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Sold The shadow

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I'd agree. The Shadow's on my list but you're too far away for me to take a look in person and see if it's worth the price tag. If it was cheaper it'd be a slightly easier punt. I'm also aware there was another on here for £300 less, but do not know the condition, so if you feel this is the right price then hold your ground for the right buyer. One thing i am personally learning with all this pinball stuff; patience really is a virtue. Wait for the right game, in the right location, in the right condition (that you want) for the right price. It might not happen when you want it to, but I'm sure there is a Shadow buyer who fits this bill just around the corner.

RE: The normal decal wrinkling under the legs which is hidden by protectors I made.

...are these not screen printed cabinets then? I thought you'd only redecal'd the backbox?
I'd agree. The Shadow's on my list but you're too far away for me to take a look in person and see if it's worth the price tag. If it was cheaper it'd be a slightly easier punt. I'm also aware there was another on here for £300 less, but do not know the condition, so if you feel this is the right price then hold your ground for the right buyer. One thing i am personally learning with all this pinball stuff; patience really is a virtue. Wait for the right game, in the right location, in the right condition (that you want) for the right price. It might not happen when you want it to, but I'm sure there is a Shadow buyer who fits this bill just around the corner.

RE: The normal decal wrinkling under the legs which is hidden by protectors I made.

...are these not screen printed cabinets then? I thought you'd only redecal'd the backbox?

Mines in a lot better condition for a start hence why it's cheaper. No the cabs arnt screen printed and only the back box decals are available sadly. And I totally forgot all the wireforms I had gold plated not that it makes much difference but it looks nice. My location does seem to turn a lot if people off sadly
It's a real sweet machine, I gave it a close inspection at the Slam and was quite taken by it.
Like what's already been said it's priced at the top end for a Shadow so you will have to wait for a sale. Bring the price down a couple of hundred and you will be fighting them off. It's your choice. I know you want the sale but you will be waiting a while till it goes at your price, good luck in which ever way you go but if you want the top price the sit and wait. Bumps will not make it go any faster price drop will.
You could always ebay it and see what it makes on the open market, that is one sure fire way to find what it's worth and potentially get a sale (I say potentially as nothing is a cert apart from death and taxes) good luck with your sale, any potential buyers should know that they will get what it says on the tin and that counts for a lot in this day and age ;)
Wasn't having ago. Surprised noones even made a low ball offer had 3 enquiries but didn't come to anything. Depressing when you see ones last mins on here. Tbh I'd prefer a trade that way I don't have money in my pocket that I'll spend on non pinball stuff
Rudi, I'll give you back what you paid plus a drink for polishing it up! :thumbs:

If you fancy a different game, i'll trade you another Bally/Williams DMD game.
So if you do get the cash sale Rudi, what's in your sights ?

And any higher end games that are abit tatty but cheap lol

Like taf, tz, ij, lotr (pushing my luck I know worth a try).

I'd consider other machines there's just so many
Why not check out the Flintstones Chris Brim is selling.
Great game and while you are enjoying that save up for your next
Don't overlook some of the hidden gems in the pinball world.
I did think about that one but didn't really click with me at the slam. The way the ball goes around the apron is kinda cool tho
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