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Complete White Water shop - It has ended phew!!!!

How did that song go ?
Dedication, dedication, dedication that what you need, if you want to be the best, if you want to beat the rest.
Then dedication what you need. :clap::clap::clap:
Thanks Daz - Roy Castle if I remember correctly lol!!!!
Flipper rebuild time!!!! a before and after shot


And the pair complete with new coils!!!

The newer, one handed tightening on the pawl grip type too. I hate the older allen bolt style which requires another tool in the mix.

I commend your ability to not put black fingerprints all over the new coil labels. To this day, I still cant manage it.:rofl:
Is that the thing that ends in a flat disc? I will have to get some of those I think. Presumably Andy and Phil both stick them.
Is that the thing that ends in a flat disc? I will have to get some of those I think. Presumably Andy and Phil both stick them.
Yes they do and before anyone spots it I have put one of the coils on the wrong way around Oops!!!!

Will change it tomorrow!!!
Last job for today as took bloody ages!!!! mine kickout

Before - pretty manky!!!

And after installed back on the playfield - bit cleaner!!! Note the down graded coil to help smooth out the exit


I started on this as well and noted that the old bracket has been considerably bent these bracket hold the optos - anyone know why??? the new bracket is behind, old one is in front

Cheers Kev
cuato / kuato totally rocks my world, that video is truly spectacular and i salute that man who made that clip.

right, i'm gonna post a couple of quick memes then i'm off to ebay and elsewhere to buy me a cuato/kuato tshirt, i have decided.

gif baby.gif kuato drive.jpg gif baby.gif
Next the knackered VUK to do. New bracket and all nicely cleaned up and re-installed. Still don't know why the old brackets had the opto mounts bent upwards ????



And After


re-installed but a crap pic!!! but clearcoat looks good !!!!!
Flipper rebuild time!!!! a before and after shot

View attachment 8895

And the pair complete with new coils!!!

View attachment 8896


I see that both flipper assemblies had a Blue (11629) coil. One thing I remember about WhiteWater is that each flipper coil was a different power rating - Blue on lower right, Orange on left side, and Red on the upper flipper. A previous owner/tech must've replaced both lower flipper coils with Blue ones.

I see that both flipper assemblies had a Blue (11629) coil. One thing I remember about WhiteWater is that each flipper coil was a different power rating - Blue on lower right, Orange on left side, and Red on the upper flipper. A previous owner/tech must've replaced both lower flipper coils with Blue ones.
Seen this a few times, my BK has red yellow and blue coils, they are all supposed to be red!. I haven't come across a machine yet that is SUPPOSED to have different coils on lower flippers!.

I see that both flipper assemblies had a Blue (11629) coil. One thing I remember about WhiteWater is that each flipper coil was a different power rating - Blue on lower right, Orange on left side, and Red on the upper flipper. A previous owner/tech must've replaced both lower flipper coils with Blue ones.

Well spotted Jay!!! you are correct, the manual says an orange FL-15411 coil(which I think I have somewhere)
Seen this a few times, my BK has red yellow and blue coils, they are all supposed to be red!. I haven't come across a machine yet that is SUPPOSED to have different coils on lower flippers!.

Kev, I wouldn't think you'd get far on BK 2000 with a Yellow (11753) coil, that was the weakest rating Williams had (it was meant for small flippers, as on Swords of Fury or Addams Family). Another game with different ratings on the main flippers is Creature from Black Lagoon, also like WhiteWater in having the right side Blue and the left Orange.
Cheers David, I have new reds ready to fit. Just double checked, the yellow one is yellow insulation tape :rofl:so no idea what it actually is.
that's pretty much the one i bought, but i wish i'd seen your post before i spent more money for one from the abroads and that's even before i end up adding on ££ for tax and for the PostOffice to deign to deliver it.

of course what i really wanted was this one - here - but £176 plus postage is a bit steep for the cooldan exchequer
I can just see you wearing that Dan.
Wowee! That one from the states is so mine! I'll just use the Halloween blag and say it covers my newly formed man gut too. :thumbs:
Few pics of the remaining major playfield mechs

Before of Ball loader

And after!!

Started today on the mini playfield - here is the old one as is


and underneath - isn't this the flipper coil that really should be on the left hand main playfield flipper !!!! this should be a red FL-11630 coil ????
Its a bit minging as you can see!!!

Big foot Mech stripped and re-built. He's even had his hair washed and teeth brushed!!!!!

All the bits before cleaning

And the bits after


And the finished job

Mini playfield now complete and big foot has his fur stuck back on. New rubbers and a bigfoot plastic too!! Note the cliffy added as well. In the 2nd shot there are 2 holes either side of the ball channel - no idea what these are for has anyone got a clue on here please ????


Match your plastic to that area and I am sure it's a fixing point for the plastic using a stand off.
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