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The inevitable '1,000,000' questions thread as the R&B rebuild commences

Here's a picture of the one from the Simpsons cabinet.

It's got a bit of corrosion/dirt but would clean up ok and it's all there.
Is it of any use ? Suppose it depends on if you intend painting itimage.jpeg
Thanks for taking the time to dig that out Ian.

I have to say i'm a bit worried about how easy it would be to clean the rust up and then repaint it. The areas around the edges look to be really really tight and i'm not sure I could do a decent job without having it shot blasted.

The other option is I just accept the minor damage to mine and spray over the top with a suitable paint. No idea if it's possible to do that though or if it needs some sort of primer or not.
I think your frame looks pretty clean. So clean it right up then spray some Etch Primer over that exposed metal where the tab has broken off. Then hammer paint over the lot. If you don't like it you can always then send it off for shot blast/powder coat.
So I could get away with just etch priming that part then? I thought i'd have had to do the lot to get a match?

If it should be ok then i'll probably go with that. Need some etch primer anyway for the main door.

Thanks for the offer though @BigIan. It's really appreciated and I still owe you for the transformer brackets. If I ever make it back to our office in Belfast then the beers are on me.
No probs Pete

I guess I should have given it a wipe over, :cool: it's not as bad as it looks although there are a few chips in the paint. If you are not for painting it I guess,your one is better, the broken fin looks like it's from the top of the frame so not easily spotted.

The screw points for the hinge are on the left so actually the missing fin is the bottom right.

I'd usually obsess over something like this but to be fair the coin door surround is relatively easy to replace so if I do chance across one in better condition in the future then it's not a big deal to change it.

I hadn't noticed the damage to be honest and it was only the grey of the exposed metal that made it obvious. Once it's etch primed and resprayed it should look fine.

Thanks again though for taking the time to look. :)
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