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Complete White Water shop - It has ended phew!!!!

Yeah, those suckers aint cheap. The ones on my no fear were around £350.
@newdos that's an interesting (and simple to make) looking rotisserie you've got there... care to show some more pics of it?
As promised here a few close up pics of my very quickly knocked together rotisserie !! Make it to your won dimensions just make sure the dexion angle is long enough to take a std or wide playfield and make sure the upright is longer than half of the length of the dexion, so when vertical it clear the ground!!



Everything is screwed and glued with PVA and I use a nylock on the end of the threaeded bolt to keep it tight - and use big washers to stop it pulling into the timber

Its nice and portable and sits equally on the bench or on my pin trestles as in the shots

PS forgot to say if you have dexion with slots and hole in the fit for the bolt holes will be better when bolting the table to it - mine in these shots only has round holes, but I have a new bit to put on which has slots and holes.
So today made a bit of progress - took me all day to re-build the three pops !!!

Here is a pic of one before


And cut to the chase - all three re-installed looking a tad cleaner!!, as are the spoon switches which I stripped and polished as well !!! Also fitted new lamp holders as well for the pops


Will start on all the targets tomorrow, but for now folks it's beer o'clock !!!

Cheers Kev
That's what we like to see, nice shiny rebuilt pops and switches.
Glad to hear you put new bulb holders in the pops at this stage, it's daft to do all the work and and skip this process.
I hate doing the pops but looks MUCH easier on that rotisserie thingy. Keep those pics coming! :thumbs:
Everyone hates doing pop but it makes a big difference to the game play once they are fast and mega sensitive.
Look on the bright side there are only three and not five like on Addams.
As promised here a few close up pics of my very quickly knocked together rotisserie !! Make it to your won dimensions just make sure the dexion angle is long enough to take a std or wide playfield and make sure the upright is longer than half of the length of the dexion, so when vertical it clear the ground!!

THANK YOU for posting those pics!

Spent the morning out in the workshop, and put together a set of those in under two hours. I just need to go get the slotted angle (dexion) and the nuts/bolts, but I'm pretty sure I know who to go to in town for that.

After seeing all sorts of guys out there with their super-fancy rotisseries, or their full-height ones that they've made out of black pipe, I'd forgotten how bloody simple these things really are... vertical post with the angle iron on it, and enough support to keep it from rocking and falling over in either direction. Simple!
THANK YOU for posting those pics!

Spent the morning out in the workshop, and put together a set of those in under two hours. I just need to go get the slotted angle (dexion) and the nuts/bolts, but I'm pretty sure I know who to go to in town for that.

After seeing all sorts of guys out there with their super-fancy rotisseries, or their full-height ones that they've made out of black pipe, I'd forgotten how bloody simple these things really are... vertical post with the angle iron on it, and enough support to keep it from rocking and falling over in either direction. Simple!
Yep that's what I thought Graham - the only thing it doesn't do is lock in a position, but if you tighten the bolts enough it tales two hands to turn it anyway!!!!

This is my 2nd playfield I have had it on and it works a treat!!!

Then only mod I was going to consider is to put a piece of 10mm copper tub e through the hole where the bolt goes. This way the nuts would tighten onto that rather than the wood(which compresses over time even with big washers) and hopefully never need a re-tighten

Cheers Kev
Todays progress - mainly putting targets and leaf switches back. lots of cleaning but now lots of shiny copper!!!!

Firs pic - slingshot leaf switches before and after.


Next pic shows progress on top of table - note two new green targets fitted - I need two new white ones for big foot as these are wrong colour and knackered. I have the river targets left to do and that's all the targets back on. Note all the nice shiny leaf switches!!!

Question should the big foot targets be like the others ie deep thick square targets or thin flat ones like the duff ones that are in at the moment ?

More to follow

Cheers Kev
Do you think I'm getting a bit anal ? I have even polished all the cable loom stand offs!!!


And that's it for today all targets back in and all stand offs polished and re-fitted

THANK YOU for posting those pics!

Spent the morning out in the workshop, and put together a set of those in under two hours. I just need to go get the slotted angle (dexion) and the nuts/bolts, but I'm pretty sure I know who to go to in town for that.

After seeing all sorts of guys out there with their super-fancy rotisseries, or their full-height ones that they've made out of black pipe, I'd forgotten how bloody simple these things really are... vertical post with the angle iron on it, and enough support to keep it from rocking and falling over in either direction. Simple!

Simple, and great! Personally I think this design is deserving of it's own thread and a sticky. Questions about rotisseries and also things to lift and move pins about come up all the time on here - often with pretty expensive solutions. This is a great low cost design.
Silly q... but what's with the sticker on the PF?
Its a repair patch for the lost mine kickout - a hole was worn in the playfield, which is common on WH2Os. Shame the colours don't exactly match but its a lot better than it was and its been clearcoated over as well.

Simple, and great! Personally I think this design is deserving of it's own thread and a sticky. Questions about rotisseries and also things to lift and move pins about come up all the time on here - often with pretty expensive solutions. This is a great low cost design.
sounds like a good idea to me!!!
@Paul - if you want to do this happy to take more pics with dimensions etc
I just want a rotisserie to p*ss the missus off. Just the sight of one would get 'that' look all day long...haha.
I just want a rotisserie to p*ss the missus off. Just the sight of one would get 'that' look all day long...haha.
like it!!!! I am going to post a shop log of it with some dimensions etc

Didn't do much tonight as it took so long to do - but made a start on the sling mechs - think you can see the difference!!!

I do believe this bad boy is going come up really well when its finished - its just gonna take a very long time!!!!!


How did that song go ?
Dedication, dedication, dedication that what you need, if you want to be the best, if you want to beat the rest.
Then dedication what you need. :clap::clap::clap:
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