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Thank You.

A big thank you to @Nedreud for making one of these plates for my machine too! View attachment 17846
Just ordered another piece of the other steel sheet (1.5mm Bright Shiny Stainless Steel), only 99p posted for a 125x125mm offcut! Will get another 2 cover plates cut from it on the the CNC. I think on balance I prefer the 1.5mm bright to the 1.2mm mirror polished, but whichever you prefer @astyy it means you'll have a spare.
Big thanks to @JMP and his family for hosting the league meet today, was a blast to be at. Also thanks to @replicas for running the BBQ and @David Dutton for running the league this season, has been great fun to take part in.

Really not sure about that Hot Shots machine though :rofl:
Big thanks to @JMP and his family for hosting the league meet today, was a blast to be at. Also thanks to @replicas for running the BBQ and @David Dutton for running the league this season, has been great fun to take part in.

Plus one for that, a great meet and good to see all the usual faces, good to see Wez again too.
Did feel a little sorry for JMP with having to move after getting everything just right with the pin shack but like he said, "life is too short". I hope your move goes well and everything works out just how you want it. A proper good guy and wish you all the very best. Proper rain too!:)
Big thanks to Dean (Fintan Stack) for putting up with me and my crazy 7 year old last Friday. Was great to see you mate and play your cabs, a massive thanks and I owe you a big favour for the special gift you let me have too!
Massive thanks to @Davey D for doing a lovely paint job on my Rocky & Bullwinkle cabinet.

It looks brill and i've no doubt it will look even more awesome once the custom decals are applied.

Now the fun really starts :)
Thanks to @Carl Spiby for organising and running the Arcade Club league meet today, played just like any other and the turnout for the very first one was promising.
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A huge thanks to Julian for hosting the UKLSE meet yesterday. An awesome collection of games in great condition and top nosh as well!
Just to second Matt's thanks to Julian for opening his house and games collection to us this weekend. It's much appreciated:thumbs:
Thanks to @Carl Spiby for organising and running the Arcade Club league meet today, played just like any other and the turnout for the very first one was promising.

Aye, Thanks to Carl for organising and Andy for hosting. It was good fun, despite my sub-par performance :)

Apologies to my league partner on the day (Dave? Dunno if he's on here) who suggested a 10 min break at one point only for me to go on a rampage on a newly-installed 1942 cab...
Huge thanks to @astyy for picking me up some small crinkle washers and very kindly sending them to me. He wouldn't even let me pay for them so instead i'll try to pay it forward and do some good deeds for others.

I'll be sticking them behind the PCB screws when I come to refit them, just to make sure they're nicely secured and hopefully less prone to coming loose from vibration (something which I know is unlikely, but still nice to have a little extra protection in place).
A big thank you to @Mooseman for replacing the U20 on my High speed 2 with his wizard soldering skills after I ground shorted it after replacing a bulb from the underside with the machine on........ I won't do it again (although in my defence the bulb swap went ok, it was what whatever I touched when I screwed the holder back to the playfield!).
My number 1 pinball pal! (is that too much love?)
A big thank you to @Mooseman for replacing the U20 on my High speed 2 with his wizard soldering skills after I ground shorted it after replacing a bulb from the underside with the machine on........ I won't do it again (although in my defence the bulb swap went ok, it was what whatever I touched when I screwed the holder back to the playfield!).
My number 1 pinball pal! (is that too much love?)
Yes, its to much, its sounding sexual now.
A big thank you to @Mooseman for replacing the U20 on my High speed 2 with his wizard soldering skills after I ground shorted it after replacing a bulb from the underside with the machine on........ I won't do it again (although in my defence the bulb swap went ok, it was what whatever I touched when I screwed the holder back to the playfield!).
My number 1 pinball pal! (is that too much love?)
Thanks to @chris b . He very kindly gave me a number of spares for my funhouse, tightened the rivet in some loose plastics and gave really good advice of refurbing my game. The combination of him and @ronsplooter advising me to leave my mylar well alone is conclusive.

Oh, and i had a really unusual cup of (french ?) orange tea

Very much appreciated
Thanks Aaron for arranging and paying upfront for the non reflective glass, picked mine up last night and it is great! Was surprised to hear how many people are yet to get in touch with him. If anyone is not now in a position take their sheets, just let him know as there is a waiting list for any spares!
a big :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: thank you to matt adams the left hand flipper base arrived today
and no charge.
and also dave at capcom for looking for one
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Thanks Aaron for arranging and paying upfront for the non reflective glass, picked mine up last night and it is great! Was surprised to hear how many people are yet to get in touch with him. If anyone is not now in a position take their sheets, just let him know as there is a waiting list for any spares!

Ditto on this - Thanks for bringing mine to the Party and organising the shipment in the first place @aaronhicksuk

Also, thanks to @pinballmania for correctly diagnosing the fault on my FT within 5 seconds of me describing it to him.
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