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Wanted Kiss ..... pro/prem

That was weird it pasted that into your post .. swap for a GB pro or that kinda value I guess
guy selliing a GB PRO on facebook group has a KISS . no idea if its for sale but shows they are OUT there!
I'll sell my pro..........

If I find an LE;)

'London, can you feel it' ? :D
Pinballs are like buses.

None for ages and then 3 show up;)

Happened with loads of games I have looked for in the past - they just come in waves as the next new shiney's get all the love!
As a huge GB fan (hence the proton pack I built <-----) that's my dream buy... one day.

If a kiss Pro is the same as a GB pro.... What;s a GB Pro (and by proxy, a GB)
No it’s a very very good idea as then you can sell it to Simon or nick when your bored and I can buy one of their pro’s .... easy as that . Shall I message Phil for you to get things rolling ?? :rofl::rofl:
If it wasn't in demand Will wouldn't want it it's how he rolls

Buy WOZ From Mr Chief, you love WOZ!

Well it wasn’t in demand :mad:
Typical that it is now

I do love woz ... who’s woz and how much for this woz ?
Quite a demand for the Kiss pin. It’s a pin on my watch list too. With so very few sold in the UK it seems NIB is the way to go..

Get a WOZ it’s fantastic. Would never sell mine!
Oh bloody hell another one :-o:-o:rofl:

When I had mine no one wanted to buy it ... no one , it was like a joke table .... why can’t it still be lol

It’s a terrible game for anyone that likes deep games if you don’t like the music your gonna hate it even more and it’s a super ugly cab with zero play field toys or anything ... also the code is **** and unfinished ..... would everyone stop looking for a kiss :rofl::rofl:
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