that :) They are very cool if you like hard pinball - much better than the more 'dribbl-y' ones.

Would the similar shot layout put someone off buying an EJ if they already own Start Trek tho?
It depends on the person, I think. I don't know how many people play competitions regularly (and purchase pins on that basis) as compared to being into certain eras or themes. Certainly, if you want a bit of variety in gameplay, you probably don't want multiple pins with the same/a very similar layout, even if they have a different theme and rules.
That one action alone has devalued every single second hand Stern further and made NIB purchases less likely.
My first thought was 'bummer my FF will be worth less if every nib goes down to 7.5k' (I don't care if my other machines lose value as I'm happy to keep them long term) but that's kind of self absorbed and short sighted. For pinball to survive we need more people to come in, machines are hardly ever scrapped now so running out of space is real for everyone. Lower entry prices hopefully keeps new people coming in and keeps the hobby going. Plus, this might just be a one off for venom until the end of the year. It's probably caused even more of a stall on used games while people wait to see if it will apply to other machines but that may not happen.
prices haven’t bottomed out yet
Agreed, but I expect they will bounce back. With inflation things will naturally be worth more....it will level up (shudder, did I just use that phrase 🤮) short term pain for those looking to sell or switch up. Did my first trade plus cash this year, it's a real option as machines are roughly relative in value
My first thought was 'bummer my FF will be worth less if every nib goes down to 7.5k' (I don't care if my other machines lose value as I'm happy to keep them long term) but that's kind of self absorbed and short sighted. For pinball to survive we need more people to come in, machines are hardly ever scrapped now so running out of space is real for everyone. Lower entry prices hopefully keeps new people coming in and keeps the hobby going. Plus, this might just be a one off for venom until the end of the year. It's probably caused even more of a stall on used games while people wait to see if it will apply to other machines but that may not happen.
Guessing it might be a one off, as by all accounts ( Pinside! ), Venom has been a really poor seller, and Stern have a big, new factory that needs to pump out games.

It's kind of a tempting deal though, as owners are liking it.
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My first thought was 'bummer my FF will be worth less if every nib goes down to 7.5k' (I don't care if my other machines lose value as I'm happy to keep them long term) but that's kind of self absorbed and short sighted. For pinball to survive we need more people to come in, machines are hardly ever scrapped now so running out of space is real for everyone. Lower entry prices hopefully keeps new people coming in and keeps the hobby going. Plus, this might just be a one off for venom until the end of the year. It's probably caused even more of a stall on used games while people wait to see if it will apply to other machines but that may not happen.
The real issue is who's going to jump in on a new release if there's a chance Electrocoin will have to discount it to move them in the near future, regardless of the title ?
Not even close imo. Even though a few sales are going through, the list of machines for sale on the forum is still growing

Skip past the first couple pages - plenty sold in Sept / early October.

Still moving , just slower and a lot of those listed are at prices that would have raised eyebrows a year ago let alone now tbh.

Its like the old days .... remember when first into this madness around 2004 ...pins could take weeks to sell. I had a Pinbot up for £275 ......after a month it sold for £250. :D
Someone tell me what a AIQ Prem is worth these days so I can sell the bastard thing lol, paid £8.5 which seamed far at the time (or maybe severely over paid??) but obviously ain’t the market rate these days!!! :D
It is a strange market to get your head round. I'm new here and looking to buy my first pin. I'm pretty set on a new Bond pro, but keep looking at the for sale ads. I've never bought anything with the aim of making money, cars, bikes, houses etc, so wouldn't expect to with a pin. Obviously the world went mad after covid.

I'm looking to buy based on theme, like i guess most do, but see the prem and Le versions in some cases for sale at what seem better prices. The Mandalorion Le for £9500, and seen several Godzilla prem for similar prices. Makes me think would i be better buying one of those, but not a fan of either theme.

So the prices asked are hard to understand. Guess the theme is the deal breaker? Just need to finally decide and pull the trigger. Also fancy a Pulp Fiction, but know that will be a year or so away, and want a pin sooner than later.
Theme not always king, I do like a good theme that connects with me, however for example the shadow is a terrible theme, even worse movie, however the game is fantastic and I wouldn't hesitate in owning one. Mando I'm not a huge fan of the TV show but the game is deep, and rather good. I've no idea why the LE hasn't sold, I only sold mine because of financial reasons. I've found some games on first play are great, when you play them in a home environment for 30 minutes+ you find you don't like them. A friend of mine owns Elvira house of horrors and I'm going to be flammed to death for saying this, but I absolutely hate it, first 10 minutes of play thought i enjoyed, however the more I play it the more I hate it, the theme really really grates on me, especially the call outs and cracker jokes. As they say one man's pinball pleasure is another man's pain.

If you haven't done so already depending on where your located visit pinball rebublic, pinball office, tilt, try out some games for a good number of goes, your then get a good idea what you might like or won't and whether theme is the deal breaker.
Someone tell me what a AIQ Prem is worth these days so I can sell the bastard thing lol, paid £8.5 which seamed far at the time (or maybe severely over paid??) but obviously ain’t the market rate these days!!! :D
God knows, perceived value is a strange thing.


value = number of people in the market for pin * (if(stern=yes, 1/age, 1)-number of plays) * (price bought for/price new) + (if(eBay=yes, 2000, 500)

Seriously, I'd think it's right (for what it's worth), just no buyers. Chin up. It'll sell
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