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In Progress Whitewater Rebuild......

Ok then.... Who said you have to replace metalwork when a quick spruce up will do......

For example. Take one Lock-down bar. Do nothing with it other than polish it (Admittedly I DID say go easy on the polishing as it had to kind of match the brushed side-rails...), so he could have polished up a LOT more - however for the Price I paid (Less than a pint costs in London) I got this.....

Eat your heart out a certain "restorer"... You would have charged £100+ for this....

I love this one....

Before :

After :


And overall....


All lovely and clean and shiny!!!
I have a tumbler, however to be honest (using Crushed Walnut Shells) they cant take blemishes out of the metal.... they can only polish up whats there. The only problem with getting everything plated is that you have to do the whole lot else the ones that haven't been stick out like a sore thumb (says he having noticed 3 bits that i really should have done!!! :( )
Looking good. Its going to be a rival for mine once finished.
If you are short any Loom stand off's (didn't see any in the shinny metal pic) I have plenty spare all freshly re plated you are welcome to buddy.
This is looking fantastic, I was watching someone do crushed walnut blasting on american restoration last night actually.
Looking very nice! I agree that polished metal is nicer than chrome plate and a lot cheaper, but using a buffing wheel is scary ****!

I've had a piece snatched out of my hand and thrown across the room. Can't help thinking if that had been my hand I would be a few digits short....
I got my tumbler from a gun / ammo place that's a lymen 1200 turbo with media. I did buy some walnut shell to. I like to tumble in walnut for a day or so then a day or so in corn con and flitz
I think i have finally found something that in itself is THE one most difficult to do when restoring a pinball machine.

Nope. Not the Decals, or the wiring. Not rebuilding those annoying Pops.

It's replacing the Black Vinyl on the Wooden Playfield Siderails with new "crap" Vinyl. Mine was warn in several places, so it had to be done... Had I known the Pain then I'd have just stained the wood!!!! Done now, however not a pain I'd like to go through again......

Anyhow, progress update....


After the delay known as Christmas, there's probably around 15 hours left on the wiring (a LOT of it on the bottom half of the playfield circa flipper area needs to be completely re-wired from scratch since it is either damaged or has been previously removed with no clue as to where it goes or how it routes there......) before i make it to start populating the top of the playfield.... oh joy!!!
Oh oops - it's been soooo long since i posted in here....Time for an update!!!

Well thanks to assistance from several of you out there, she's nearly done.. (Finally!!)....

wh2o1.jpg wh2o2.jpg

However, since nearing the end, i'm now finding more and more little bits are missing :(

If anyone has any of the following available and for sale, please let me know!!!

Large Lamp holder (#89) - Not fussed about cables since i have tails to attach, however it's a much shorter mount than usual...


Playfield Decal 31-1728-3 (as per here : http://bayareaamusements.com/Mercha...ode=BAA&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=DC-31-1728-3). It;s slightly different to the one on the adjacent ramp....

As seen here...


That's it for the moment - I know there's be more over the coming couple of days/weeks, so please stay tuned... ;) If anyone has anything, please let me know :) Cheers!
Oh oops - it's been soooo long since i posted in here....Time for an update!!!

Well thanks to assistance from several of you out there, she's nearly done.. (Finally!!)....

View attachment 7134 View attachment 7135

However, since nearing the end, i'm now finding more and more little bits are missing :(

If anyone has any of the following available and for sale, please let me know!!!

View attachment 7136
Large Lamp holder (#89) - Not fussed about cables since i have tails to attach, however it's a much shorter mount than usual...

View attachment 7137

Playfield Decal 31-1728-3 (as per here : http://bayareaamusements.com/Mercha...ode=BAA&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=DC-31-1728-3). It;s slightly different to the one on the adjacent ramp....

As seen here...

View attachment 7138

That's it for the moment - I know there's be more over the coming couple of days/weeks, so please stay tuned... ;) If anyone has anything, please let me know :) Cheers!
There was a Australian site that had all the ramp decals in a set I will try and find it

I have all the others - just seem to be missing this one - I can get one from Bay however at $10 plus a probably extortionate shipping for a bit of paper, and 3 weeks waiting, figured i would ask here :)

I will have both the bulb holder and the decal. Bulb holder I can put my hand on but the fickin decal I don't have a clue were that could be.
Will have a look and get back to you.
Daz is the man. Not only does he have EVERY obscure part. He's happy to part with it.

I reckon you're in for some of Fintan stacks pinball kudos points mate:thumbs:
Blue... the entire head and cab (other than the bottom and the inside/lip!) is blue. The only black part other than this is the metal on the head top that hides the bulbs...

Will post updated pics later :)

P.s. Havent forgotten!
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Blue... the entire head and cab (other than the bottom and the inside/lip!) is blue. The only black part other than this is the metal on the head top that hides the bulbs...

Will post updated pics later :)

P.s. Havent forgotten!
Thanks Paul how many cans of primer and blue did you go through?
I think 4 cans of primer, 2 cans of blue... Depends on how many times you need to go over it, however it's a starting point :) Just used standard Simoniz Primer from Ebay... nothing special. Just make sure the wood is as smoth as a babys bottom since it WILL accentuate every single blemish - even when you cant see them... :D
I think 4 cans of primer, 2 cans of blue... Depends on how many times you need to go over it, however it's a starting point :) Just used standard Simoniz Primer from Ebay... nothing special. Just make sure the wood is as smoth as a babys bottom since it WILL accentuate every single blemish - even when you cant see them... :D
So you did the whole of the cab blue not just the edges? I assume back of cab was still black ?
Why would you do the whole cab, when it's going to be decalled?? lol

Seriously i cant remember - fairly sure i didnt - Just the corners... So primer the cab ( i did all over - it is primer after all, cheap and helps tell if there's any imperfections ) and then did the corners, blue and sanded back into the primer so nice and smooth (lots of 400 grit) :)

the top back of the Cab I did black, however the entire head is blue. Ahh the pics should show you...
Why would you do the whole cab, when it's going to be decalled?? lol

Seriously i cant remember - fairly sure i didnt - Just the corners... So primer the cab ( i did all over - it is primer after all, cheap and helps tell if there's any imperfections ) and then did the corners, blue and sanded back into the primer so nice and smooth (lots of 400 grit) :)

the top back of the Cab I did black, however the entire head is blue. Ahh the pics should show you...
That's is what I thought Paul, but this line earlier from your threw me a bit !!!

"Blue... the entire head and cab (other than the bottom and the inside/lip!) is blue"

Cheers kev
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