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No Longer Available Whitewater £4250

I feel bad for @taz turbo its alot of money to pay out for a pin in this condition my cars probably not even worth a quarter of that amount! Its alright saying it just needs a new pf but thats the main part of the machine and its not exactly cheap to buy one and have it fitted.. I would expect a really really nice condition whitewater for this sort of money for a grand more you could get a more modern pin with hardly any plays.
Hopefully @jake52 replys on this thread
hey taz im on your side, i took a gamble on game awhile back and luckily the few faults that it had were easily sorted. switches etc , honestly WW is an awesome game take out all the above playfield lets to incandescents fix the the bits and you will have a great game
Although I agree with your comment that we as a community should/could be more cautious on sending large amounts of money to others on unseen items. Buying a machine on playfield condition, yes I agree, but here's the rub, the playfield was described as 'insignificant scuffs, nothing alarming' no this is clarified go back and take a look of the playfield pictures I posted, its absolutely knackered, showing wood in places.

The description wasn't vague it was misleading, it clearly said it was 'a really nice example', it isn't!

Just to say - really sorry this has happened to you 😢

I apologise if I accidentally sounded predatory. I wasn’t trying to rip you off - I was suggesting that I’d be potentially interested in doing it up, if no one else offered and the price was right. It sounded from @CHRIS B PINBALLS that he’d seen this machine before and it needed a lot of sweat equity (and £££) to repair :( It sounded in danger of scrappage- which would be sad (but, I guess, happens with vintage machines) 🙁

White Water playfields seem to be about £1,000 from Mirco Playfields (and theirs have a rep for not being great quality).
Still a whitewater and if CGC dont make them soon .... which could take 5- 10 years in 5-10 years time we will alb on the forum saying man rember when whitewaters were only 4k :)
It would be interesting what the previous seller paid for it and how it was described to him
The best thing to do with that game is get it playing probably and enjoy it
One of the reasons I walked away from it was it’s never going to make a nice pin whatsoever amount of money you spent on it
People keep pushing the boundaries on price all the time I have a very nice Wh20 that I will be selling next year now I have just seen the other one sell for £4500 it’s just gone up £500 saying the Beowulf has a fully restored one that has had little interest
ps the incandescent bulbs will greatly help with the game looking vintage worn and not blindly worn, honestly i have had loads of guitar over the years and the "vintage worn " looks are a plus to many , my blackout is my most worn game and i love it.
Is something that the skill posts and buttons were not in the previous sellers listing. I saw the lock light inserts on that listing and thought it looked a bit bad, but I thought we couldn't say bad things in listings now right?
Hope you can get a good result from this though!
Is something that the skill posts and buttons were not in the previous sellers listing. I saw the lock light inserts on that listing and thought it looked a bit bad, but I thought we couldn't say bad things in listings now right?
Hope you can get a good result from this though!

Mate I think you may have been the only one. After I rechecked the photos I saw the wear but plenty of us missed it, which sucks. I think asking for closer photos of the wear, problematic areas, without lights is definitely a-ok and certainly shouldn't be seen as negative.
ps the incandescent bulbs will greatly help with the game looking vintage worn and not blindly worn, honestly i have had loads of guitar over the years and the "vintage worn " looks are a plus to many , my blackout is my most worn game and i love it.
I admire you for trying to put a positive spin on this but trying to convince us that 'vintage worn' is now a plus when selling a Pinball machine is stretching it a little 😉.
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Yes and no, honestly the game is a great game trust me mine come with "LEDS - even colour matching yuck, soon as io got them out the game looked soooooooo much better and you won't have som much led bleeding through the cracks to make the damage look worse. trust me 30 quid well spent and as i pound all the bulbs are very accessible
bonds the skill-post ... we can sort this pin easy. get prepped for surgery get it well lit and swap the led's a small amount spent can make a big difference lets ee some pics in natural light and help the guy out
Yes and no, honestly the game is a great game trust me mine come with "LEDS - even colour matching yuck, soon as io got them out the game looked soooooooo much better and you won't have som much led bleeding through the cracks to make the damage look worse. trust me 30 quid well spent and as i pound all the bulbs are very accessible
Oh, for goodness sake…

There isn’t any way of making this playfield acceptable for the price this poor guy paid for it 😭😭
As long as he accurately describes it. Just because you get stung doesn't mean you have to pay it forward otherwise you are just as bad.
I think @jake52 needs to take responsibility for this. Even I, a total n00b, can see that the playfield is down to wood in places and the machine has skill posts and multiple extra holes in the box - none of which were mentioned in the original advert. The cab is also a bit of a mess. I’ve no idea why it’s got what looks like new powder-coated legs when the rest of it needs serious work either - that’s like trying to put a tiara on a donkey.

I mean, WH2O is a fun machine, but it’s not £4,500 fun in that condition. You can get a lot of better things for not much extra, or less, money.
I think what is almost more disappointing is the reply after Chris has gone back to the seller which is basically saying tough luck sell it on to someone else unsuspecting.
In a community where thousands are transferred based on trust that no one is trying to pull a fast one with descriptions and clever photos, it just drives home that not everyone out there is honest and the lure of extra pound notes is king for some.
Can’t help wondering where this pin has been between selling in that auction house and now. Did jake buy it from here and what was the description then and critically the price? Some people will happily have a beaten up players condition pin in their collection to enjoy for a while and then move on for a suitable value. In this case someone somewhere along the line has sold it on for a nice condition whitewater price which this clearly isn’t.
There is still the opportunity for the seller to Chris to do the right thing and take the pin back and issue a full refund. This was clearly an ad that didn't show half of what was wrong, no mention of missing board, knocker, completely repo topper and bloody skill posts etc

Shame because it’s a cracking game when playing nice and has been one of my favourites for a long time
Back in the real world ...i cant imagine the original seller will refund the amount. you have to work with what you have
Is this a witch hunt or a sales thread? I never set out to upset anyone with this sale. As Chris said he's bought a machine off me before without any complaints. This machine plays well, it's a vintage machine with facets I could have more carefully detailed but also some of the faults listed here are not fair or true. You maybe right, I maybe naive as I lost money on this, and in this past have been sold some turds on here, but am not going to start throwing mud and naming names, which maybe I should have done. Apart from the skill posts which we discussed privately I stand by this machine, it plays very well. I'm sorry I'm not at Chris B's standards but neither was I on the price. If you don't want it and are not happy about it, eBay it as everyone has written it off on here and it really isn't that bad.
Maybe it would be fair to accept a return at @taz turbo cost at the very least? Hes not happy with the condition.. you seem happy with its condition
then every seller will be thinking is it worth the hassle selling on a forum or should i just sell it of Facebook gumtree or ebay
it's a vintage machine with facets I could have more carefully detailed but also some of the faults listed here are not fair or true.
With due respect, I feel I was ripped off with a £3k Fish Tales bought at retail as a newbie to pinball. It arrived with a switch cover missing on a ramp (unimportant to gameplay), some broken lane guides, the top line of backbox lights not working, some playfield wear and no fish topper. It plays nicely - I think it’s probably worth £2-2.5k.

You believe that a WH2O with wood showing through the playfield, no knocker, four flipper buttons, bare wood showing on the cab, and an entire lighting board missing is worth £1.5k more than my already overpriced FT? Seriously, what are you smoking?
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