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Sold The shadow

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Nice 1 Rude, good luck with finding the new one
I know I know only dithering cuz I'll have to take abit off me credit card.... Fook it if he can wait till I get paid so I can get a van I'll have it
Was going to say are we having bets as to how long before the Shadow is replaced, well didn't even get chance to place a bet. That was quick RD
If you can get a standard body head through the door, you can get a widebody through the door
I can't have to rotate it has to go through 3 doors 2 are realy wide the third is just under 73cm
Bummer. I had my garage door widened for just that reason. Does it not help if you take the door off its hinges?
I know I know only dithering cuz I'll have to take abit off me credit card.... Fook it if he can wait till I get paid so I can get a van I'll have it

A wise decision Rudi. It's a top title with loads going on and reckon it's worth the 'little extra'.
Not a done deal yet all dependant on it fitting through the door

Had this problem at the old house. Tabletop on castors (self-built) with rope handle to pull. Machine down horizontal on top, back-box up and twist as you pull it through. Job done.
Seize the day, that's the spirit!

I was after a shadow and just missed out on one by hesitating... So just do it.

I've given mine lots of attention and tweaking over the last 10months, feel free to ask and I'll help if I can - as will other TZ owners, and the haters.
I'm with you at the minute John pretty happy on the beer.
Great choice of machine there Rudi. If the Shadow went in then TZ will also.

John, I still have a Sega Rally and a Daytona 2 for sale, do your magic dude there's commission in it for you.
I'm with you at the minute John pretty happy on the beer.
Great choice of machine there Rudi. If the Shadow went in then TZ will also.

John, I still have a Sega Rally and a Daytona 2 for sale, do your magic dude there's commission in it for you.

Yeah comes in around 25 inches so would fit fine

Thought you shifted them 2 ages ago Daz
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