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W?D reels


Jul 21, 2011
Got hold of a W?D and the middle reel has problems. At first I thought it was the motor, but that was all clean, then I thought it was warped but actually it's pretty straight, turns out that it sits great on the motor spindle until the set screw is tightened, at which point it tightens well out of line and fouls the opto. So, I think I have two options:

1. Blob of epoxy on the spindle end holding the reel in place with the set screw loose - not sure this would be reversible and I know these reels are unobtainium

2. File a flat on the spindle for the set screw to hold to - not sure this will work as the plastic is just about strong enough to hold the set screw as it is so it might not change anything, but is a harmless option

3. Give up and pay Andy to fix it

Anybody been through this pain?
Mike, I feel bad about this as it was working fine but you bought it 'fully working'. I'm chatting now to Matt Adams who's had NINE different WhoDunnits now and will let you know his advice. But if all else fails, pay Andy N to fix it and I'll pick up the bill.
I can vouch for how well it played at Dans, odd how it got damaged in the move.
Good luck fixing it and hopefully Tatty Adams will have an answer.
Right, this is what Matt said-

He will probably find that there is a crack in the wheel where the grub screw is that opens up when its tightened. He needs to wedge it open and get some superglue in there and take the wedge out. Had 9 w?d's and its Happened on a few.

I'm glad I wasn't imagining that number 9

Let me know how you get on.
Stuck in London for a couple of days at least now so it'll be Friday at the earliest before I manage to get at this again. There is a crack around the plastic on the grub screw, I suspect forcing it open might break it off but I'll try some superglue either way.

Don't mind fixing stuff, a speaker and a broken cab bolt all add to the overall fun.
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