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Sold World Cup Soccer (WCS) £3200 inc colourdmd


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Apr 11, 2015
Haddington East Lothian
Hi all,

I snapped this up at £3k with the intention of doing a full refurb, but I've streatched myself thin with summer holiday looming so I need to let it go to the next person to enjoy.


Its exactly the same as when Martin delivered it, plays totally fine and can be enjoyed as is, but I will also include (not installed) a pin2dmd pre loaded for WCS bought from @Terranigma and also a new football ordered from Marco. total value £200 so selling it for £3200.


Unopened dmd and new ball...
Great fun game, had a few over the years and its always a game people gravitate to 🥰
I actually gravitated away from it the first time I saw one. It was at the first pinball show I went to, I just thought it looked weird and gimmicky with the big football, no one was on it and I still didn't stop to play a game of it. No idea why I thought that as I'm a big football fan.

Little did I know then that within 6 months I'd actually own one after watching a few videos.

Easy to understand, scoring a goal never gets old, great soundtrack and as has been said it's a favourite for non-pinheads ⚽.
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How much better is the speaker to the original? Can you hear a distinct improvement?
This adds some oomph to the cabinet, I’ve changed the speakers in every game I’ve had except Alien as that was just outstanding thundering audio straight out of box.
I’m partially deaf with pulsatile tinnitus so can’t claim to be an audiophile however 😂 so if you don’t have audio loud maybe you wouldn’t tell the difference anyway 🤷‍♂️
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The paper cones on a few of my used games were pierced or torn when they arrived too, so in those instances this would make a noticeable improvement.
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