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WARNING : Arcade Hub Hull


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Hi all,

Something has come to light this morning with regards to Arcade Hub in Hull.

Long and short of it is that they seem to have allegedly been selling machines that they do not own (in the case that was brought to light here earlier). I have to put "allegedly" here to please the legals in case something comes to light that we arent aware of - however this is what it currently seems.

Digging through their FB posts it seems that they are now closed.....


I would suggest if you have any games, be they Video or Pinball with Lee then you need to retrieve these as soon as possible. In this instance, the machine was "sold" back in April 2022 via an innocent 3rd party on the forum here.

Just A Heads up - The T&C's will change on this site to reflect that the seller MUST BE both the legal owner AND in physical posession of the machine to be able to sell here, if it doesnt already.

Sad news to start the new year to :(

Does this mean members are unable to sell a machine on behalf of someone full stop?
It will, yes.
Seems a bit heavy handed over one incident.
Or has this happened multiple times before.

In my brief time on here there has been some great pins sold by members for friends/family etc.

I fear this ruling will further reduce pins coming into this community.
Seems a bit heavy handed over one incident.
Or has this happened multiple times before.

In my brief time on here there has been some great pins sold by members for friends/family etc.

I fear this ruling will further reduce pins coming into this community.
Interesting - So if there's an issue with someone selling a pin which isnt theirs, the seller could potentially be in legal stickiness as they could sell something that is stolen...especially if selling for a "friend".... Something you would be confortable with?
Unfortunately this isnt the first time this has happened here.... and more than likely not the the last. We are a tight knit community, and probably a safer way than most, however that doesnt mean that we are immune to these practices ( I wish we were!).

When we are talking about very high value items then the "seller" on here would be the person i would be pointing the Police towards if they came to me with a warrant to divulge information about the people involved in the transaction.

Thing is - if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. And anyhow, everyone is welcome here (as long as they follow the rules and laws of the land).
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Seems a bit heavy handed over one incident.
Or has this happened multiple times before.

In my brief time on here there has been some great pins sold by members for friends/family etc.

I fear this ruling will further reduce pins coming into this community.
One incident i could understand but to try and flog someone else's arcade machine as well?
Interesting - So if there's an issue with someone selling a pin which isnt theirs, the seller could potentially be in legal stickiness as they could sell something that is stolen...especially if selling for a "friend".... Something you would be confortable with?
Unfortunately this isnt the first time this has happened here.... and more than likely not the the last. We are a tight knit community, and probably a safer way than most, however that doesnt mean that we are immune to these practices ( I wish we were!).

When we are talking about very high value items then the "seller" on here would be the person i would be pointing the Police towards if they came to me with a warrant to divulge information about the people involved in the transaction.

Thing is - if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. And anyhow, everyone is welcome here (as long as they follow the rules and laws of the land).

One incident i could understand but to try and flog someone else's arcade machine as well?
As I said, if this isn’t an isolated incident.
Then fair enough I totally agree 👍
That's very sad.
As many of you will know I have recently been selling off the collection of Nigel Lunt, who having suffered a stroke was not able to handle the sales and all the associated work himself
This was done with full permission of Nigel, who made a donation to this site for each of the games sold through here.
I think it would be helpful if the new rules allowed some flexibility for this kind of circumstance as otherwise none of these games would have been offered to the community

If the T&C's are yet to change then the games left are Elektra, Skateball, Jungle Lord, Jet Spin, Odds & Evens, Genco Flying Scot , Sega Rally video cab and, possibly, Atari Video Pinball if anyone wants to PM me for details
If the T&C's are already changed my apologies and Paul please delete the above sentence
Maybe the above highlights some circumstances where some flexibility may be needed and could help a pin head in need.
Maybe in circumstances like this a pm to Paul etc before hand or similar.

This isnt meant to penalise those exceptional kind of circumstances - I am more than happy to make a decision on exceptional issues like these where it is unavoidable.... however I am talking about day-day.... :)
(No the T&C's havent changed yet - i will look to do so later tonight).... :)

Interesting - So if there's an issue with someone selling a pin which isnt theirs, the seller could potentially be in legal stickiness as they could sell something that is stolen...especially if selling for a "friend".... Something you would be confortable with?
Unfortunately this isnt the first time this has happened here.... and more than likely not the the last. We are a tight knit community, and probably a safer way than most, however that doesnt mean that we are immune to these practices ( I wish we were!).

When we are talking about very high value items then the "seller" on here would be the person i would be pointing the Police towards if they came to me with a warrant to divulge information about the people involved in the transaction.

Thing is - if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. And anyhow, everyone is welcome here (as long as they follow the rules and laws of the land).
In this particular instance I was not the seller, I did not broker the deal, I merely posted the advert on behalf of Lee and then put the buyer in touch with Lee. As we all know you need to support the site financially to post For Sale adverts. Lee did not have the necessary privileges to place a listing so I offered to do it for him.

More fool me!
In this particular instance I was not the seller, I did not broker the deal, I merely posted the advert on behalf of Lee and then put the buyer in touch with Lee. As we all know you need to support the site financially to post For Sale adverts. Lee did not have the necessary privileges to place a listing so I offered to do it for him.

More fool me!
If i am honest, from my perspective, it;s nothing to do with the site support - it's more to do with potential Legal ramifications to any individuals.

As i have said before, I am just the custodean of the site - However it is my responsability to put in place what i can to protect the members of the site as far as i possibly can...
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Not a criticism Andy, but it does validate the need to be a site supporter before posting a for sale ad. Whether this would have prevented the fraud is another matter. I hope the true owner has reported this to the police as sadly it is a criminal action.
It is in no way Andys fault. I will sort it and he's kindly offered to help. Again it's seriously not his fault. I can't say that enough he is to be 110% trusted. Also Andy don't blame yourself it's not you mate and yes I say you're a mate of mine :)

- Ben

Also to add I'd like to thank the people that have directly contacted me who are also trusted members on here and all also agree with me. Also the pms I've had saying how sad they are. I don't want this to end in a witch hunt anything but I'm just sad I found out tbh
Very disappointing to hear; I was pleased to see the place was going to stay open in the end and not shut down but not if it's by selling off pins and arcade cabs they don't own. Would like to think it's all a large oversight and confusion but doesn't sound like it :(
I am not posting this out of vindictiveness, I really do want to see Arcade Hub doing well but I think people on this forum would appreciate the following information so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to continue to support Arcade Hub Hull.

I gave my time free of charge to Lee Playle to help maintain the pinball machines in Arcade Hub Hull. This involved regular visits, after I had done my day job, of around 2 to 4 hours a week. I bought parts for the machines and invoiced him for those parts at cost. He never once paid his parts bills on time and I would always need to remind him at least twice that I needed paying for the parts I had laid out money for. The last parts bill I gave him before he temporarily closed the arcade I got fed up of asking for payment for and just wrote it off (this one of the reasons I told him I would no longer be helping him out).

I put a request out on this Forum when Lee was starting up the arcade a couple of years back asking if people would be prepared to loan Lee pinball machines whilst he got on his feet and could afford to buy his own. In response to this request Steve at Electric Circus loaned Lee multiple machines over the last couple of years and just before the arcade was closed had 4 machines loaned out to Lee. Steve wanted two of them back. Lee was not responding to Steve’s messages so asked if I could help out. Lee eventually responded to Steve (claiming Steve’s messages were not getting through) but the requested machines were not returned to Steve. Lee sent Steve a message one day saying he was on his way to deliver the machines to him. This never happened. I stepped in and hired a van and took all of Steve’s machines back to him. Lee still owes me £285 for the cost of this.

I posted an advert for Lee on this forum offering a Rocky and Bullwinkle pinball machine for sale (see other post). The machine was bought by a forum member. After the machine was paid for Lee said he would arrange for the machine to be delivered on a pallet. After the buyer had tried to contact Lee a number of times, with no response, when the machine was not delivered, the buyer asked if I would get in touch with Lee. Lee claimed that the delivery company did not turn up when expected. He then claimed on another occasion they turned up with the wrong kind of pallet truck. I went in to the arcade one night to work on the pinball machines and saw Rocky and Bullwinkle wrapped up on a pallet, seemingly ready to go, so I took a photo of it and sent to the buyer to hopefully give some reassurance to him that he would be getting the machine. Buyer responded to me saying the address on the label was not his. I pointed this out to Lee who claimed it had been a mistake by someone who helps him out at the arcade. This was middle of last year. I still, to this day, do not even know if the buyer received the machine but as the machine is no longer in Arcade Hub and the buyer has not contacted me again, I am assuming he has received it.

I was exchanging messages with Ben76 from this group last week as Ben, who had invested in the arcade and has many vids on loan to Lee, was trying to get in touch with Lee but he was not responding so he asked if I could get in touch with Lee. During the course of that conversation it transpired that the Rocky and Bullwinkle was Ben76’s machine and not Lee’s. During that same conversation I also mentioned that Lee had offered to sell me a Juno First arcade machine which he claimed to be his, which he had paid £1,500 for but which he would let me have for £1,300. I declined the offer. Good job as Ben76 informed me that the Juno First was his machine so not Lee’s to sell. When challenged about this Lee said he had made a mistake.

Ben76 has made numerous attempts to contact Lee to make arrangements to retrieve all the machines he has on loan to Arcade Hub and Lee has only responded to one (and in his response gave no indication as to when Ben76 might be able to get his machines back). I know of at least two other individuals on UKVAC who are trying to arrange to collect machines they have on loan to Arcade Hub and Lee is not committing to when they might get them back.

Lee defriended me on FaceBook and on the day he announced the reopening of Arcade Hub sent me a friend request and a text message saying “I’m sorry mate.” He sent me a text message yesterday saying he would pay £300 in to my account once he was back on his feet. I have declined his friend request and have not responded to his text message and do not intend to do so until I know he has returned the machines that have been loaned to him to Ben76 and others I know about.

I know that this might come across as me being vindictive and some might say I should not be airing my dirty laundry in public but I reiterate that I want Lee and Arcade Hub to do well and I am only posting this so that people on this group that have machines loaned to Arcade Hub can make an informed decision as to whether or not they want to continue to support Lee and so that if anyone is considering supporting in the future they are aware of the issues faced by me, Ben76 and others who have supported Lee or had transactions with Lee.
Visited this place last year whilst on route to Tunstall. It looked fairly impressive from its web page with quite a few pin tables in their images. When I got there hardly any of the pin tables where working or had issues. I wasn't in there for more than 10 mins. Definitely wasn't worth the detour.
Visited this place last year whilst on route to Tunstall. It looked fairly impressive from its web page with quite a few pin tables in their images. When I got there hardly any of the pin tables where working or had issues. I wasn't in there for more than 10 mins. Definitely wasn't worth the detour.
With only 2 to 4 hours a week of voluntary time maintenance and minimum “just enough to keep them playable” spend on parts I am not surprised.
Hardly vindictive you're just telling it how it is. I'm surprised the people who's machine's are in there haven't hired a van between them and pulled them?
With only 2 to 4 hours a week of voluntary time maintenance and minimum “just enough to keep them playable” spend on parts I am not surprised.
*Running Arcades is hard.

*If you don't have the tech guy fully employed
Hardly vindictive you're just telling it how it is. I'm surprised the people who's machine's are in there haven't hired a van between them and pulled them?
was thinking this guys lucky he hasnt opened the front door and found a couple of guys standing there with baseball bats yet.
When he does it to the wrong person i guess he will find out.
Surely trying to sell a game you don’t own is a criminal offence?

Mind you it would be hard sometimes to get through to the police how things work on the pinball side of things…

So someone sold a game you own?
Er, yes
And how did they get it?
I, er, lent it to them. I loaded it up into a van and sent it their way.
And what is their name?
Well to be honest I’m not too sure. Possibly Dave. Actually it might have been John.
And how do you know him?
Well, through a forum. I think he was a mate of someone else on there.
And who is this someone else?
Errr, maybe he was also called Dave.
So are these machines cheap?
Err, not exactly. Maybe 5-10 grand on average.
And you said you just randomly lent it out?
Err, well I was running out of space and I didn’t want to sell it.
Ok, I see. And has anything similarly happened before?
Well, I sent 6 grand to a random bloke in America who lived in a trailer park but they promised to send me a Predator machine…
This is a shocking story, I really hope that people get their machines back.

He's a very lucky boy that people haven't pooled resources hired a Luton and some additional help to assist with the 'logistics'.
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