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Flipper Strength

I read an interesting thread the other day. "Overly Magnetic Balls" was the LOTR theme. Somebody had suggested the Ring hold may be magnetizing the balls and that replacing old balls with new may be the secret.
So, whilst ordering the uprated coils, I decided to order new balls at the same time.

Here's what happened, new balls installed and I reached Destroy the Ring, I completed the four lane shots and I hit the ring to "hold a ball", next was the shot to dislodge the held ball shot. I hit the ring with an average strength shot, you know when it's not a perfect shot but still, I hit it and instead of dislodging it, my second ball was also held in the ring. That was my test over and obviously, it was inconclusive due to the actual second ball shot being a little weaker than when you cream it.

Anyhow, patience was thin, I'd suffered months of thinking the flippers were weak, despite getting better and better at the game and the shots and I had the new uprated coils ready to install right by my side.

I soldered them in and had a game. 1st Game and I again reached "Destroy the Ring", again I hit the 4 lane shots then the ring shot to "Hold" the ball, only this time, the ring accidentally dropped the new (less magnetized) ball out and so it was not a fair test. I went on to hit the target and destroyed the ring but not how the game intends. I then went on to gain all 6 Gift of the Elves (which is a first ever) and I also reached There and Back Again which I failed.

This was to all intents and purposes a very good game. I've just had another game and again reached Destroy The Ring, this time after completing the x4 lane shots and hitting the ring, it dropped the ball instead of grabbing it but still started the last Ring Shot which I again completed but not as the game intends by punching the 1st ball through.

So far, I can say that hitting the targets is easier. That you may say is positive or negative. On a game as tough as LOTR, I class it as positive as I am still way way away from completing it and I am using a 5 ball game.
For me, I think it improves it in as much as previously with the standard flipper coils it was only the absolute purest and crispest shots that made it to the ring. Now it is just a good accurate shot. And don't get me wrong, I am still firing many shots which are going up past the spinner and not reaching the Ring, it is not giving these shots away but it is certainly more in line with what I believe feels like a more realistic shot especially when you consider the number of times the Ring must be hit to complete the game. In my opinion, it is closer to what the manufacturer may have originally intended.

Conclusion, I'll have to reach Destroy the Ring another couple of times, if the ring holds the 1st ball I need to dislodge it. If the ring keeps dropping the new (less magnetized) balls, I'll put the old balls in and reach Destroy the Ring a couple of times.

I'll update in a couple of days. So far I'd recommend the upgraded coils.
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