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Swavesey 2013 - who's in ?

Just a quick one to say thanks to Mr Squires for organising the gig. Although I put in a meagre appearance, it was nice to see familiar faces and meet new ones. Finally got to meet Mr Splooter and TV's Will Barber. Thanks to Will for very generously allowing his new pride and joy to be played all weekend. It's thanks to generosity like that which allows people to experience new games.

I really enjoyed playing the older games among them. Flash Gordon, not sure whose that was but it was a fine example. Hot wheels and Farfalla. It's really fuelled my fire to want to own an early 80's Bally/ Zacc game.

Thanks again and hopefully see you all at Daventry.

Just got back from a weekend at Swavesey. Awesome show as always with great people :) Big thanks to Sir Squires for organising, Stormy for running the comp, everyone who brought a game or helped out with the show. Special thanks to TV's Will Barber for bringing Metallica along and letting us all play it, nice one mate :)
Yep not long back - another fun Swavesey. Cheers to Sir Squires as always. Great to see some Pinballinfo faces, hang out, talk pin stuff... Ronsplooter, Gaz Shiells, Teachp8 /Mark.

Great to see the Zacc Hot Wheels project that I sold to Keith back in Feb all fully working - looked and played great :cool: And always fun to have a sesh on Night Moves, nice to see my 2 year old 12 mill high scores still stands :D

Oh and despite having no space in the shack (I'll deal with that tomorrow) I couldn't resist bringing back IJ ....cheers Stan ;) Have fun with Dirty Harry.
Great weekend and big thanks to everyone who made it happen! Such a chilled, happy atmosphere - the sun always shines in Swavesey.
Another stormin' Swavesey, surely the best meet of the year, all the normal reprobates and the a few new one's. :)
thanks to TV's Wil Barber for letting me rinse his Metallica LMB indeed. not much sleep and plenty of beer. you just can't go wrong,
new coasters on Dirty Barry already. you won't recognise it when it returns GRIZZZ.
TV's Wil Barber for letting me rinse his Metallica LMB indeed.

Wicked weekend as always thanks to Mark and all the organisers and helpers, love the Swavesy vibe. Nice to catch up with some old faces and some new ones, who's names I will forget , my ability to recognise people and remember names appears to be getting worse, wife thinks i should photo people and add the name so i can flick through on the phone so as to not appear rude , the effects of the 90's rave scene is clearly raising its ugly head :( although saying that Stan still lives, but then he is a bit like Keith Richards ;)

Lick My Balls Barber lol such a wa@ker stan that score took me ages to get you total slag, and I knew i should have set the score setting to 3 letters.

Thanks to Sir Squires and stan for pimping up the mettalica, nice one for David stepping in with the curry run when we found out my car had no MOT for the past two months and I have never seen Stormy Nick jump out of a car so fast and throw the keys at me, which I later lost :mad: ... Cheers to Griz for the bed , cheers To Mark for the lift back in the evening, Gary for the translight ..... matt for one cheesy chip :) hope that if the pub does get sold, that Mark can convince the owners to keep it going... however I would think that if anyone buys that pub the pool table area and that back room will be chock full of tables , to feed the masses who demand triple fried jenga chips o_O

Glad everyone enjoyed the Metallica , nice to see people enjoying your toy's

Cheers Bitches

Awesome weekend, thoroughly enjoyed it. Big thanks to Mark and others involved in organising it all. Great machines too...especially jealous of the Joker Poker em which I have a soft spot for!
Does anyone know if I won the high score comp on Farfalla? Or did somebody else manage to beat it after I had left?

Cheers, Craig
Great event, didn't get to visit for very long in the end (just missed Metallica :() but still had a great time. Thanks to all the organisers and people who brought machines!
Does anyone know if I won the high score comp on Farfalla? Or did somebody else manage to beat it after I had left?

Cheers, Craig

Yes you did Craig. I saw Mark with yr prize and post it with yr number and told him you had left. Guess he will try and contact you - or give him a shout on UKPinball ....not sure he looks on here.
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