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UKPinfest 2021 - August 27th, 28th & 29th

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Both hs2s on the floor seemed to have issues, with one totally giving up the ghost yesterday.

The Rh flipper one was also set to five balls and the autoplunger was weak?

I love that game though!
I improved the Launcher with a different coil today
Yeah was there Friday and Saturday.
Big thanks to all the donators, tech crew and of course the organisers. Very much appreciated 👍

My top machines I played:
1. DP - machine was gorgeous - Pro is packed
2. LZ - a great pin - spinners awesome
3. TNA - highly addictive
4. BKSOR - was surprised, I really liked it
Some photos from today.


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The machines maybe the best line up ever, competitions were ran superbly (hats off to all involved), all the streaming and filming were great. But most important, its the people who make Pinfest, was lovely seeing everyone after all this time and meeting several new faces too like @David_Vi , @Lecari and @Gonzo

Big thanks to the whole team who put this amazing event on for us all to enjoy
Great weekend with some incredible machines. Champion Pub, Roadshow & Fathom were pristine, whoever's those were made my whole weekend.

Swords of fury biggest surprise, hugely fun game.

5th in stallball and somehow managed to GC the AFM.

Big thanks to all who run the event!
That Road Show #1 high score got renewed right before it was turned off on closing 😂 not me but Chris (not sure of his forum username!)
I got 937m earlier today (WRD) did someone beat me?

Managed to get my intials on a few other machines today so very pleased. Both BOPs and MB.

Can't get enough of those B/W pins.

Thanks everyone involved, I had a killer weekend!
I got 937m earlier today (WRD) did someone beat me?

Managed to get my intials on a few other machines today so very pleased. Both BOPs and MB.

Can't get enough of those B/W pins.

Thanks everyone involved, I had a killer weekend!

Chris got 1billion at least 😂 I wish i could say it was me... I really wanted to put a score on that Road Show, (as its obviously my favourite game *points at profile pic*). But I was happy to observe the final game of the night of the evening being a high score setter!
Not sure if it's @Chris P ?
Just got home to Devon. Thanks to all that organised & setup Pinfest, and fantastically organised competition too. 😀
Having a great time here in between sorting out my kids who are having fun but no less demanding than usual! Had my first great game on CCC last night, really impressed with it actually which is bad news for my bank balance considering the remake is on the way. First game on WOZ also, which was surprisingly good. SOF was also very good.

Massive thanks also to whoever lugged the beast that is Banzai Run. That can't have been fun to move!! Great though you don't often get a chance to play one of them.
Thank you, I love my Banzai but I hate moving it! Glad you enjoyed WoZ too 😊
Thank you, I love my Banzai but I hate moving it! Glad you enjoyed WoZ too [emoji4]

Was great to see you again Andy it’s been a while! Banzai run was different. I liked woz too but for me a difficult game to master.
My fave game at this years show has to be hot wheels! Really fun game.

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Hey David, great meeting you and having you as support for my effort to give @DanLewell a new challenge to aim for on his RS 😆

I love to see people loving Road Show even when it's not my one😁
Maybe I should have made the most of the last 20minutes and played some games but it was so good to witness the best RS game of the weekend and at closing. Hope @DanLewell is happy with the new target and he doesn't put Ted in an office and gives him a bit of personal time😜
Great to meet you!

Everyone was so friendly! It really meant a lot to me😁
I love to see people loving Road Show even when it's not my one😁
Maybe I should have made the most of the last 20minutes and played some games but it was so good to witness the best RS game of the weekend and at closing. Hope @DanLewell is happy with the new target and he doesn't put Ted in an office and gives him a bit of personal time😜
Great to meet you!

Everyone was so friendly! It really meant a lot to me😁

It was good to meet you both mate 👍
Thanks so much to everyone involved with running Pinfest. Again it was a fleeting visit for me, one day hopefully when my kids are a bit older I'll be able to go back to attending the whole weekend and be involved a bit more. But it was so great to chat to pinheads again and it was clear that this was the best setup ever. Every machine donater, hats off to you, incredible effort. Big Phil and all the NLP guys, Chris B and Matt, Wayne and Paul, all staff at the event, thank you so much
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