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Sold The Shadow - £1400 [Price dropped]

Ross Hamilton

Mar 4, 2016
At my desk
EDIT 21/Oct/2016 - price drop to £1,400 based on the comments received below.

Hi everyone,

I've decided to bite the bullet and offer up one of my favourites that I really love but my burgeoning overdraft is just coveting its locked-in value too much!

Shadow - good player, all the rings are there although one is broken and held together with tape. The GI illumination is still traditional incandescents, but most of the inserts have been replaced with bright LEDs which may not be to everyone's taste but I think it's the best illuminated Shadow I have ever seen. If you don't like LEDs though I'm perfectly happy to swap them all out for incandescent bulbs before you take it, although I wouldn't change the asking price (£50 worth of LEDs would be offset by the £50 of my time doing the swap!)

It has suffered over the years from bad wear on the playfield above the Sanctum magnet which is currently repaired with high strength wood filler but not re-painted. I do have a decal with the Sanctum text ready to stick over it, but the background colour would need re-painting first. I'm not the best at doing these things well though, so I'm going to leave it to the next owner.

There are some pictures here... I'm perfectly happy to take more (with the glass off and no bad reflections!) if anyone is seriously interested... https://goo.gl/photos/wy3GCZooJqJXUAmf9 - or just come and have a look.

I'm expecting this to go fast - when I suggested I might sell it earlier in the year I had about a dozen enquiries. I'll be messaging all those people to say it is definitely for sale now.

I'm based in Lincolnshire - LN13 0ET
The machine is housed upstairs but I can get help moving it down.

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I'm interested but have less than zero room at the moment.
Have always wanted a shadow, but they always seem to come up when i've no room or no money....
Price looks reasonable to me. Usual wear on the Sanctum but nothing that couldn't be put right if someone wanted to take the time to do it.

Always tempted by machines especially when they're so local to me; but given i've still got R&B to fix up and Christmas is looming, and oh, we're saving to move house in 2017 then I guess I have to sit on my hands.

Good luck with the sale though.
I reckon the price would be ok with the repair done. A bit like my ft. Nobody is interested at the price when work is still required. Try dropping it to £1400.

It's been a funny old year for selling pins. Stuff is hanging around for a while. Unless you're giving it away
Shadow is a great player. In the late 90s both pinball heaven and the real pinball paradise (owner now sadly deceased) both said it was the best wpc era game.
Shadow is a great player. In the late 90s both pinball heaven and the real pinball paradise (owner now sadly deceased) both said it was the best wpc era game.
And Ivan's telling us all how good Popeye is.
Tomato Twomarto.
Phil and Bob both have lousy taste.
It's always shocked/suprised me how cheap Shadows are, I would never sell mine, it's such an awesome game

Don't! You're making me regret it before it even goes :)
To be honest, I regret nearly every game I ever sell, although to date I've only ever bought a replacement once (Flash Gordon). Shadow was for years one that I would never consider selling, but right now the only way I can raise enough cash to get past a few crises at home is to sell one or two that I really don't want to say goodbye to. Ho hum.

The only game I was really glad to see the back of was Eight Ball Deluxe. Ghastly game, it hated me, broke down all the time, never gave me a satisfying game. I still see the same machine from time to time, apparently it is so much happier in its new home that it condescends to let me enjoy playing it occasionally!
and i sold that one to ian for £1250 i am also shocked just how little these go for has not gone up much in the last 10 years great first game although not really my cup of tea but great bank for your buck game
The theme, sound, playfield art, speaker panel art, tranny art, callouts are all weak _ hence the price

But the gameplay, mini pf , flow, loops, use of side flipper, phurba ramp diverters, wizard mode are top notch.
I think it's not a game that appeals to newbies. Poor theme, uninspired art and a really confusing layout for new players. However, once you know what you're doing it's a great game. Never owned one yet but it's on my future list
the film is so bad it's good

I'm sorry but what specifically is bad about the film? it is an adaptation of 5 shadow radio plays and does an excellent job of those. The pin is possibly the best adaptation of a film done (with maybe the exception of LOTR).
everything is awesome on The Shadow - sounds, dots, appearance, gameplay, scoring, variety, difficulty, everything.

the sun is shining.....
"Anyone for Peking Duck?"
ah, the Secret Laugh Mode, i'd forgotten all about that. when you get that and start multiball, it becomes a truly fandabidozee splendiferous pinballic scenario.

Oh and while I'm rating about how good the pin is, I'm also gonna agree with Phil that the film was also excellent. The ancient temple, the blue flower that had hallucinogenic properties, the phurba that came alive, the whole package really. Anything with Tim Curry is it is brill in my book ..... and Alec Baldwin knocked it out of the park, just as he did in Beetlejuice and more recently on SNL playing Donald Trump - if any of you haven't yet watched this, you're in for a treat:

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Watched all the SNL clips. Really funny. Here's a few more.

Sorry to derail your thread..

TS has some great modes. Laughing mode is pretty cool. Tough game with plenty of shots..
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was just going to post the alternative translite is so much better !! but beaten to it.....it makes it so much cooler,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pm sent danny by the way
Love mine, agree the alternate translite is definitely needed also LED's.
Made it to final battle once and been one shot away twice, felt like burning it both times that happened but that's what keeps bringing me back for more! :)
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