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Addams Family kick starter for Pinball Arcade

I never understood why software companies get this greedy. I mean, don't these people fear piracy?
Latest figures:


...Assuming it will be backed, do you think this release will bring TAF prices down, push them higher, or have no real effect?

My thoughts are:

Prices up:
More people exposed to the game and want the real thing.

Prices down:
More people are able to play it on The Pinball Arcade and therefore don't need to buy the real thing. Or their rose-tinted nostalgic memories of the game are brought into line a little once they have a few goes and move onto other more modern games instead.

No change:
They're already a bit overinflated already, not far off some new brand games at roughly £2.5-£4k depending on condition, so there's no real room for further increases as people will just buy a new game instead.

Note: This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact i'm toying with trading my Addam's Family for something else in the next 6months: maybe a nice Tron. I don't want to as it's a lovely machine, a real classic, but it's the only way I'll be able to get another game that i want this year or next.
A lot of people remember playing TAF and hence it is a popular title. It was my first pin because of this existing exposure.
I think the PA release will stimulate more interest and people will hunt one down but prices will put many off so who can really predict these things.
I'm not a huge fan either to be honest. I enjoy playing it but it's not on my wish list right now.

I don't think it'll necessarily push prices up. It's one thing playing it on Pinball Arcade and another spending the cash to physically have the Pin AND have to maintain it.

I think the 'keeping it running' part would put a lot of people off, but then of course that's assuming they have any inkling of how often these things break down. Now you'd think they'd take it as read given that many of these machines are 20 years and older.
I liked all of the previous 4 posts. Couldn't agree more. This is an abuse of Kickstarter and the generosity (madness?) of the pinball community. This has simply become an easy and risk-free way of raising capital for R&D. With TAF being the most popular table ever made and usually somewhere near the top of several Top 100 lists in severely doubt there's much risk in them not making their money back.
I'm not a huge fan either to be honest. I enjoy playing it but it's not on my wish list right now.

I don't think it'll necessarily push prices up. It's one thing playing it on Pinball Arcade and another spending the cash to physically have the Pin AND have to maintain it.

I think the 'keeping it running' part would put a lot of people off, but then of course that's assuming they have any inkling of how often these things break down. Now you'd think they'd take it as read given that many of these machines are 20 years and older.

You'd think the Pinball Arcade versions never breakdown, wouldn't you?

see 35secs in.
Hahaha, that's terrible.

But I suspect a darn sight easier and cheaper to fix than the real thing..... ;-)
Will the release affect TAF prices? Oooh, tricky! My experience is better aligned with the older games that have appeared in TPA and my observation is that those games seem to be a little more desirable and a little more pricey in general (I'm thinking of BLACK HOLE, GORGAR, FIREPOWER, CENTAUR, SPACE SHUTTLE and HAUNTED HOUSE). But then maybe those titles have always been desirable/collectable and that is why Farsight decided to immortalise them in code. The only quantifiable experience I've had was a Stern FLIGHT 2000 that went for peanuts on eBay before it was a table on TPA. Now try finding one for less than a bazillion bucks!

Table Pack 1 contains MEDIEVAL MADNESS. Was TPA responsible for the ludicrous prices that title used to command? I think we're all agreed that the MM gold-rush is over now that MMr has been announced/released.
Mind you it is uber realistic - they even wear:eek:afm.jpg

I saw the above pic on pinside ( look at the stroke of luck hole )
They digitise real tables so I guess wear is totally possible.

Although they say they get the tables restored to the highest level possible before digitising. Guess their highest level isnt the same as the guys on here.
Will the release affect TAF prices? Oooh, tricky! My experience is better aligned with the older games that have appeared in TPA and my observation is that those games seem to be a little more desirable and a little more pricey in general (I'm thinking of BLACK HOLE, GORGAR, FIREPOWER, CENTAUR, SPACE SHUTTLE and HAUNTED HOUSE). But then maybe those titles have always been desirable/collectable and that is why Farsight decided to immortalise them in code. The only quantifiable experience I've had was a Stern FLIGHT 2000 that went for peanuts on eBay before it was a table on TPA. Now try finding one for less than a bazillion bucks!

Table Pack 1 contains MEDIEVAL MADNESS. Was TPA responsible for the ludicrous prices that title used to command? I think we're all agreed that the MM gold-rush is over now that MMr has been announced/released.

Bhole,and Centaur,have always been mega tables.Centaurs speech is still now,mega,back then it must have been mind boggling:eek:
I'm not a huge fan either to be honest. I enjoy playing it but it's not on my wish list right now.

I don't think it'll necessarily push prices up. It's one thing playing it on Pinball Arcade and another spending the cash to physically have the Pin AND have to maintain it.

I think the 'keeping it running' part would put a lot of people off, but then of course that's assuming they have any inkling of how often these things break down. Now you'd think they'd take it as read given that many of these machines are 20 years and older.

I thought that for many,many years.After picking one up last year,and having many games it finally clicked - it is a stunning game.
i have bought a few over the years as I knew the only way to decide if I liked it was to own it,and play it in the home environment - prime examples were SM and LOTR.TAF never really was thought of in that manner,tho in hindsight I should have done.

Maybe the same would happen for me with IJ - tho I very much doubt it!!
I know the kickstarter thing always seems to divide opinions, but I've always been a fan of TPA as the way I look at it, IF (and it's a very bif IF these days) I came across a table in an arcade or pub somewhere I'd easily drop a good few quid into it for a few games, for the same money I can whip my phone or ipad out and play it whenever.

I also find it's good for scouting tables to play at shows and to learn the rules for some of the games I've never really had chance to play/seen before.

I've backed this, always loved TAF my dad used to have one (Newdos) back when we had a ToM, he sold it and kept the ToM, years later we are both still regretting it.

I also made a noob mistake and posted another thread about the kickstarter elsewhere on here without doing a quick search first D'OH! haha
I'll happily pay a fiver for it when it comes out but I'm not giving them money up front, do businesses not take risks any more? Besides, with a licence like Addams why is there any doubt that it will make the money back? TPA have something like 7 million downloads now...
I know the kickstarter thing always seems to divide opinions, but I've always been a fan of TPA as the way I look at it, IF (and it's a very bif IF these days) I came across a table in an arcade or pub somewhere I'd easily drop a good few quid into it for a few games, for the same money I can whip my phone or ipad out and play it whenever.

Yeah im a fan of the app and tables, not a fan of their business model.

They are hardly a startup needing kickstarter support, they have been in business for 23 years.
I've backed this, always loved TAF my dad used to have one (Newdos) back when we had a ToM, he sold it and kept the ToM, years later we are both still regretting it.

Son of Kev. Hope your both coming down to NLP
They are hardly a startup needing kickstarter support, they have been in business for 23 years.

They're a f*cking disgrace of a software development company......making sh*it loads of cash on poor quality software but still not prepared to put invest in their own product ffs!!! I have been drinking so will end my rant there ;)
They'd probably do better if they didn't rip off the people that contribute to the kickstarter. $7 to pre-purchase the table, or $5 if you wait for it to come out?

Seems like a no brainer to me :confused:
6days and 6grand to go.

(@Paul - For some reason I can't post a picture from my iPad like previous posts. The 'choose a file' upload dialogue button isn't responding. iOS8).
They're a f*cking disgrace of a software development company......making sh*it loads of cash on poor quality software but still not prepared to put invest in their own product ffs!!! I have been drinking so will end my rant there ;)

Now its done,and ya stop and think,@ronsplooter is 100% correct :oops:
Nice if ya can get

Someone else to pay for your gamble to make a fair bit of money

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