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Whirlwind flasher help

So, whirlwind uses the 'lovely' a/c relay to multiplex 8 coils and 8 flashers with only 8 transistors.

The coil associated with the flashers (4c) you mention is the left lock kickback (4a), so does this work? Do the other 7 ac associated coil/flasher drives work ok?

What happens in test mode?

The manual quotes the transistor for ac set 4 as q24
Hey Jim
Thanks for responding.
Im out and about at the mo but from memory during test the coil fires and the plunger stays out. Pretty sure it all works as it should during game play.

Every other flasher and coil works fine (with the exception of the compass flasher which needs a new bulb holder as the current one has failed)

Assuming that's correct does that help? I'll check everything again tomorrow and report back if different
Ok gang, call off the special forces. I got this one.

Turns out the leg on this little puppy had de soldered itself off the board (R4). Quick bust out of the new soldering iron ( thanks whoever discovered that little bargain on maplin last week)
And we're tickety boo.


Thanks for people's suggestions.
I think there must be a particular species of spider that *love* pinball machines. You do see them all the time , particularly in the backboxes. In fact I get suspicious of any older game that doesn't have an eight legged friend onboard :suspect:
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